Should I bulk or cut? srs

19 year old natty bodybuilder. What do you guys think I should do?

Other urls found in this thread:

cut your wrists

u have udders that would make any local street cows jealous

You look like 30% BF so cut at least 5% and up to like 12% and then just maintain if you're really gonna follow a good routine.
Having body fat past a certain point 24/7 fucks with your hormones IIRC.

you should post your dick instead

Are all poo women this hairy?

Get a bra.

I have 20 weeks worth of ostarine should I use that too?

send boob and vagine pics

here I am doing some posing

what do you think?

bitch lasagna

work out.
If you want to be a real bodybuilder then you have to have 2/3/4/5 atleast

I do work out, all natural. Here:

im going to actually jack off to this

that's weird

>benching 195 for 3 reps naturally
Please, before you get turned into a meme and have your life ruined, delete this.
I'm being very earnest, user.

comeback when you bench 315 for 3 then we can talk

what? Benching 195 naturally is really good considering guys on test max out evenly at about 225

pakimaxx in the curry den

bharath what are you doing bro

Ok, I think you're posing as somebody you find meme-worthy that you're trying to imitate.
I will not be responsible for making another lolcow who gets gang stalked and has their life ruined.

I have no idea why but your nips make me fucking giggle like nothing else on this board today.

Why the fuck, of all boards is it Veeky Forums that has all the indians?

look at /asp/
the indians there still think wwe is real

>oh wow look at me and all this POWER I have


I mean, I didn't say I alone could but there are 2 weirdos named Jason who have had their lives ruined by being this retarded on film. By all means, keep making threads of yourself here.

both of them make money and a living off youtube so I don't care bro

That guy is such a fucking meme

He posts on fitmisc forum (a misc spin off forum) and you can't really tell if he is trolling or he has lower IQ than a dog

Every fucking day he changes his goal

One day he wants to bulk
The other day he is taking pre hormones
The next day he stops the pro hormones and tries to cu
The next day he is trying to recomp

And in the end he looks like he has never lifted in his whole life

you just became a meme brah.

>this video was removed by the user
Grow some nuts and put them back up ffs

bro you really hate this guy huh?


I just got a PM from him saying he won't be posting on FM anymore and realized the error of his ways. Also wanted me to give him my email lol.

He'll be back tomorrow lol

fucking lmao