Why aren't you on steroids fit?

Why aren't you on steroids fit?


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Because I don't want to have a smol weenie

I don't compete, I have no intention of competing.
Roiding if you're not making money from your body (with strength or appearance) is pretty fucking stupid if you ask me.

But don't you want to look like a dragon ball z character?

I aim to look like saiyaman

Fuck yeah I do.
I just take my slow, years long process of looking natty ripped because looking roid ripped isn't better for getting layed (with the type of girl I pull) and I don't need to perform for strength other than for my own pleasure.
Plus they're kind of expensive, I don't do supps beyond black coffee.

My work drug tests quite regularly

Its not like they would fire you for taking a little bit of steroids, would they?

why would they test for that? They want to make sure you're not getting high or some shit.

>Using steroids to become stronger than your are now is stupid

But why

>$2000 a month
My test e var cycle costs probably less than £100 a month

Because there's a compromise when it comes to physical development and longevity and sustainability.

I have baller ass genes and want to see how far they'll take me. Will definitely do TRT after like 35 tho.

no idea where to get test or hgh. I boost hgh by fasting but i'd like test

becuase all gains on gear are temporary and you screw up your natty test levels for life. only do steroids if you are going to make money off your physique/strength imo

best answer ITT

this is a troll, they don't test for test

Because as someone just getting into seriously lifting instead of the usual gym fuckery I'm just learning how to watch my diet, and how to set up a good routine for growth. When I don't even know where my genetics can take me why would I want to jump on roids?

Much better to build my gains slowly, master mind-muscle connection and a good routine, and then in the future come back to if I want to take roids if my genes can't take me where I'm wanting to go.

As for competing, I don't expect it to be my thing. The amateur circuit is too much built on a popularity contest and "paying your dues" (literally, in the form of money to the different organizations that run these things) to get anywhere for me to even want to go down that road. So that takes a large factor off the table for me and removes some of that mental pressure I could have talked myself into otherwise.

I'm on 500 Test E... So, yea... some of us are on steroids. I'm impatient and want more muscle now.

>TFW was on steroids
>Was only used to help fight cancer.

I don't want to lose my hair and grow a cap with nonsense written in its place

Only 19, waiting until 25 to roid it up

I am on steroids though and its the best decision I've ever made

I am constantly hungry and yet put on less fat eating more
also I can train heavy every day and wake up and do it all again the next day
also I've gained two stone in 10 weeks

then just use a try dose of test and run equipoise

you'll only lose your hair to androgenic drugs

they aren't temporary if you blast and cruise

Because I have a head full of hair that I like and a dick that I don't want to become small

you fuck yourself over later in life, most roiders die pretty young. They are very hard on your heart

I lift for fun and I’m scared of needles

Because I'm poor, I can't even afford meat on a regular basis so I can't even think about steroids.

Once I get my degree I'll definitely juice up

Because I have polycystic kidneys and I shouldn't be lifting or eating a protein heavy diet in the first place

- I took a shoot because it's gonna make me feel better on camera.

I don't want to end up like a meth addict.
I don't don't like drugs, i don't take drugs, i'm fine with a "natural" body.

8 fucking years cycling

I've been natty lifting for 5 years and have hit plateaus on every lift. If I were to cruise on a low dose of test for say, 6 months, then come off (with proper PCT), could I maintain SOME of the strength/muscle?

>useless dick
>increased possibility of zyzz ending
>literal roid rage
>prostate cancer
>All for temporary gains and looking bigger than the average chump at the gym.

No thanks, I'm not retarded

It varies from person to person, but generally, yes. You will lose size - people that say they maintain 100% of their roid gains are just gaining fat and tricking themselves. However, with proper PCT and diet you can maintain a good chunk of your gains. It's all about your mindset though. Most guys freak out when they come off and get even more severe BDD resulting in them hopping back on before their natural LH, FSH, and natty test levels have recovered resulting in possible long term damage. You have to respect the drugs. You also should stay the fuck away from Tren. Test only cycles are pretty fucking benign as far as juicing goes. And if your options are living a low test / med test life or a high test life, I think the answer is obvious, but the choice is yours and yours alone. Don't let the internet persuade you into doing something that can affect your health.

What do he mean with this?

