/symmetrical strength/

My other lifts outweigh my squats by a significant amount, anyone feel my pain?

Overhead press 70kg
Bench press 100kg
Squat 90kg
Deadlift 180kg

squat more easy fix?

deadlift more than u squat
>even trying

>tfw almost teal-man
Why is benching so hard?

Forgot pic

Getting there, I guess.

Lifting for about 8 Month now

> OHP 70kg
> Bench 105kg
> DL 160kg
> Squad 110kg (Yea I know my squad is shit no need to tell me, working on it)

i feel you brother,
i fucked up my knees during freerunning 5 years ago, and cant handle big numbers since then
deadlift is fine, thank zyzz

what website is this?


youre just a pussy. theres no way you can dl 180 @90 squat max.

holy fuck I'm weak

Benching is the easiest fucking shit ever, you're literally lying down the whole time. Just work your triceps once in a while to help and youll be good

This is tilted towards manlets, compare a 170cm 80kg powermanlet and a 185cm 80kg normal perosn

i'm a mess

just fuck my press up senpai

Nah bro you're just on the beginning of your journey, you can visualize how far you can go now just work hard and obtain it.

Same boat after a couple years... I squat every other day, but my bench and squat are basically the same.

200x5 bench - Not my max but I don't wanna attempt higher without a spotter

45 x 7 weighted pull up

gayes thing i've ever heard

C-Curl bro?

whats the fucking website you cuntniggers i'm asking you


OP is a turbonigger and should have included it in his post.


Or, you know, you could just use expert advanced critical thinking skills to just GOOGLE the thread name....???

8 months of my own programming and an ill faithed 3 months with the worst coach possible.

No I'm paraplegic
Car accident at 13, learnt to deal with it

>estimated one rep max
>overhead press 60kg

I'm 90kg/200lbs and 186cm (Six foot one I think)

I fucking hate squatting


Aye you'll be me if I can get my bench just a bit higher
My squat is such garbage I'm surprised it even made it to teal.

Drive them legs and gg with full-body tension and lat/core flexion
You shouldn't even feel like you're pushing with your arms

Literally just Google symmetrical strength you mong

score is 79 proficient

trap nation

Measure the length of your femur and measure the length of your tibia. If your femurs are longer than your tibias, you have a greater mechanical advantage for things that involve hip-hinging (deadlifts.) if you have Tibias that are the same length or close to the length of your femurs (or if you're Jamaican, longer than your femurs), you have a mechanical advantage in the squat. If you're Asian you don't need to bother making any measurements.

>drive them legs
Shit didn't even know that was a thing, thanks! Will try it out.

4-5 years of fucking around in the gym, couldve achieved so much more fuck me the fuck up

This is not what I was expecting at all.
I'm around six months into SS, was expecting to be a little stronger.

>Back Squat: 115 kg[Novice]
>Deadlift: 130 kg[Novice]
>Power Clean: 50 kg[Untrained]
>Bench Press: 85 kg[Novice]
>Dip: 20 kg added[Untrained]
>Overhead Press: 60 kg[Intermediate]
>Pull-up: 15 kg added[Novice]

>Strongest lift
OHP at 50kg x 5

Well, at least it is good to see the picture, it makes me think I'm training my body symmetrically.

you all are beneath me. watch this

>Deadlift 230kg
>Squat 155kg
I know how you feel user

almost a teal boy FeelsGoodMan

Incorporating loads more shoulder, chest, and arms volume these days to help accelerate progress and achieve S Y M M E T R Y

Also since I want to lose 30 lbs from 205 to 175, which is a long cut, diet breaks are a really good option for ensuring the success and sustainability of my cut. Turns out they've also really improved my ability to progress on my otherwise stalling OHP and bench :D

stop trying to incite class warfare

where do you work out

did you just brosplit and jerk off, were you cutting the whole time, did you have an injury, did you not have any athletic background coming in, or were you just inconsistent?

what the fuck did you put for your exercises and numbers?

the library



If you don't have any athletic background and your life's been very sedentary it's not unusual to see people still be purple after months of training. Just make sure to be consistent with sessions and progression.

