Abuse and lifters

I have a question for you all. How many of you who lift seriously/a lot have been abused or have some type of physical related trauma in your lives previously. I’ve been thinking and I’ve kinda realized that a lot of people I know/heard of who lift were bullied/harassed/abused. I heard a interview from pic related where he said his dad was abusive to him and his mom and that might be why he lifts so obsessively. I had a friend who said basically he lifted because his dad was abusive as well and he put him in his place. I had an ex who lifts and I know she was bullied a lot when she was younger. I lift a lot too and I was bullied and sexually harassed when I was young.

Just curios to see the responses out there.

Or maybe it has something to do with his football career.
Hindsight is 20/20 and if we try to drive by psychoanalyze other people and ourselves we're always going to find a sequence of events that seems to make causal sense. unfortunately, often just being able to stitch a narrative in our heads doesn't make it true.

I'm not saying his abuse had nothing or everything or something to do with his lifting, I'm just saying it might not have and it's an ultimately useless statement.

That being said, lifting is a good way to manage stress. I've never been abused but I'm very stressed and lifting helps.

Oh I know that I might be seeing patterns where there are none. I just mainly posted cause it was on my mind about how autistic I am about lifting so I thought about why and such and got curious about what answers I would get.

Can relate, used to be obese and got bullied a lot, especially by a certain group of girls. At home dad would always make comments about my weight. Tired of my life, i lost 70lbs. After a bit i decided i wanted to bulk. Been lifting very seriously ever since.

>Brother has aspergers and was bullied his whole life
>Was never strong enough to protect him
>Raped by my girlfriend when I was young

Lifting has always been a way for me to take control of something in my life, and constantly make progress at something despite what might be happening in the rest of my life.

Anyone alive has been harassed or bullied or abused... it is only a question of degrees. People on the Right prefer to respond with self-responsibility. People on the Left just embrace victimhood status. For example, a sane person would say, “I was pulled over by a cop for speeding and he was very mean to me... next time I try not speed in this area. It sucks that he was a dick to me, but no one said he had to be nice. If I didn’t break the law it wouldn’t be an issue.”

A person the Left would just start whining on some left echo chamber about how the ticket was unjust (even though they were speeding) due to the fact that the officer targeted them for being _____. The officer being mean reinforces this assumption, but in truth it wouldn’t matter because they’d lie about it anyway. The ticket will be a badge of honor as it will elevate their victim status. They will mention it often. They will talk about how scared they are in certain situations. Also, they will attribute the experience to all police rather than the guy that wrote them up.

I see this in the school system too. Some kids get bullied - and ignore it, or fight back if it gets out of hand, but they function. Other kids run to the office about anything. I do mean anything. They are addicted to the victim status. They thrive on the attention. They will start shit in a sly way... hard to prove... and then sit back waiting for the blowback with their phones recording. They cry on que.

So basically, I don’t thing abuse, bullying and hardship dictate outcome. It is all mindset. Some people are born to be victims, and some will never be a victim no matter what happens to them.

Weird that your worldview puts you in a position of moral superiority to everyone that's not you.
I'm with you on all your points but jesus man you make the right sound like a bunch of idiots. Go read first things or the american conservative or something. gtfo off of Veeky Forums for a little bit and then try to express yourself.

I've dodged the bully train well. I was short and fat all up until 17 but I never got bullied much, maybe three times in 5 years that I actually remember and each time I kinda showed them up. Nothing violent or whatever, I just happened to be able to think quickly and respond well.

Anyway, my mum also called me fat every now and then, and my brother did alllllllllll the fucking time.
I didn't care for it because I knew I was, but my mum was an alcoholic to the point where she is still alive but has so many health problems, including a brain haemorrhage, that we cant talk for more than half an hour before she repeats herself because she doesn't remember.
Can barely string a sentence together either.
She's about one step away from being a vegetable.

I lift because I'd rather die than turn out the same way as her. I love her, but it fucking disgusts me to know people can let themselves go so god damn much and not bother to change. She didn't even have to work, dad earns enough to support us all, but rather than chase a goal she'd drink herself into oblivion and pass out by 1:30 in the afternoon every day. She meant well she was just a shit cunt of a person.
So I lift to be the best I can, and to be honest I can't imagine a legitimate reason why anyone WOULDN'T want to be the best version of themselves. Every excuse is usually a total load of shit.

My brother is 4 years older and super driven and successful too. We both are, but because he's older he got all the attention first. At family meets and shit everyone would want to know how he was going with life then they'd kinda be like ohhhh yeah what about you user? How's uh...school?
They didn't care and I didnt blame them, but I didn't like how they pretended to give a shit when they weren't Interested. So I guess there's also a bit of a competitive "gotta beat that mother fucker for once"
Side to my lifting too.

Yeah nah pretty messed up aye thanks op

I mean I agree with you on the political mindset but I don’t think all that abuse stuff is necessarily true. Some people are legit victims. The way they react is up to them. I mean sometimes people deserve it and lord knows I deserved what I got sometimes, but other times it’s 100% underserved.

For example. I was growing a wig for cancer when I was in middle school. Some bitch threw a huge wad of gum in it and I turned around and said “what the fuck, why did you do that?” And then I got fucking scratched in the face by her and told to turn the fuck back around.

Now granted I was a different person back then, some girl did that to me today and I’d break her arm. But the point is that shit really has an effect on people down the line. That was far from the first time where abuse like that happened to me. Not everyone deserves that shit and it’s harmful.

