user's first time on /plg/ edition.
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Seems accurate.
Once again in for Benching the Monolith
answer me this, wankers
Get a job, child
>sheiko kinda thing
just do whatever you want lad
Can I do RDLs with a herniated disc?
Please serious replies. I can't deadlift so I need some sort of alternative so I'm not complete weak after a few months of rehab
>tfw really weak rotator cuffs
Holy fuck does anybody have this
do your chins and vertical pressing, faggot
if you can keep your spine neutral.
Get clearance from therapist.
>get random boner during lockout of snatch grip DL
>bar rests on top of it, flex kegels and lightly shrug to make it seem like my dick is lifting the weight for cheap keks in the mirror
>wife walks in (homegym)
>unironically mires and winks before leaving again
I have set very unrealistic expectations I believe
Imma do 100+ banded external rotations every day
I was getting more burn in my rotator cuffs than biceps when i was doing curls
How can you even tell you have weak rotator cuffs?
reminder that this is how high the bar pops off my shoulders at the top of a clean
Fake athletes out
Remember guys
actually im not sure i need a PT but im not sure if my insurance covers it
I get constant "pain" in my rear delts. I don't know how to describe it but when I flex my rear delt it feels orgasmic in a painful way
also get pinching in my pecs when I bench
Is texas method a bad program? Another user said its better to do the bridge but it looks quite complicated for a brainlet. I don't know what to do really anymore. My squat is novice. Just started back from a injury and other lifts seems pathetic
Tips for deadliftts with someone with t-rex arms & long legs. Already do sumo but it still looks like I'm doing sumo stiff-legged deadlifts as my body is almost parallel to the floor before the bar even moves.
anybody interested in the Singapore Open PL with gnome people lifting babbyweights?
jesus they whitelight all squats at parallel wtf.
so much for IPF affiliation
Can I use rack pulls as an upper back accessory 2-3 times a week or are they too hard to recover from?
yes is sucks dick you'll never progress on anything other than squat. you need more volume and exercise variation.
3 Day TM is shit that only works for Squat and maybe some deadlift, even when I was eating like a pig (1kg gain per week) I still barely made progress on bench.
4 Day TM however is a fucking masterpiece, took bench from 80-132 kg, Squat from 110-200, DL from 130-210 and if you're a riptard OHP from 45-77 in a span of 12-14 months, I also went from 74 to 83 kg although I did it in couple of cutting bulking cycles when I was getting too fat.
I was doing them 2x a week 5x5 with about 60%, high pin so your rom is about 4 inches
Depends on intensity desu and depends on you, but for most people myself and even my twink tier wife, rack pulls are way easier to recover than DL and I do them 2x per week with no issues.
Garagebro, sup man, hope your house move is going well.
Gimme some advice when it comes to rotating accessories.
Currently i'm doing explosive Shrugs every SQ/BP days.
What are some other back exercises that won't fatigue the lats? (I really don't like feel of fatigued lats before 8x3 DL, I still do rows and other variants on the DL day)
>masterpiece, took bench from 80-132 kg
>benching twice a week every where rather than twice a week every other week.
what's wrong with 132 comp bench at 83 for a 1.5 year lifter?
>Inb4 some typical weak larper shitposting
>fatigue the lats
I wouldnt worry about it
It will help your deadlift long term
new vid lads, legit mirin his GMs maybe bit more rom
but my full rom is about 4 inches :(
BRRFT plop splat bpft brpft plop PLOP
Wow I'm really surprised by how much Norman khan just plopped out into the toilet I was planning on skipping this Norman khan disposal session as I didn't think I needed it due to a special evening edition last night
Boy was I wrong!
There might still be some left in the tank STILL!
What do you recommend for someone who wants to get stronger with stats like this? Lbs
>205 bench orm
>255 deads 4 rep max
>135 ohp 4 rep max
>novice squat
Its taking me 2-3 weeks to add 5 lbs to my bench and adding to ohp is hard without losing form. Im 190lbs so this just sad
texas method is a template, modify it and it could be great
i just want a few good fiends and a gf everything is so scary. i tried going to clubs and parties but i dont like the people there and i feel so out of place. maybe i should just off myself i shouldnt be alive.