>tfw overall score is going to drop a point on monday because of my 23rd birthday
>it will be the difference between my back turning teal and staying blue

gotta keep farming that chin up xp brahs. 5'11", 170, 2 months lifting

77kg ~= 170lbs
I did gained around 3kg (6.6lbs) since I started training though.
I used to train rugby for around two years, pretty intense cardio and a lot of resistance for all the tackling and that shit.

I guess one of my problems is that I didn't care much about my diet until right now, in the "grinding" stages of the routine. Hope I don't get too fat like the meme about SS implies.

Bench 180kg
Squat 237.5kg
Deadlift 272.5kg
Bodyweight 82kg.

>tfw wilks < 200 after 9 months of training

being a leglet is ideal

80 kg squat
75 bench
135 kg deadlift
50 kg OHP

subtract 10kg from the bench and the DL and i'm right there with you buddy

fuck i wish my bench were stronger

I AM AQUA-MAN. 92% symmetry score. 6'2" 83kg, 4 months lifting.

>60kg OHP
>100kg bench
>110kg squat (lel)
>140kg diddly

Squat and diddly suck ass, but my bench is nearly at proficient. I started doing squats again so hopefully they rise pretty quick, still scared of diddly though.

Welcome to my world. Day 82 for me.
5'5 215 (down from 235 though...)
> OHP 110
> Bench 175
> Squat 225
> Deadlift 245

>6'3" 107kg with monkey arms
started december last year

Your numbers are decent for 80 days, it just the calculator compares you to people with 200lb of muscle, meanwhile you are a lard ass. If you cut that weight your score will look much better.

I recently transferred from Smith machine so I had to adjust to flat bench again
I progressed from repping 50 kg to 80 kg on the Smith in like 2 months, now I'm only repping 75 kg on flat bench because of adjustment + strained shoulders ;_;

Smith machine is autistic, stay away from it.

other pic, despite my shit leverages for squats (im pretty much doing a goodmorning) it is my strongest lift

Back Squat: 280 lbs[Novice]
Deadlift: 300 lbs[Novice]
Bench Press: 200 lbs[Novice]
Overhead Press: 110 lbs[Novice]
Chin-up: 50 lbs added[Novice]

This was after about eight months of inconsistent training. I had about three months with a smith press, dumbbells up to 50 lbs, and a couple of machines where I was adding weight to almost every lift each week; six weeks with no training, six weeks with a ton of machines and nothing resembling free weights, and then six weeks where I had every machine I could ask for and access to a squat rack, bench, and 700 lbs in free weights, although there wasn't room to do OHP, but I had a pretty solid shoulder routine with should presses and dumbbell exercises. I started at probably around 100 lbs less on my squat, deadlift, and bench press, 50-60 lbs less in should press, and went from barely doing one pull up to repping out 7-8 no problem. When I started I weighed 190, I bulked up to ~210 the first three months because I wanted to add weight to my lifts, and then cut all the way to 180 around when I hit these numbers. I'm 6'0"

And then I started college and now haven't lifted in a year and weigh 220. But I'm getting into it again and hopefully can undo some of the damage.

I'm in such terrible shape that it took me three months to reach "untrained." Hoping to reach "novice" by June next year...

185 lbs, 6'
Olympic squat
Conventional deadlift

Left shoulder's fucked from high school water polo, so I do DB standing shoulder press instead of OHP.
Have decent numbers there despite the injury, but it'll never be anything impressive.

Started barbell bench pressing about 2-3 months ago. Never been very strength focused, so always just stuck to dumbbells.

Or, if OP wants to host a thread, he should make sure that other people can participate in it. This is like him inviting people to a party and making his guests bring all the tables and chairs.

Symmetrical Strength is literally a staple thread on this board, you're just being argumentative.

