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Mixed or double over?

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>Breaking your thumbs

It's not like i lift enough to tear my bicep tendon, but I always do double overhand because I'm paranoid

yeah, oly lifters all have broken thumbs right?

hookgrip >strap > mixed

How do I stop the bar from
a) rolling
b) my fucking hands burning from lifting metal bars

Wouldn't the hook just be so your thumb is positioned correctly for a clean? Why would you hook if just doing deads?

Step 1: grow some balls
Step 2: lose the vagina

I think you mean:
Hook > Strap > Double Over > Mixed

Depends where it's rolling. You might not be moving it in a straight line. Also you'll develop calluses and get stronger grip, but you could be holding it in the wrong position, watch Mark Rippetoes video on calluses. Also do more grip work (pulldowns, deadhangs). Watch AlphaDestiny's video on grip.

if your grip is slipping your course of action is:
1) train grip, likely you need to strengthen your forearms anyway
2) Mixed grip (make sure you lock out)
3) add chalk to mixed grip
4) Double overhand with straps

Hook grip doesn't have a place in your form if you're not going to flip the bar around onto your shoulders, it's literally so that your thumbs don't catch it on the way back.

oh and you better not use straps until you're a fucking beast because you probably really need to strengthen grip and also everyone will think you're a pussy.

>Hook > Strap > Double Over > Mixed
yes. I'm neutral with double over, if you can actually hold the weight, why not... I couldn't hold too much weight with double over.

start using hookgrip with low weight. if you switch to hookgrip lifting heavy weights straightaway it will probably hurt.
see, 330kg with hookgrip, you just have to "train" your grip a lot, but it is possible.

Neutral hands at sides.


Mixed grip if you're not autistic and you want to lift more.

Hook grip if you want to lift more and you are either afraid of tearing a bicep because you are not natural/pull like a retard/already tore one, you twist to the point where it interferes with your deadlift with mixed grip, or you're autistic.

>caring what other people think about you
never going to make it

I added that at the end as a joke you autist

my max deadlift is 3 plates right now. When should i switch to hook grip. People tell me after 405.

the patrician choice:

conventional, double
follow to the ground


you posted a webm with mixed grip my man

That's mixed. Nice lift though, that girl is THICC

Guys is it okay to deadlift with straps every time if I do some wrist work afterwards? I know I'm a pussy but I don't want to do mixed grip and I can do hookgrip without pain but I don't feel as powerful doing it because I can't really squeeze the bar.

you can do all the mixed you want, just keep your arms straight. I regularly train in the 565-595 range with no problems whatsoever, no straps, nothing but a belt.

nope. just try not to use straps until your heaviest sets, if you use them for every dl your grip will never improve.

gripping a heavy dl >>>>>>>> wrist work

yeah I didn't notice that until after I posted. I still am more of a fan of double for myself

Better grip. So you dont have to use mixed

Im the same. I can hold two plates more than I can deadlift, not sure why, so I just do double overhand.