Best aesthetic routine for mtfs

is the science settled yet?

1xF rope pulldown

Good genetics

Sorry white bois you will always have no ass

okay but for real tho

I'm being serious

Cardio and anything that focuses on lower body

Genetics play a huge part in this as they do in everything

If you are taller or a lanklet you will have an easier time being thin but you will be scrawny af, hrt will help with fat redistribution but it will only do so much

Also if you are too tall don't even bother, also if you have a long face don't bother as well just be a cute boy instead

Post your bare feet and ill tell you.

Try this dietary Supplement

I have a great ass thank you very much

kill yourself no one will ever love you

I'll take, false advertising for 500, Alex.

What’s a mtf?

Why are there so many posts on here about traps and tranys

It’s real, I can confirm

Migraine to feelin' good.

>board full of compensating insecure pussies
>wonders why trannies are among them

false advertising meaning you said you have a good ass but it isn’t good

It is good tho


We're vain people with body image issues that want to work hard to change it to an ideal we have in our mind and some of the hardercore of us take crazy drugs and sex hormones to help max out with that.

I learned to pin estradiol valerate from /fraud/. Thanks, /fraud/

1xF eating bullets

your endo gives you IM estradiol??

also this is a great thread but it needs more fitness talk. let's talk fitness, everyone!

what IS the best routine for a trans girl to be doing? bro split?

use the gender neutral restroom to change. don't bother showering until you get home. if you respond to HRT like I did chances are you don't even really sweat no matter how hard you exert yourself

do the same cardio+glute exercises that all the basic bitch stacies and cardio bunnies do for that thin waist and round ass

most of the common fitness knowledge is the same and doesn't really warrant its own transhealth thread imo.

onions are a meme and no match for T blockers so enjoy them like a normal person

your test will go up some, but I'm pretty sure that's necessary for the exercise to be doing anything at all, even in biological women. I did just happen to get blood work done after hitting the gym and my endo noticed and said "Your T looks a little high... have you been taking your spiro?". For ref it was 172ng/dl which is still lower than the lowest buzzfeed tryguy. Compared to before I was working out it was somewhere around 50ng/dl

multivitamins are bullshit for either sex but even if they weren't a women's multivitamin only differs from unisex or men's vitamins in iron content, which is something that people who donate blood or menstruate need to worry about and we do neither.

>people who donate blood or menstruate need to worry about and we do neither.
yeah it's so dumb they won't let us donate blood. i'd donate plasma just to pay for my tattoos but the clinic turns me away wtf