I won't even do it, I stalled on OHP at 3x5 56kg today, I feel frustrated and dishonored since I have good shoulders and back by genetics and OHP is supposed to be my best lift, I also enjoy doing it the most. It's weird because the first time I tried the 56kg I could do 5-4-4. Next workout I tried with 58kg and could do only a few reps. So today I tried 56kg again and couldn't even finish the first set so I did the 10% unload, so 52kg and I could do it with ease.

I will just enter my currents stats here:
BW: 81KG
3x5 high bar Squat 104kg
3x5 Bench Press 82kg
1x5 Deadlift 122kg
3x5 Dips +38kg
3x5 Chin-ups +24kg

I'm not getting the 4000 daily cals and 1g protein per lb of BW and I also suffer from depression and stress which affects my energy levels and I usually don't feel fully rested no matter how much sleep

> I share your pain
> Plus my lifts have been stalled two weeks now, not including the week I took off to full heal.
> Also, no deadlift cause coward
Height: 5'5
Weight: 175lbs
Max Strict Curl: 60lbs
OHP: 150lbs
Bench: 225lbs
High-Bar ATG Squat: 280lbs
Weight Dips: +65lbs
Weighted Pullup: +65lbs

I'm a full teal/green man, but I'm trying to get a 300lb squat by the end of the year. Recently injured my rib so...might not make it.

Because your squatting too often and with not enough intensity because your dumb ass is squatting three times a week and not giving your legs time to recover if you are pushing any real weight.

WHERE THE FUCK is this site getting it's statistics from?

90% of posts I see from this have under-developed chest and shoulders.


So squat max weight once or twice a week? Can I do leg accessories (machine heresy) or do I need a complete break?

No, because not everybody has been on this site everyday for the past 2 years and is familiar with this link.

Best I can tell it's a handful of formulas.
I really want to know what they are, but I'm too lazy to interpolate them myself.
If you enter a bodyweight of 623 lbs, all the world class lifts are like 5-10 lbs.

Lmao SS literally the fastest squat progression available that regularly takes guys to 405 for a 5RM has you squatting three times a week

You're deluded and weak and your mother is disappointed.

I am intermediate man!

From what I've figured out, your OHP should be 75% of your power clean.

Back Squat: 320 lbs[Intermediate]
Deadlift: 435 lbs[Proficient]
Bench Press: 305 lbs[Proficient]
Incline Bench Press: 260 lbs[Advanced]
Dip: 180 lbs added[Advanced]
Overhead Press: 180 lbs[Proficient]
Chin-up: 95 lbs added[Proficient]

And your back squat should be about double your OHP

6'2" 200 lbs. 79.2 score

i probably have the most fucked up strength distribution

>Have bodyweight setup at home and do shit ton of weighted pullups and dips

>Only started going to an actual gym recently

>I need to start working legs

Waht exercises target abdominals? It says I have good abdominals but I don't do any core work, I just tense my abs when doing weighted pullups.

back squat 245x3
Ohp 135x3
Pendlay row 185x3
Incline bench 170x1
Dead lift 315x1

Height 5'7" weight 175

So glad to finally be fully intermediate

That last part is your whole problem

do you only train farmers carries?

Made about the same progress in the last month as I did in the previous 4 months, skipping the gym and staying up all night really kills gains

my ohp is sucking fat dick

squat is usually my best lift i just didnt do them for like half year, so its going up fast now.

I think you would get a better score if you left out your power cleans and dips. You have better lifts than me and weigh about the same and this is me

No I only do curls once a week max

Yeah I think th eonly thing it really lacks is taking height into account. also the way stats and progression is presented is kind of clumsy.

>tfw symmetry score 99

so this is the power of ss...


T-rex reporting in


Max bench is 275, max squat is 235

>tfw almost a wizard

what do I aim for when I'm full red man group?

Someone had to act like a girl just to get the green.

It says I have a -11 symmetry score... shit.