Buy new gaming rig

>Buy new gaming rig
>1070 / 8600k
>Don't play any games
>Just focusing on my gains

Is this a curse?

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Why upgrade bruh?

I got my rig from '11, not gonna do anything with it. Tbh I haven't played since summer either, so.

I had a old prebuild gtx 750/ i5 4000~ something

And you can't upgrade it, so I just built myself one.

At least you've got a computer that's good for having multiple tabs of Veeky Forums open.

>tfw no RPG that integrates your actual lifting numbers and running ability into strength and endurance
>no intelligence or wisdom tests
>not getting a 0 charisma because of real life autism

I built it myself. I notice now if I'm going for the mid/high range specs like I did, I'd spend almost double what I payed back then. To me, that's not worth it.

>1070 / 8600k
what does this mean?

evga gtx 1070 ftw


>build pc from scraps
>so i can study for uni
>set everything up
>it does not work anymore
Y does this always happen to me in every aspect of my life?

I'll take it off your hands
It's used so I'll do half the original price

Stick your finger in the power supply

Check if you actually used the small screws that lift the motherboard to prevent contact with the case, if you screw it directly then it is shorting because it is touching the metal and is cutting power to protect it because you fucked up.

OR you blew your PSU. Also check the amps your PSU gives, some hardware requires more which simply a cheap PSU can't give so is not enough, every connector has different amps, this is more relevant in graphics cards though, is not just the wattage that matters

Have you tried overclocking the 8600k yet?

Fuck I know this feel
I would buy a new game a 30 minutes in I would turn it off out of boredom. I don’t know what happened.

>not getting a Vive and getting some cardio while playing
You're missing out, Veeky Forumsizen.
Ignore the screaming retard, though.

Haven't yet, finished building / install windows last night

That guys voice makes me want to kill myself.

But that does sound like a fun idea.

Made a budget crap on Kaby Lake and 1050ti just so I can play GTAV. Should have bought gainers or roids instead.

Fuck windows, install Linux. These days installing Ubuntu is less of a headache than Windows 10

graphic card/processor

Im pretty much the same. Was recently dumped from a 3 year relationship had to sell my old rig to bridge the move to a new part of town. First paycheck i bought a gtx170 r5 1600 itx system and a gym membership. Pretty much turned it on 5 times in the last 3 months and went to the gym everyday.
Granted I was never much of a gamer and ill need it for my music/film making project when I pick up that hobby again.
Id say unless you have 4 hours a day free after work gym cooking and socializing there is next to no point in building a gaming system.

It means he is stupid and wasted his money. He also probably lies.

just go buy a used laptop you dont need a good computer to study

Then you learn about KVM and GPU-passthrough, gaming in a VM has never been more fun