Bc I don't know where to buy them I work out at home so no roid guys to ask about it and I can't tell what's a scam and what's not on the internet

found the guy that benches 1 plate

I like to drink, to get shitfaced, on weekends.

Also, natty body is good enough.

You never come off basically, at most you just go down to near trt levels. Since you're injecting for the rest of your life there's no need to worry about fucking up your natural test

Then just don't do orals

>Roiding for this

so steroids aren't temporary as long as you continue to do steroids forever

makes sense you fucking retard.

I've met him in real life and he's waaay smaller than you'd think. He looks huge in pics and vids but he's short and compact. I would'nt have thought he was frauding if I didn't know him from online.

Are people who use TRT fucking retards as well?

Seriously, I always laugh at people who have strong opinions about things they know nothing about.

Oh wait that is everyone, about everything.

obviously faggot

If you don't have adequate natural testosterone you're not a man. Just kill yourself as soon as possible and be done with it.

Literally one very basic steroid cycle of just test for 20 weeks does nothing but benefit you in the long run, and really has no effect on how long you live.

As far as sustaining an incredible, supra physiological amount of strength, sure it's not practical, but that's also not what i'm saying. you could be the best version of yourself right now, quicker, and cheaper, and sustain most of those gains at the gym for years to come from one test blast. no perma ball shrinkage, no gyno, no fucked up sides for the rest of your life, all from 20 weeks of extra hard work and dedication, and a shot every 4 days for like 4 - 5 months. you'd be stupid not to do it.


Nah I think I'll use TRT to look and feel better instead.

you kinda gotta be more specific about which steroids

just test barely damages a body compared to dbol / tren / winny stacks

Whatever floats your boat. But we both know you're not a real man.

What is this a fucking ad?

gtfo fit with your shitty drugs. Fitness and HEALTH. Go be a junkie somewhere else.

because I'm not a daddy issues faggot with zero self respect?

>Fitness and HEALTH

so what's healthy about having natural test around 200? 250? 300 ng/dl?

I understand that no matter what you're doing you should be following proper diet, proper exercise routine and everything, but quite literally test does nothing but benefit you if taken properly.

I don't let other people's fucked up opinions bother me. I'll look better and feel better and not worry about what some internet weirdo thinks about me.

Now if you'll excuse me it's time for curls, incline walking and watching naruto


Wtf do you mean injectables aren't hepatotoxic, if you drink too much just stay away from orals. Injecting test will probably just help you recover from drinking more quickly if anything. Maybe learn something about steroids before posting in a tread on them retard?

What the fuck is stone.

I was agreeing with you, having a chuckle about how that guy was so worried about his liver and steroids yet knows nothing about them obviously.

I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. This has obviously upset you.

British unit meaning 14 lbs

I would literally rather die than go back to lifting natty.

so you put on 30 pounds of muscle?
That's insane.
I just started my cycle, first one. Test E and Anavar. I have 7 years in the gym and have reached my natty limit.
Am I going to go super sayian 2?

I see, I thought you were implying I was wrong. Buy you're right most people know nothing about steroids on Veeky Forums

Thats basically all I want to gain and maintain. Well below my natty limit too. 10-15kg extra muscle

Doing a cycle from june next year. Gear is cheap here in the UK and I'll be 30 so who gives a shit

i waited till 32. i wanted to make sure i was at my natty limit before i gave it a go. who knows maybe ill just do a cycle or 2 a year

Real reason? Because I don't know anybody local who has them, and am scared to order online because who knows when the goddamn drug war police decide to make it their next big idiotic sting operation. Plus, I don't want to waste time with counterfeit gear.

I've seen too many people who just roid up with whatever they can get from their local gearhead, which is like drinking shady radiator moonshine and Kazakhstani goat piss liquor with hallucinogenic mushroom drippings because you can't get a nice Victoria Bitters and Evan Williams bourbon.

This is exactly why people end up taking oral anabolics, which are notoriously terrible on the liver and have poor conversion rate, because it's easier to get and it doesn't "feel" as shifty as injecting. Or they get counterfeit shit or start taking unregulated "supplements" that are worse for them than even a bad choice of steroids.

