>A 140-pound man with a healthy body should be able to curl approximately 70 pounds on a barbell as his one-rep max and 35 pounds on a dumbbell as his one-rep max.
Well, Veeky Forums?
>A 140-pound man with a healthy body should be able to curl approximately 70 pounds on a barbell as his one-rep max and 35 pounds on a dumbbell as his one-rep max.
Well, Veeky Forums?
>140-pound man
>Healthy body
>1rm curls
Ez pz
where did you get this stat from? curious, not criticizing
Yep, can do.
>tfw was 5'9" and 135 pounds at age 18
>140-pound man
I dunno if there's a major difference between preacher and barbell curls, but I used to do 65lbs preacher curls for reps when I was 16 and 120. This stat sounds low.
>one rep max curling
Enjoy your bicep tear, retard.
I am a 160 lbs lanket and i can curl 70 lbs with one arm good form
>one-rep max
Also, I weigh 140 lbs and those weights are my upper limits for doing curls (5-8 reps), so you might be onto something OP. So I guess it's 0.5x bodyweight for barbells and 0.25x bodyweight for dumbbells?
I weigh 130 and am healthy. What's the problem?
>tearing biceps when you got a 1rm of 30 kg
not gonna happen lad
If it's someone's one rep max, it will be hazardous to them. It doesn't matter what the weight is.
no thats not true, nobody is going to tear a ligament or muscle at that weight
I don't what OP is calculating, but if someone's max effort 1 rep curl was ~30kg, they would be a twig or a manlet. Therefore, it would be hazardous to them.
Granted I'm a literal DYEL, I can't lift my 20lbs dumbbells while doing curls.
think about what you said.
For some, that weight may be light. But for others, it's way above what they can do. For example:
>I'm sure Rippetoe thinks, to himself, that a 2pl8 squat is babby tier. Imagine him writing in Starting Strength to put 2pl8s on right away, some nigga would pull an RGIII. Normies are weaker than you think, ofc they're gonna tear a bicep
No they're not. Tendons improve slowly, much more slowly than muscles.
The weight lifted by a guy who's trained for a year will be ~2x that of an average normie, but his tendons are only slightly stronger.
If you curl 30 kg, you basically don't lift, which means your muscles and tendons are pretty much at their natural untrained state, which means (bar funky shit like getting your shit twisted up) you won't tear a tendon.
I'm a 145 pound DYEL and I can curl 70lbs for 8 reps. I am a manlet before you ask
I literally can't be bothered to attempt a 1rm for curls
Literally can't be bothered to curl
Tris won't grow for shit but my biceps are like
this is one of the most bro science things ive ever heard
I think I was like a 170 Ibs skinny fat 16 year old when I started curling 35 Ibs dumbells
Well he's using a vocaliod to avatar fag, so it's most likely a fucking trap
144 6’0 male here
Can do that for 5 reps
Sauce? How does being able to do a couple reps of 65 lb dumbbell curls while weighing 190 stack up?
Hit 40KG EZ Curl for 5 today, form was good; no cheating or rocking and elbows by side. I weigh 100KG
yeah that sounds easy enough
i'm about that weight because i'm short and i preacher curl 80 for 8 reps
I'm a little under 140, 5'11 and i can curl more then that for reps.