Do you get distracted by pretty girls at the gym? Have you ever approached a girl at the gym?
Do you get distracted by pretty girls at the gym? Have you ever approached a girl at the gym?
No, they approach me.
when they're thicc and legit hot, yes.
married so no
No they approach me
women are the reason i flunked out of college theyre too damn hot
Women are hot as at my gym it's fucked. Really hard to not be a creep.
They catch me looking a lot but I don't act on it because they are there to work out and so am I. It's a place of self improvement, not a place to pick up.
Clubs and bars and shit exist for the latter, and if I don't pick up from there then it's my own fault.
Distracted all the time.
What am i? A fuckin autist? I do what any normal person would do and go home and jerk off to the thought of them. I'm there to lift weights not flirt
I lift at a hospital gym, mate. There are no women
I glance at them just to get their attention so that they stare at me and try to gaze at me when im in the middle of a set but I definitely notice it and I use it to boost my ego to send myself to new heights
>Do you get distracted by pretty girls at the gym?
no but I'll try to covertly look between sets for minor test boost
>Have you ever approached a girl at the gym?
absolutely not, autism is real
there are no girls at my gym
I used to be distracted but now everytime I see a pretty girl wearing skin tight clothing I think of Jesus and the word 'abomination' enters my head and I look away knowing if that I look for too long god will make me a faggot reprobate.
It is true.
Pretty girls improve my workouts. My gym is normietier so Im pretty much the strongest guy there and whenever I do 200kg DLs and 3pl8 squats I hype myself up by imagining them mirin. (I know theyre not mirin - dont worry guys)
i'd AMRAP here BRAPPhole
what do you mean distracted? I like having some nice scenery between my sets
>Do you get distracted by pretty girls at the gym?
i'm getting pretty good at completely ignoring them
no, when qts start training next to me or somewhere I can see them, I get into pilot mode, and just lift while staring at the nothingness.
yes i approach pretty girls all the time. I just dont make eye contact and continue to walk past them.
i do large, sweeping loops around the gym pretending not to notice anyone hoping no one notices me
Never been "distracted" but there was a time I was doing leg press next to a chick who was nearing her last few reps. She was using every ounce of energy to get those last few to the point she had to start wailing. I didn't know what to do
this, am i a beta for ignoring them or an alpha for not giving them the attention?
Oh look, it's this fucking thread again
I make it a point to not work out near them if there's another available spot somewhere else. Can't let them think I'm sitting next to them on purpose and that I'm interested In them...even though I just glance from far away imagining the next 6 months of our lives together
>this, am i a beta for ignoring them or an alpha for not giving them the attention?
I don't know. In my case i think my stares are perceived as creepy as fuck, so i stopped for that reason.
Let them play their little games and think that you care when you truly don't. Also all of them are terrible fucks.
>they're gone now,,,, but,,,,,
Used to be a woman and her daughter would show up around 10AM (about the time I would be leaving),,, and Mom would be in normal workout clothes for a female ---- tights but a shirt long enough to cover her butt, fuzzy socks, sometimes a long tanktop/vest....
However.... her daughter (legal age in USA) would wear shorts the size of a cocktail napkin painted on and a skintight spandex blouse.
Every time. I mean, that's what I heard.
however this one time a cardiobunny with a decent body smiled at me when she noticed me glancing at her. Felt good.
Distracted. I have been. But not in the way of ooh look at that girl. More or less of, I'm working out, why are you staring me down or trying to engage in something? In my case, if I look at girls, sometimes they either want to hold eye contact, or they get super awkward, perhaps shy? There's a few that just don't care but eh.
On the other hand, I have approached a girl at the gym as well; to ask if she was using the cable machine she was next to. She said no and just stared at me for like 10-15 seconds after. I just looked in the mirror and did my workout. I don't mind co-ed gyms but sometimes the extra attention isn't exactly necessary. Oh well.
Sometimes, but then her DYEL bf is always around the corner. Proceed to ignore after.
>Approaching a girl
To ask to work in. They take too damn long doing their meme exercises.
>looking at women
never gonna make it
I have a home gym.
When I did go to the gym in my mid 20s I was the youngest person there by a matter of about 3 decades, except for the super qt sign-in girl, but she was just there for the job and never came back to use any of the equipment or anything.
4d chess in anons mind here
Completely ignore them, I don't want no case user. Sometimes I wish I could find an guy only gym so I wouldn't get accused of 'harassing' some dumb grill because I looked at her general direction.
>Do you get distracted by pretty girls?
user, I'm pretty sure every single strait male alive gets distracted by pretty girls.
But for my gym, it really doesn't help that each squat racks is positioned a yard behind a deadlift platform, and some even double up with another rack a yard behind the original.
Sometimes I have to beat my head against the bar a bit before I squat to purge any unclean thoughts from my mind.
>tfw the nice man that built the gym put the cardio machines facing asswards to the dumbbell area
Pretty much the only reason I still go to the gym
If you are handsome it makes you alpha. If you are unattractive it makes you beta.
Same as everything else in life.
No, in my gym any decently hot girl is drowning in attention from gymbro white knights so approaching them is impossible without being cockblocked all the time. It's much easier to talk with same girls in coffee shops as their ego isn't on attention overload.
>Do you get distracted by pretty girls at the gym?
Sometimes when they blatantly attention whore to get my attention. I usually don't pay any attention to them and that makes them try more and more desperate ways to get me notice them. And when I get distracted, I'm not thinking "oh wow, I would love to smash that, damn" but "what the fuck, what the fuck, why is this bitch pushing her ass so close to me in the middle of my set?"
>Have you ever approached a girl at the gym?
thanks for the advice user
I'm PR chasing every workout so I can't be distracted or I fail.