Who would win in a fight?
>100kg man
>30kg pic related
How fit would you have to be to kick it's ass?
Who would win in a fight?
>100kg man
>30kg pic related
How fit would you have to be to kick it's ass?
a panther? if it gets the jump on you I'm pretty sure it's claws are sharp enough to just spill your guts and shred your arteries
Tigers hunt fucking bears in Russia, you have no chance in a fist fight against a big cat.
Jaguars are capable of piercing turtle shells and crocodile skulls with one bite. They are much more muscular than any human will ever be and proportionally around 5 times stronger. There isn't a human on earth who is taking on one.
Just OHP that cunt
Humans have the capacity to construct and use tools. A guy with a spear will win if he's skilled. A guy with a gun will probably win even if he isn't. Animals are unterspecies.
>Try to grab the panther to OHP
>It swipes you across the face
>You lift it over your head
>It wriggles free and pulls you apart
Great plan user
Just give me a goddamn stick, bud.
There are a very very few stories of a man fighting off and killing big cats. The man always had a weapon, big knife / spear whatever.
Bare hands - no chance
Who would win, a big 130 ripped dude, or a 60kg skinny dude, but with far superior reflexes, speed, agility, a knife in each hand and a knife in its mouth (which he can use very good btw)
the skinny dude.
>A guy with a spear will win if he's skilled. A guy with a gun will probably win even if he isn't.
The skinny dude is also much stronger.
>but with far superior reflexes, speed, agility, a knife in each hand and a knife in its mouth (which he can use very good btw)
are you mentally challenged?
big cats have claws, and teeth. You dont get the reference?
Also, the skinny dude would probably lose vs a big cat ;)
True. Ha except maybe that football player who claimed he could kill a wolf with his bare hands on Twitter?
I'm pretty sure I could take its back and strangle it
Lol, I'd just side step as it came for me, and once I'm behind it it's all over.
>thinking real life works like animes and jrpgs
It really depends on who has the high ground.
Not large ones, maybe the occasional sloth bear. A grizzly or brown would fuck it up. They have very strong bones, and are incredibly strong. In recorded fights between bears and big cats, the bear had to hit it just once to break it's bones.
Why is this board so obsessed when fighting deadly animals when you faggots couldn't even beat another human in a fist fight.
Pic related, another animal who spends its life in combat instead of dreaming about one day being in it
dont project your pacifist life on to me homo
theres proof too, circuses used to make grizzlies fight lions and the grizzlies would crush the lion's head in one blow, like, it would destroy its skull
Just fight the panther like u fight a dog, throw a bag or one of your arms for it to hook on with its mouth, then you smash it with whatever free arm/leg you have as it is teeth is still hooked on you.
>just fight one species like you would a completely different species
Cats typically strike first with their claws, and almost always from the side or behind.
>30kg pic related
That's a fucking cub.
a 30kg panther would be a little one, very much alike a big house cat.
They do hunt brown bears, when they shoot them they frequently find brown bear meat in their guts.
They are ambush predators, they don't walk up and challenge it to a fist fight. They hit it with 600 lbs of muscle in the back of the neck, and if the bear doesnt doe they run off and wait for another shot. Bears flee tiger territory because even if they are too big to kill the idea of getting suckerpunched unnerves them.
>Average house cat is maybe 10 lbs
A big panther would mess anything up except the bigger panther... That bigger panther would mess everything up except the panther thats bigger than the bigger panther.
The panther that's bigger than the bigger panter would be a joke for lets say a panther thats bigger than the panther that is bigger than the panter that is smaller than the before-mentioned panther.
You aren't strangling a neck as thick as your fucking head.
I did karata as a kid. I'd just judo chop it's neck to render it unconscious
Stop posting anytime
100 shit skins couldnt do shit against it. They had it in a corner and still done nothing
>wrigles free
Just chalk up first brah
Hearing all this shit about leopards, panthers, tigers. How is it even fair they exist? They're OP, need to be nerfed
Art imitates reality
I personally feel confident about taking a 30 kg panther, I'm 6'4, 220lbs with 2/3/4/5 lifts, and I also actively train in MMA and beatboxing, a good punt in the ribcage from me would definitely knock out the cat.