If I could readily get what I wanted (and what I have researched and chosen) from a reliable non-counterfeit source, you bet I'd do it. Unfortunately, there is zero way to sort out the scammers from the real providers, and Big Brother apparently likes to worry about non-intoxicating pharmaceuticals now that they've solved the U.S. opiate problem. Oh, wait...

My cousin was stupid enough to buy Clenbuterol online a couple of years back. He's used it before and knows exactly what it does and feels like, and what he got was clearly counterfeit shit. More the rule than the exception.

I feel like it should be like Viagra - you go in and say "doc, I wanna enhance, and I want to do it in a well thought out, lower-risk way. Set me up with a cycle." Just like breast surgery or a nose job or anything else. If you're willing to pay for it and it's supervised by an MD, you should be good to go. Doesn't need to be "medically necessary" any more than a boob job. Instead, the whole field is a bunch of "Low T" docs who just want to push straight testosterone, which IS a fucking problem.

Straight testosterone is hardly a problem. People always recommend test only for a first cycle.

so what cycle should you do if you just want to do one for the after effects (those studies that found easier muscle building after you come off it etc.)
just test e 500 mg a week for some ommount of time?

HOW the FUCK is this guy spending thousands of dollars a month on juice?

He's getting ripped off hard, wow

You're right - IF your choices are staying natural or using whatever hodgepodge of steroids happen to be available. Just like if you are under a lot of stress, and your only choices were to meditate or become an alcoholic/opiate addict. There's room in that scenario for someone to choose to have a doc prescribe an antidepressant, or anti-anxiety meds to enhance his ability to cope even though there may be side effects.

Roids are dangerous because of self-medication, with a wide range of possibly contraindicated or counterfeit substances, by people who don't know shit about them except what some other moron at the gym (or worse, online) says is a good regimen.

As long as people can choose to get their fucking dick chopped off because they "feel" like a woman, why the fuck can't I go to my friendly neighborhood doc and ask for a consultation on a good choice of anabolics to fit my goal.

forgot the image
please respond

seek help


Because it is just stupid to be overly bulked. A guy in my gym looks like he's 20 and wears this tight blue top, goes around looking at himself in the mirror and striking convos with the girls thinking he's hot.

Better than not striking up any convos with anyone ever while thinking you're ugly.

It also hinders your bodies ability to produce it naturally, dummy.

>blasting and cruising for a decade is the same as 2 cycles

>trusting Vice, Soy Central, to give a balanced account of steroid use

>needing artificial masculinity to pick up sub-par women just to engage in degenerate activities

if that's his cup of tea, i guess

The chicks look at me, but i ignore them because i have a GF. This makes them horny.

elaborate you goy

the repressions of roiding is dose dependent friendo

I can see on his face that he is struggling with roid temper. He looks constipated.

lel true
also can you answer my question?

high blood pressure will be the death of all frauds

they need to learn from their boy rich piana

I'm not a fan of people hopping on unless they plan to stay on, just be natty until your 30s and hop on TRT if you want a lifetime boost.

piano-man died from insulin complications you fucking fag
also have some respect
rip wealthy piano man

blasting sounds pointless and stupid for me

1 in 5 also have inherited high lipoprotein levels which makes increases cholesterol and makes you more susceptible for heart attacks, so if people really want to use stereoids they should take a blood test first.

mine was 130 and 70 last time i gave blood
they said it was perfectly normal
not roiding btw

Mine is 327 while the referance area is

>referance area
what's that?

It's healthy/normal if it's under 250. Everything else was fine. It's an excuse for me to eat healthy and excercise looking at the bright side.

what i thought average was 120 and 80

What are you getting at? I'm saying hopping on and off is less healthy than either blast+cruise or TRT so I don't advise people to do it.

I'm not sure which measurments they used on my test, and i'm pretty sure it will differ, i'm no expert, but if you are told that's avg then it is.


>"Steroids basically opened up a new spectrum of life for me, i can be a male stripper or a model!"

All three of those guys seem to have the iq of a fucking potato kek

>test is none androgenic
uhm sweetie

why though
i won't take some dude's word for it
i want to know the reasoning behind it
blasting large amounts is unequivocally worse medically speaking


probably not worth worrying about.

the more you isolate (not just control) factors, the less correlation there is between high cholesterol and mortality