I mean I got the last laugh cause my old bullies are all either, poor, have kids, or have been to jail. But my overall point is that shit is harmful and people do things to cope sometimes. I feel like lifting is one of my main coping mechanisms that I still hold onto from that time.

real talk, who doesn't want to feel up terry crewes

No abuse, lifting and development are just things i love

I’m not saying people don’t get victimized... my point is that some people internalize it. They BECOME “victims” as part of their identity. Others are victimized, and they know it - they don’t ignore it, but it doesn’t dictate their lives.

For example. I am black and I have experienced actual racism. Happens online a bunch too. Still, if I don’t get a promotion at work, or get picked first for kickball - I don’t assume it is because of racism. I take personal responsibility and step up my game. This has gotten me far. I left one job because I felt my color was a dead end, but I never mentioned it. I don’t burn my bridges. I got a better opportunity and went after it.

I have been pulled over by a cop that actually laughed at me when I told him I was on my way to work. Do I think all cops are like that? Am I going to join BLM? Fuck no. My half brother is a cop. I’ll take a cop over some thug POS like mike brown anyway of the week.

I don’t know what to tell you. I just think being a victim at one time makes you a “victim” only you can do that.

you sound like a great
guy user.
i hope you have a really good life.

I go to the gym and lift to escape from home and be alone for a while.

I was raised to be a huge pussy, was told to always tattle and never use violence to defend myself. Once at age 14 I was at summer camp and a kid punched me in the face, I ran to the adults and they rolled their eyes and said they'd take care of it (they did nothing). Years later I reflected on the times I was bullied, that punch, the times I tattled on kids and the adults were disgusted with me, and realized I was a walking vagina.

No relation to my obsessive lifting though, right? ...right?

Been humiliated by stranger people all my life for being too skinny. If someone sees that you're unable to defend yourself, they just don't respect you at all.

Been humiliated by stranger people all my life for being too skinny. If someone sees that you're unable to defend yourself, they just don't respect you at all.
Bulked up a bit and can intimdate betas sometimes, but still clueless on how to fight.

>raped by my girlfriend

Ohhh I understand your point much better now. Naw your 100% right. Some people never escape that victim mindset. Hell I know people who live in that mindset.

he didnt even mention himself in this, this is not making himself morally superior to everyone else. Lots of people do not complain whenever something bad happens to them and they instead try to improve.

Donut balls, is that you?

Yeah y’all have a good night too. I’m going for the 8 hours tonight.

At first glance you assume the gym rat is the alpha, cool, "chad" type of guy that was playing football in high school and crushing beer.

In reality the people who gravitate to the gym are people who never really had a hobby, didn't play sports, lacked confidence growing up, probably had a troubled upbringing.

Well adjusted healthy people aren't in the gym every day, counting macros, masking their insecurities with muscles. They are playing basketball with their social group once a week and jogging Monday and Wednesday morning.

Working out is something you can control, you can control everything about your body. Someone who has been abused turns to working out as something they can control when other scenarios in their life were out of their control.

Some of the most empty minded, unsalvagable and damaged people work out alongside you day in and day out I guarantee it. Yes I know this isn't the case for everybody and I would not clump myself into the group I'm describing, lots of people working out daily are completely healthy and well adjusted.

story time user

I've been raped twice (by women, not fags thank the gods), stabbed 6 times between 2 occasions, shot at, robbed at gunpoint, jumped by 14 people, jumped by 5 people, had a price on my head 3 times, witnessed people being tortured to death, watched close friends die, gotten drugged and kidnapped and to top it off I was severely beaten my whole childhood.
Had a messy/abrupt exit from organized crime and got into lifting so if someone gets sent after me I can kill them with my bare hands.
Not even kidding

>putting old cigarettes into cupholder
what third world shithole are you from?

I bought the car in pic related for $300 and it didn't come with an ash tray

The more plausible explanation is pretty obvious if you're up on modern psychology studies: positive emotion is the result of progress towards a goal. The gym is one of the only IRL environments where one can take a goal, follow a plan, and achieve it through visceral actions. The neurochemical rewards, combined with increases in strength and aesthetics, are like heroin, ESPECIALLY to someone who doesn't feel a similar sense of progress towards a goal outside of the gym. The world is a chaotic, confusing place that often cares little for our plans, but the gym is like a video game where our avatar can quest (dopamine), level up (serotonin), and repeat as long as he is able. To normies the gym feels good. To those crushed by the world, the gym is what the world should have always been, their Great Happiness Space.

>Raped by my girlfriend

You can't be raped by women. Rape is by law something that men do to women (forcible/coerced sexual penetration, anything but PIV is sodomy, and "made to penetrate" is not the same as "penetration"). At best you were sexually assaulted/battered.

Is this what you tell the little boys you stick your fingers into?

Actually rape is just a sexual act without consent, it's not gender specific.

>Woke up to whale riding me
>Not consensual
>Awful feels abound

Fuck off lawyer fag

>dad was a highly aggressive, ex-military SOF alcoholic
>walked out of my life in no uncertain terms when I was 10 or 11
>i grew resentful and completely emotionally sheltered
>became typical meek, auschwitz-mode kid in middle school
>hardly any male friends who weren't socially outcast themselves
>internalized betaness as part of my identity

We calculated our BMIs in 7th grade science and I hid my worksheet from my classmates because I measured 17.1. I remember girls telling me hugging me felt like hugging a skeleton. Even throughout high school I was a skinny kid, although thankfully I got my shit at least somewhat together (and caught up in height).

That's the psychoanalytic perspective of why I started lifting. Mainly, I think I just lift because I want to look good, because I want to be strong, and because I deteriorate mentally if I stop challenging myself physically. But I'm sure my past steers my actions and desires in the present at least somewhat.

I had a girl insist on having sex with me, literally would not let me say no to her when I was a freshman in high school, but I had already been lifting for sports