>the avg house cat in america is also overweight
I don't know bout you but I fight a wide variety of large cats on a daily
>once I'm behind it it's all over
>*teleports behind you*
A tiger can weight literally ten times as much as a jaguar, retard
its because theyre carnivores unlike humans, who are largely herbivorous like deer. we can eat meat, like deer, but it was never naturally a staple to our diet which is why we are so soft and squishy and useless at wrestling. even most herbivores can fuck us up, horses can kick a human to death in 1 hit. we aren't super predators like some people seem to think. inb4 tools, what do you toolfags think humanity ate before we evolved the intelligence to make tools?
My fucking sides.
Why not, the trachea is near the front just like yours, get your elbow under the chin and you win
Cats are successful on 9/10 attempts. It would stalk you for 12 hours before jumping on your back and slashing your throat in 0.5 seconds
>what is an omnivore
Dude, you are legit fucking autistic. I think what you should do is finish up your primary school degree before coming back to fit.
Use left arm as a shield,say goodbye to said arm cause he'll probably fuck it up pretty good and shred it.Meanwhile gouge the eyes out of this fucker and bite him with all my might.Elbow his skull also.
Yeah,one might survive given the right circumstances.Not unscathed though,that would be impossible,you're probably guaranteed to lose a leg or an arm in there.
Humans chased deer until they died of heat stroke because >no sweat glands
you guys are fucking delusional.
>we can eat meat, like deer
>we aren't super predators like some people seem to think. inb4 tools
Right and big cats aren't super predators if you remove their teeth and claws. They'd get the shit kicked out of them by a zebra or gored by a buffalo
At least I'm not a pussy who would just give up and die if a cat jumped me
Did you even read what I said? omnivores are much different from clear herbivores like deer and humans, although the line between the dietary types isnt as black and white as you learned in high school biology. if humans were omnivores we'd have developed some sort of adaptation to kill things early in our evolution. we were maybe light scavengers at best, and even Thats stretching it since we dont like rotten meat. scavengers do.
>hes never seen a video of a deer eating meat
Good job getting your forearm into its mouth but it still has four other limbs with razor sharp claws
human wouldn't have a chance unless it was injured/sick
If there's cover and the fight is staged in a large area, you'd basically wander around and then feel a sharp pain in the nape of your neck, and then it'd be lights out, or if you were unlucky you'd remain conscious and your spinal cord wouldn't be severed so that you could feel it bunny kicking the shit out of you until your guts flew out of your abdominal cavity
If you were in a cage or something, it'd basically be the same story except you'd probably get painfully clawed/bitten a several times as you attempted to fend it off and temporarily keep it away from your throat
Because its easier to relate to animals
>Rocks did not exist until humans invented them
Why do you think even untrained humans can throw so well. And why do think we have the best endurance of all animals
I didn't say it would work or that i'd live,this was merely what i would attempt to do.
And i want to emphasize the "attempt" here
But we also have a survival instinct you know,when the adrenaline kicks in,given enough strength from training and experience from fighting one MIGHT survive.
>It would stalk you for 12 hours
If this is true then it gives humans a major advantage.
A fit human has more endurance than a Panther. If you keep going for 12hrs, the animal will fall behind.
then we ripped them open with our soft nails and dull teeth? lol ok
More likely beat their skull in with blunt rocks and sliced their cut open with a jagged rob
they cant. and we aren't lol, source?
Our incisors were enough for the job, also we had rocks
then died of 10 diseases from the raw meat we werent supposed to consume. also there would have been a point where humans wouldn't have been intelligent enough to use tools like rocks. chimps rarely do. they rip the animals open because they are able to do that with teeth and bare hands unlike people.
we did. we developed sweat glands which allowed us to pursue prey until it dropped dead from exhaustion
do you honestly think your incisors are sharp? there's a reason leather is so popular for being tough and strong.
