Progress thread? Post your progress, criticize others for your own self satisfaction.
Also, can anyone give me a body fat % estimate? I wanted to drop down to visible abs then bulk for a few months.
Stats: 280 to 190, about 9 months. 6'4
Progress thread? Post your progress, criticize others for your own self satisfaction.
Also, can anyone give me a body fat % estimate? I wanted to drop down to visible abs then bulk for a few months.
Stats: 280 to 190, about 9 months. 6'4
how the fuck could this fat bastard have a slim face and mantits while I have a fit body and still get occasionally a double chin. Fuck genetics
>That tatoo
Solid progress though
If it makes you feel better, I look much worse in person.
tattoo was a mistake
You look way better, body fat % don't really matter now just focus on making gains now and eat food.
I'd predict 20% bf. I also predict you spend more time working chest than anything else.
>Gets fit
>Gets tattoo
Why are you so basic
You look good though. are you Finnish?
Why bother wearing CK when you're so fat. They look like they're being sucked into a black hole.
3 month cut
Obviously still >25% bf
and shave for gods sake
If true it's impressive. Give measurements for before and after please.
I wonder how long something like pic related would take? I remember saving this from Plebbit some time ago and now I can't find the original post anymore
Great job!
~15-20% time to bulk soon. Just do it slow and clean as former fatty :)
Nice chest genetics!
Maybe A year If you know What you are doing.
Pic me, about A year Lean 30lbs gained.
Went from 245 to 175 its depressing I ever let myself get like that
Shit homie good job on the weight, skin and hair
God damn, you're so attractive now
10/10 would breed with your genes.
Too bad about the whole ginger thing
lowkey mirin
Good progress, you have ten times more face definition
Thanks user, ill take the ego boost
Being a ginger isn't bad atleast for me i have a decent amount of lady attention that just comes from girl being into redhair
major face gains, well done
shave, but looking much better
well done but that tattoo will haunt you forever
Hottest ginger Ive seen in a long time. Lets see if your face is much better user?
Looking good, just shave those degenerate face-pubes
You are so handsome that I would even be too nervous talking to your fatter version.
holy shit user, I remember when you posted your first progress pic, congrats bro you're steadily making it.
You have DSL
God, that "beard" looks awful. Shave that shit off. Other than that, good job not being a fat sack of shit anymore.
>lose 40 pounds
>become anorexic
>face still is fat.
>with clothes on I look normal
>with tight clothes on I look like a skeleton that stole someone else's face
The stealth is nice but man am I jealous of your face
Found this from Faggit. 6 months he claims. Mirin hard.
left is 2 summers ago. 240 lbs
right is a full year of cutting down to 164
right is a pic from the other day, bulked up to 195 at 6'1
weight before and after?
>being this insecure
he makes great progress and you attack his hair/skin color?
you're such a loser
Is there a big facial aesthetics difference from 20% bodyfat to 10%?
>taking anything posted here seriously
Found the autist
6' 150-165lbs about 6mo progress.
whats your ab routine my dude
wow you got some great symmetry with your abs
well done brother
dis. mirin ab gains homie
8 months in...I can wear medium and small shirts now instead of large and XL.
Gonna eat more and try to put on some muscle mass in a few months when i'm done shedding this fat.
>that pathetic monty python tattoo
lmfao I bet you're an atheist and you like ricky gervais too.
How the fuck can you be so skinny and still have child birthing hips? Transition already soyboy.
if this isn't a troll picture, see a therapist
you have very bad eating habits, in 8 months you gained 0 muscle
oh shit
get on steroids and train lats, its the only way
Jesus Christ not this guy again
You legitimately have the worst body I’ve ever seen
There’s literally no hope for you unless you start using tren
START BULKING YESTERDAY. Holy shit you are already low as fucking bf with not much muscle mass. You have wide as fuck hips and you need a huge uper body to compensate for that.
there's so many things about this image
also, poast routines
Are you Jewish by any chance?
