old fags, get in here..advice time for youngsters. Listen up mate...you should quit while you can..it is not too late! It doesnt worth it. In the end..it doesnt even matter. Taking roids and especially counterfait roids isnt gonna give you anything. It will cause you healt issues in the long run. I wasnt a heavy user, did all my reserch back in the day, and had quality stuff prescribed. Now at 34, I can say it wasnt worth it. You do it for the girls? All you get is bitches. Thats fine, because fuckin is good. But to get a girlfriend matterial, you need more then a roided body. Wish I could tell you all the stuff I learned the hard way..
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I don't get why people roid. No shit it'll fuck you up and you'll be pissed all the time. I go to the gym to not be pissed.
And if you're lifting for girls you're in it for the wrong reasons. I started lifting because of one in particular who drove me fucking crazy. Lift for yourself and only for yourself.
>Eastern block lifting
Be gone commie
....I only did a few cycles, wich now I regret doing...recently I had a scare, my heart started to act crazy..my blood pressure went up in the skyes..ended up in hospital. Did all the lab examinations the next week, went to a cardiologist...everything is fine now, but the scare I have been through those days was like hell...literally.
>doing anything for girls
All you need is one good girl that likes you for more than your looks. Sex isn't worth an ounce of the effort people put in. Think about how hard to hunt for the perfect porno. You find a good one and you're like "her ears are all wrong" so you hunt for another hour. Now compound that with the reality of finding a decent root. You will never satisfy the effort that goes in. Most people whose lives revolve around fucking wind up drug addicts because they're never happy
I'm more assertive but not more aggressive since being on, I don't let people walk over me like I used to, people who are aggressive on roids are aggressive off. If you lift for long enough to see gains plateau it makes more sense.
If you get regular bloods, check your bp and don't have a preexisting condition or go hard on the drugs this doesn't happen.
...drugs dont cause that alone..I agree..but what most of the pro roiders fail to mention is that life is not just gym. You have to go to work, make money, deal with everyday problems..stress is a big factor. If you can live the gym life its fine. But if you are not dedicating you life fully to bb-ing, it doesnt worth it.
>he fell for the roid meme
This was a heartfelt thread op. I am the memelord of /30+/
Thanks for your efforts man. Have a coustom thumbnail to share with your family this Christmas
Memelord? Christmas? son...that was a long time ago. Thanks for the picture do.
about getting a girl. Fuckin around is good...but it doesnt last. If you want to find a wife material, try christian girls. THey have a value, and they are wirgins mostly. THey will devote themselfs to you. You can train together, you can make her a sex symbol.
Am I being an asshole if I say that all this "good life advice" you are sharing is obvious to everybody who has a brain?
You are not an ashole. But there are so many kids in these sites that have absolutely no ideea what to do in their life. Simple and effective advices is what they seek. Would be great to see Veeky Forums having a more mature audience as well.
>I'm more assertive but not more aggressive
I'm 28.
How can I learn this before it's too late?
>t.doormat most of life because favor cohesion at the cost of personal needs.
The problem is that the ones needing your advice the most are also the most unlikely to listen.
>Bringing the commie meme out of /pol
Be gone cracka.
You people have the problem that when you actually try to turn more assertive and not let people walk over you no more, you overcompensate and turn into complete assholes. Be aware of that.
I'm 30+, can only tell people what not to do.
t. lives at home
I guess there are a few who listen. Todays kids are lucky. They have tons of available data for free. THe bad thing is that not all data available is correct. All those fake products out there promoting health and fast gains. People still fall for that. All those super-effective training plans..etc...
The data or the correctness of it isn’t really an issue. People tend to pick and choose the facts they want to belive. You don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to spot all the bullshit from miles away. All I’m saying is that trying to help the ones that need it the most is usually futile.
guess you are right sir.
yes, roids dont cure autism, we get it
>They have tons of available data for free
All of which is bullshit.