Its possible for humans to win, humans are comparatively pretty strong and most animals don't deal with punches too well. Hell the general strategy for when you get attacked by a panther is to beat the crap out of it
>? there's a reason leather is so popular for being tough and strong.
So I can't injure a cow with my nails? Screw off.
most prey is much much quicker than we are. try throwing a rock at a deer, see how long you can keep it in your vision.
There was never a point where consuming raw meat was a problem and we werent smart enough to use tools at the same time. The ability to cook meat was what gave us the mental capacity to create tools. Previous to that, uncooked meat was a normal part of our diet.
what is tracking
also, i would struggle with this more than a prehistoric hominid because i hardly ever run and when i do my survival isn't at stake
>be ogg
>throw rock at deer
>it gets hurt and runs off
>follow tracks at a steady jogging pace
>find it again
>throw a new rock
>repeat a bit longer
>deer much slower and weaker do to rock hits and running
>tackle and eat the fuck out of it
Humans are no more succeptible to diseases from raw flesh than other meat eaters other than carrions. Raw flesh is safe if it's fresh, unless the animal was already infected with a human communicable disease before it died. We cook meat to allow us to store and transport it, and for taste.
You admit yourself that even other primates use tools, and yet you cannot fathom that paleolithic man could pick up a rock?
Human teeth aren't sharp, but out incisors are hard enough and our jaws strong enough to rend hide easily.
Consuming raw, fresh meat is still not a problem, we just think it's gross.
Except a Panther is much faster than you
>deep in the tropical rainforest
>hunting my prey, the black panther, as it hunts me, just a man and his katana
>while he has his strength and speed and razor sharp claws, I have my razor sharp mind and a blade to match
>surely this beast is no match for Japanese cold-pressed steel (folded 10000 times) and a protective leather trenchcoat with its sleeves removed
>I've been training four years for this under the guidance of Sensei Ripple-san
Not for 12 hours. A fit human can even outpace a horse on that time scale. Of couse, that's assuming you knew the panther was stalking you, abd thus knew to keep moving, but you probably wouldn't
Nah dude it would start stalking you when you start setting up camp for the night, then sit there till 4 in the morning and kill you in your sleep.
Dude the panther knows where you are, this isn't you chasing it. This is it chasing you, you are atleast in vision of it.
Well I'm 6'5 230 and I can rep 3/4/5/6 and I train UFC and do breakdancing on weekends and I feel confident that a good flick of the wrist would set that cat straight.
You don't have to be that fit to kill a panther. Just use your gun. You DO have a gun, right Veeky Forums?
>befren tiger
>win w/ frenship
good cat
Forget about a panther, a human without a weapon would pretty much lose to any carnivore half it’s size. Pic related, would fuck up a human.
Panther is strong enough to lift a 200kg crocodile up a 30 foot tree
>thinking that having superior reflexes, fighting experience, agility, and weapons only gives you an advantage in animes and JRPGs
>I also actively train in MMA and beatboxing
best cross-discipline synergy ever wow
be amazed
well an adult human in a situation where a man and Cougar have a fair fight man wins most of the time. Jaguar cant be that much different. stealth changes the equation
Let's make this more interesting:
>30 kg jaguar
>Brock Lesnar in full plate armor
The jaguar gets the first move. Lesnar has no weapons, only his fists.
without a doubt, these faggots who dont know animals probably think a cheetah would kill a large fit man
either trolling or retarded.
1 thats a leopard, not a jaguar, and leopards lift gazelles, and if you look at the mechanics its only mildly impressive.
thats stealth, for instance the leopard hunts baboons during the night, but during the day the same 30 KG baboon and two friends will kill a leopard during the day. you can look up videos of leopards running from them
I used to think me - but then I got a massif and raised her from a pup. We would wrestle around, and now she's 140 lbs and I'm 215 lbs but she is honestly ridiculously strong, I can lift her up but she can literally fucking tackle me.
What the fuck is that? An angry possum?