Mirin your frame bro. Bulk up with some actual muscle mass and I bet you'd look amazing ripped
I've been eating 1500 calories/day, shooting for ~100g protein/day. Diet is literally fruit for breakfast, and chicken, brown rice and vegetables with assorted spices for my other meals, along with a protein shake at some point during the day.
I do a variation of OCB's ppl with extra isolation work (im the not ginger one btw)
mate. SS + GOMAD unironically.
jesus christ what have you done
you're not gonna gain much muscle and lose fat at the same time with any traditional diet
lol perfect body but from what you can see that face is JUST tier
sorry bro
Hey, look, OP is a dead ringer for David Bowie in right pic! Noice m9
Have you been lifting at all in that period of time?
More Proton, get at least 150g a day. Don't eat too much fruit, it's nature's candy.
>was 300 pounds (5'10)
>didn't take any before pics because I didn't believe in myself and having them around would be depressing
>now down to 211
I shoulda taken the fucken pics. Although I'm still a fat DYEL
If the guy pictured does that routine and is not on gear this will be my routine forever.
he's definitely on steroids, but its still a great routine.
What are the easiest protein sources that aren't shakes or chicken? Will a can of tuna every day kill me?
Mostly calisthenics 5 days/week, with some barbell and dumbbell stuff too. Typical upper body day constists of pushups, curls, pullups, chinups, bent over rows, and bench.
Should've stayed fat, what are you even doing nigger.
How do you guys stick to a diet/routine? I can never get myself to keep going.
at least this soy boy is 6'1", instantly superior to any manlets in this thread
You became anorexic and look worse?
Me at 6’2 @ 224lbs on October 5th
Me 3 days ago @ 182 lighting is inconsistent and too flattering
Am I the only one who sees the resemblance? What the fuck breh where are you from?
Oh my god , my body looks like he when he was fat. IS THIS MY FUTURE IS IT EVEN WORTH LIFTING
nice job buddy
why would you willingly drop below 150# at 6'1"?
>tfw mom and 2 older sisters have wide as fuck hips
>one sister has hips a mile wide
>currently losing weight, afraid I'll have big hips
Thankfully I've got super fucking broad shoulders, am 6'2" and built like a gorilla.
Yea, cause that bro didn't actually lift, or consume protein by the looks of it.
this is roughly 320 pounds
He needs to just lift and get a healthy back it will lessen the hips being so fucked looking
this is roughly ~185
plz no bully. I know I should look better I just struggle heavily with my diet
Loose skin sucks but i bet you feel 100 times better.
186 cm
90 kg
DL 115 kg
Squat 100 kg
OHP 50 kg
Bench 70 kg
Power clean 70 kg
4 month SS, didn't lift before SS at all but was always generally big
I just want to know if this is an alright progress if I started with baby tier weights, mostly in 40 kg range. Also I want to ask about what exercises is it okay to do every day in the morning? Do you think doing bicep curls and push-ups etc. would help my arms which are way behind my legs (which I honestly expected an I am okay with but soon I want to get off the SS and start a program that aims for hypertrophy more.)
Look fine , good progress , see what you can do about the excess skin though , it’s fucking you
Eat more and lift heavier , your upper body is under developed
There's no difference and I can still see your dick.
try water fasting while you still have some fat to lose - I heard it fucks with your bodies sources of protein and can chew up the excess skin for use elswhere
might be bullshit but its worth a try, right?
nice job blurring your dick in the last panel fag
It's whatever I guess. the loose skin sucks but there's nothing I can do. I hope my boobs and stomach shrink more as I keep cutting
i've kind of already accepted the fact that no women will ever love me because of how I look with my loose skin so I'm ready to be a wealthy man with multiple dogs when I graduate uni
I've come down from 100 - 73kg; how many more kgs do you guys think until i have a flat stomach ?
what the fuck is with you freaks taking pictures naked