Maybe you should be looking elsewhere to form meaningful relationships.
No one goes to a club or party to make new friends, they're going out for a good time with existing friends and potentially looking for a hook up, that's all.
literally where
Literally wherever you spend time. All my friends I met through the various activities I choose to spend my time on.
>college: met a lot of people in class
>go out with these people, meet new people (friends of friends, people I've seen around at my faculty, etc)
>go to gym, find people that share my interest in lifting heavy, discover I have other things in common with them (in one case for example a very particular niche genre of music we both like, then went to a few concerts together)
>go to music festival with two buddies, hang out with childhood friends of one of em, befriend them, me and buddy still often go to his hometown and party with those guys
>back from my teenage gaming years had some close online friends (around my age), I still meet up with them a few times per year
These things grow naturally, even for a socially awkward manlet like myself.
I'd say 90-95% of my friends are people I met through a mutual friend. Only a small portion are people I started talking to without having any idea of who they were before our first conversation. I don't really make friends with people without there being some thing (a hobby, a person, a place, whatever) connecting us.
How do i talk to people in class
This is pretty key imo. All my friends are through powerlifting, old school or work friends, or people those have connected me with.
Make small talk until you're nodding acquaintances, then ask questions about their life when it seems natural. How are you doing, what did you get up to at the weekend, blah blah blah.
How cucked is this par position?
Should I stop squatting and get it fixed?
Does it feel comfy for you?
its too high should be lower
its too low should be higher
Cant get any lower
Dont know what its supposed to feel like but it doesnt really hurt.
Also look at how shifted my bottom position is
Your feet are uneven, everything upstream will be.
On the other hand, does it hurt? Do you ever feel one leg/hip etc work a lot lot more than the other? No need to pathologise asymmetry, humans aren't perfectly symmetrical creatures so it follows a little asymmetry in your movement is normal.
Switch OHP and bench to any Intermediate routine with good enough volume, I can only comment on what I have done and what has driven up my lifts.
So either you can try TM4 days or Hepburn both have/are (currently week 11 of memeburn) worked for me for bench and OHP.
So in essence keep squat and deadlift on novice progression and just change programming for OHP and bench to accommodate more volume.
Will long term heavy powerlifting give me bow legs or bend my back? What are the consequences of it?
Working at the gym, nobody else is here.
Did some bench but couldn't finish it cause I'm sick and tired :-(
What other lifts should I do?
The power of bodyweight training
Depending on how serious you are at competing you will without a doubt get owies once in a while, but that's the case for all competitive sports.
But no you won't look like you have rickets or have old lady hunchback.
>What other lifts should I do?
100 rep upper back 100 rep lower back
>Hips and lower back feel like shit from not so optimal DL form 2 days ago
>go in do 160 kg Skwaats with huge emphasis on form
>Back feels better than ever
So there's no permanent damage?
Ok bye I'm gonna deadlift some pl8s
Very few things are permanent. Even discs heal.
I suppose if you have a freak accident during bench and no safeties present you can kill yourself, that's permanent unless you believe you'll lift in heaven with Rich Piana.
Is that a song about her love for coke?
>Even discs heal
the human body is truly fascinating
how much are you supposed to bend your knees during RDLs or does that depend on your hamstring flexibility
Hamstring flexibility tbqh
how are his feet uneven?
I dont see it
I lack motor control in dl, pull super retarded
not possible unless youre an actual mongoloid
just look at this shit, why cant I pull like I lower the weight fucking kek
becuz its not a strong position. lowering the weight isnt as hard
do more deadlift accessory, stiffs, romanions idk
Hurt myself on squats a short while ago. It's time for squats again tomorrow. But now I'm afraid of them because I had all variables on point but form was unexpectedly shit and I pushed through anyway and had no pains until the morning after.
