Is he right Veeky Forums?
Is he right Veeky Forums?
when normies mean "fat men" the have this kind of fuckers in mind, not you.
Why do people do that disgusting shit to their ear? Like I won't even comment on the fact that he ruined his body with tattoos but the ear crap is so unnecessary its not even "cool".
no, not at all. he is just as bad as a fat woman
fuck no. Some women are lucky because when they gain weight they get thicc , though of course this depends on genetics. When men get fat they just get guts and man boobs
However all fat people are disgusting
Fat dudes have it worse than fat women. At least women have support groups and networks of people who care. Fat dudes are just lonely fucks forced to play the funny guy role because they'll never be noticed any other way. They feel like shit, are made fun of just as often, and are never taken seriously. There's a reason why guys like Chris Chan and boogie are such lolcows constantly tormented with almost no support. Because fat guys are the easiest targets there are. At least most people feel bad making fun of a fat chick, nobody feels bad making fun of a fat dude.
>Used to be fattie
>Make a joke now
>Person takes it offensively now
It's not fair.
Black fatties are more respectable than fat whites for some reason.
Yeah but if you're a guy nobody gives a fuck if you're offended. Women are defended by big cuck brother
Fat men
>man boobs
>low testosterone
>dick gets swallowed by fat
>rounded face looks more feminine
>can only really do doggy style
>no stamina
Fat girls
>everywhere feels like tits
Because making fun of black people at any length is determined as racism by the masses of mouthbreathing fucks in the USA.
are you a virgin or just a fat fetishist?
real tits don't feel like formless flab
He'd be right to hang himself
are you kidding me? nobody likes fat men. meanwhile like 50% of all men have a fat fetish now.
Nah i mean it's more normal to see a fat black with a hot chick than a fat white guy
Fat girls
>everywhere literally feels like death
I don’t know about his life so it would be speculation if I say a reason
This is epitome of manliness. Non-toxic and extremely welcoming, I love it.
Fat guys can at least make up for it with money.
because he's a faggot, the mental illness is all part of the package
If you're rich you have no fucking reason to be fat
>feel bad making fun of a fat chick
lol who? no remorse for hambeasts, no matter the gender
They'll bully you and everyone will laugh and then you mutter nigger under your breathe . I get it , I get it
>anime avatar
Fat men are just as disgusting
I'm a chubby chaser, but there's not much chasing. It's just... "gotcha"
>Chris Chan
yea no try again sweetheart
I'd argue the opposite.
If you use your wealth to pursue a decadent lifestyle then you will likely let yourself go.
He's still a guy, he possesses literally no feminine contours anywhere on his body. Even if he tries pushing up his fat burger tits. To be trans you at least have to pass.
Normal people aren't at your autist level
>Fat people
>Ever acceptable
normal people behaviors are not something you should follow, they allow fat people to exist in the first place
Wasted trips user
I'm not even autistic, /fph/ has just ascended me to a new level of hatred
>guts avatar
Makes me more angry than anything else desu