I just finished up short cut to size so I’m lookong for a new routine pls help
Need a new aesthetics routine
dont bother continuing lmao fuckin dyel
SS+GOMAD for you, my hungry skelly brother
did you not squat at all in your routine?
its funny that bald fat glasses goys in Veeky Forums laugh at this picture, meanwhile 99+% of the population would consider this almost ideals
but keep doing squats and deads for wide hips and quads my dudes
leg day every day from now on jesus christ
135lbs soaking wet
fucking lmao @ ur life delusional weakling
80% of fit looks like this, they never did a real bulk and cut. most people here think they should stop bulking as soon as they start to see their abs get effected that they obtained 3 months into lifting.
That low angle ain't fooling no one boy
i recommend the hanging situp
I’ve got a 315lb squat max. My father has awful chicken legs. So it’s harder for me to make them grow. I’m 6’0 168lbs
I know Veeky Forums is autistic as fuck but I love you guys so I just ignore it. So pls recommend some good routines :)
I'm mirin' keep doing what you're doing, maybe you could work on back and legs a little better
nice camera angle my user-let.
No sir
Thanks brah and those are my two points of focus
This dude looks good why is everyone negging him lmao
Work on
As priorities
Chest can use some work but its mostly how small you are. A bulk and cut cycle would make your chest bigger if you progressive overload it
>short cut to size
what routine for that hair?
Shampoo and no conditioner, lil bit of coconut oil every once in a while
Alpha genetics son your either a locklet or a hairlet
OP has good locks tbqh senpai
I look like I lift to everyone I meet and I get compliments all the time on how much ive progressed. Every other image board or forum I go to for advice I get mires and helpful tips.
Then I come back to Veeky Forums after a year and its gotten even more toxic.
I swear some of you are so disconnected from reality its crazy. Normies would kill for a physique like this.
jesus fuck shut up faggot
this is the exact reason why Veeky Forums is the best board.
Also if you really cared about whatever you want you'd go to catalog and post on a routine thread instead of wasting a thread for your shit blogpost, faggot
fat reddit people unironically.
Why did you cut, what the fuck. I'm 6'1 and 180 and I'm still DYEL as fuck, hitting the bulk train hard.
I never cut, just been on a slight bulk for like two years
What's your routine, and how long did it take?
Short torso and big head make you look unaesthetic, it's about proportions OP.
>normies would kill for this physique
>implying thats a good thing
Excuuuuuse me Princess that we have standards.
>I swear some of you are so disconnected from reality its crazy.
Welcome to Veeky Forums amigo
You are in the perfect position right now to do a slow calculated bulk. You already look great though. Just depends on what you want.
I really wanna give lean bulking a shot tbqh senpai
Get knee pads and go to your local truck stop.
Once there, go to the bathroom and perform oral fellatio x failure
do you get it trimmed as it grows or do you just cut it short once and then lit it grow over several months?
>short cut to dyel
worked well brah
Can't tell quads, but calves look small af.
Can't do much there but I'd work them anyway, before your arms end up bigger than them.
Small, but otherwise you look fine enough from those pics.
Side delts, traps and esp lats look lacking, but could just be those photos.
aesthetics routine = have chad genes
>Quads match calves match ankles
He's living the dream.
>315 max squat
You're legitimately retarded. You need to gain like 15 more pounds just to not be considered a skelly and 315 max squat is just pathetic you shouldn't be cutting until you can do 315 for 5 reps at a minimum.