Holy shit, she was so beautiful (before she went crazy with facial surgery). RIP.
For fuck's sake, what is it about girls who sell their body for money killing themselves?
She is literally the only non-trap girl i've fapped to all year as well.
what traps do you fap to?
It's true.
Driven to suicide by a faggot male pornstar and the gay male pornstar agenda.
Guess it's because they all know that the gay dudes are the one's that bring in the aids and hiv.
this makes me sad
Bitch look at least 30
>google image search
>its a porn star
>caring at all about the life of a worthless fuckwhore
>last tweet was ":fuck y'all" and the top response is "My favorite porn Star ever like I mean ever ever ever I watched every video she made I’m so lost for words I can’t believe ur gone u always posted videos everyday I new something was up when u didn’t post to insta for 3 days I love my woman In the porn Industry she was an angel"
bullied to death by SJW's because she didn't want to risk getting HIV from homos
>gay porn pays more
>fags like that loser who fuck traps do both straigh and gay porn
>get aids
>give it to straight performers and kill qts
Just another dead whore, not fitness related, join her in suicide op
t. incel genetic deadend
This is Veeky Forums, it doesn't have to be fitness related
>you care this much about a random porn whore dying
>call THAT guy an incel genetic dead end
>tfw Shyla Stylez was a way better porn slut and no one on Veeky Forums cared when she died a few months ago because she wasn't bullied by leftists into suicide like August
Wew, I didn't know that she's dead
Wait she died? Shit. How? Story? Man she had my favorite anal scene of all time
wasnt she bullied because she didnt want to have sex with a man who did gay porn due to being scared of AIDS?
>be a conservacuck
>every member of your party hate gay people
>everyone of your people on Veeky Forums are rabidly anti-gay and think all gays should be holocausted and that its the libcucks who have allowed homosexuality to be accepted now
>somehow you say she was "bullied by leftists"
wow, you pea brained mongoloids are really something.
Died of an OD a few months. She was a long standing heroin user so it could be the culprit but considering she was back home in BC it was likely fentanyl which has been linked to a huge number of ODs there recently. She was found in bed by her mom.
was it danny d, i know he did some gay shit
No, she was bullied because she didn't want to do a scene with a man from gay porn because gay porn performers aren't subjected to the same testing requirements as straight performers. It risks an outbreak. She said this an a bunch of foaming leftists and faggots jumped all over her on Twitter. No doubt she had existing problems prior, she was in porn after all, but the timing of it all suggests there's a link however slight. Maybe have been what triggered her.
what are you talking about. Veeky Forums is the gayest board on Veeky Forums even more so than lgbt.
Was she dare I say, made for BBC?
>ywn see her asshole penetrated
This is wrong. Gay pornstars get checked for STDs every week, straight every other week. The actual reason why the unspoken disparity exists is because males that perform in gay porn traditionally have a difficult time keeping an erection and performing straight scenes despite most gay porn stars being g4p. Because of this and the untrue assumption that gay porn stars are less checked (despite the opposite AND being straight outside of porn), crossing from gay to straight porn is taboo.
So what's with the ridiculously high amount of gay performers with HIV?
First thought I had
got a source on that buddy? Faggots are astronomically higher in rates of serious stds, and if you were a straight white man who exclusively had sex with straight white women without a condom, theres a 99% chance the only std that youll get is maybe herpes.
>what is it about girls who sell their body for money killing themselves?
I don't know, maybe the kind of girl who is willing to take strange dick on camera for money doesn't have the greatest mental health?
She looks like a tranny with that makeup
>Left cries about "rape culture"
>Launches a harassment and threat campaign to literally force a woman to have sex with someone she doesn't want to
This is why I fucking loathe faggots.
None of them understand anything besides their immediate pleasure.
A woman got bullied to death and this entitled fuck is trying to make himself the victim.
Faggots deserve to be bullied.
Have you heard the good news?
They'll never understand that people are disgusted not because "eww gay people are icky and progressive" but because they're fucking walking disease vectors. "Gay culture" is anonymous sex with many men, bugchasing, torture, and pedophilia. I no longer believe that this shit is a small fringe percentage, because very nearly every gay person I know posts nonstop shit about "taking loads" from "hot user bears" in their "boypussy", most even talk about it graphically irl if any other faggots are in the vicinity. Then the heroes of the "LGBT community" are the ones writing articles about how AIDS isn't a bad thing to have, or actively fighting to decriminalize infecting an unknowing partner with HIV and other deadly diseases. All this effort put into a cultlike worship of sex and transgression, and they still can't rub two brain cells together and see why nobody wants to touch them with a ten foot stick.
It's a fucking mental illness and there's no amount of "we're just normal people" that can make me question that anymore.
You don't like trannies? Wtf is wrong with you, are you gay or something?
>being straight outside of porn
What did he mean by this?
>caring about a niggercum depository
The absolute village of cucks
You're straight-up lying. In C*lifornia the law states that if they use condoms they're not legally required to get tested. According to the porn girl, effectively none of them did, because harboring and spreading diseases is the ultimate sexual fetish for most gay people.
no fucking way. its true., wtf