How do I avoid fucking up again and how do I actually overcome the mental tilt I'm on?
listen to meme grips
Isn't paralell literally what you want to aim for?
I was told I lack motor control, beacuse pull at 2pl8 less looks exactly the same just faster
how can you lack motor control for a simple hip hinging movement are you stupid
lmao just pull the weight up nigg
Set up further back than the bar by a tiny bit.
Have a friend shout at you when you have a good neutral spine so that you pull without that catback.
Learn to take the slack off the bar, you literally just rip and tear it.
You can do a slightly lighter weight one that you know you can't fail but is heavy enough that theoretically can cause damage.
That's kinda how I got my confidence back when I pissed off/hurt a disc during DLs.
Man I fucked myself up lifting weights I knew I couldn't fail. What I'm so scared of is that my form was on point the same week, then suddenly it was horse shit without any change in variables.
I feel like my best option is to just go in and try maximum 1pl8 and never increase until it feels good again. But then what the fuck do I do if it doesn't? Just leave the gym right after showing up? Test form on a bench day?
I want it to look pretty, not like this lmao ooooooo uuuuuuuu yeeeeee oooooooooo oggggggggggggg pulllllllllllllllsssssss the weiiiiiiiiiightttttttttttttttttttttttt
why cant my dl look like my squat
vuz u vuk diik
aesthetics wise your squat looks like shit
ur legs are too small do more bb
>What I'm so scared of is that my form was on point the same week, then suddenly it was horse shit without any change in variables.
The variable is fatigue. Also sometimes people go autopilot mode which is shit tier since form deteriorates over time anyway.
Do whatever helps you mentally, you know yourself better, the main thing is you need to get over this or else you'll just end up giving up.
Well weighted hyperextensions for one thing. And I'd do light to moderate weight good mornings before I'd do RDLs.
Also for many folks it's possible to squat even with back issues.
I meant safety lmao lifting for aesthethic lifts
Hip-Hinge/Squat down to the bar with your back set then grab on to it.
Looking at your deadlift vid, form reminds me of what I look like when I don't set up properly. You set your back and then pull immediately. I find I avoid this problem by setting everything (hips, back, chest) and holding for just a moment to make sure it's as tight as it gets, then increasing force from 0-100 over like 0.5second duration rather than just grab set pull lmao.
But feel free to completely disregard my advice, you pull heavier than me.
>you pull heavier than me.
If he continues like this he won't and then he'll learn his lesson.
aesthetic lifts is the redpill
i only do front squats and stifflegs becuz it looks good
Aesthetic powerlifting would be front squat, overhead press, and a clean.
No, I dont get injured from this. I just lack progress overall.
I went from 160kg squat to 220kg squat this year, deadlift went up only 40kg.
maybe its not technique you just have no back muscles
>No, I dont get injured from this.
For now.
>overhead press
push press
ohp just turns into lmao standing incline press
>even 60kg pull looks like this
>eeeeee yoooooooooo nooooooo baaaaaaak muzzzzzlezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
this is why I want to fix this dl to pull 250kg liek a real man
post video of 60kg pull
>push press
at this point we might as well just fucking to clean and jerk and wew lad we might as well just start weightlifting instead
maybe i should start doing oly gotta achieve those aesthetic lifts
>Push Press
Never knew frogs were aesthetic
You already got plenty of tips on how fix your form. Which is mainly due to shit tier setup.
This is light pull. I dont have 60kg recording
Aside from extreme knee valgus, does a successful oly lift ever look like shit?
You have 0 control over your back and you don't even think about your set up.
yea thats what said that I lack motor control
thats something to work on
>that title
triggering yakob is easy
tren back mur u ned muzzzles
>does a successful oly lift ever look like shit?
Outside of literal olympians most national oly guys i've seen look tiny as fuck, probably due to non-existant chest, arms and for some shoulders as well.
>tren back
n-nnot yet