Tfw you'll only ever be good for helping Chad shit.
Feels thread m8s
Sad ass dinner for one
Looks good m8
Eat up, get plenty of rest, and fuck up the world tomorrow.
Went hiking with an old friend, he made a bunch of mean spirited jokes at my expense (even though he's a NEET weeb), realized I need to drop him.
Absolutely BTFO
I picked her up, paid for dinner, invited her over for drinks and a movie and drive her home.
>was that night we had dinner a date or was it just a hang out?
beta dude. so beta. this cant be real
user, i...
you're being cucked by Zac. you can't be this dense user
>tfw zac
Did you not know she had a boyfriend?
Just some guys shes on the hook for
Bummer. What were your initial intentions for the evening?
>full head of insanely long straight jet black hair
>Able to grow huge beards
>big dick
Respectable and upstanding pursuits, user.
*polite fedora tips*
Whatever you feel, its only a portion of what a real man would feel.
I am constantly on the fence between accepting that as a manlet, albeit an attractive manlet, it is my duty to not pass on my genes to my children and give them the same pain of being short as I've felt
Becoming literal King of Manlets in my atheleticism and having children with a girl so tall that my kids end up being over 6'.
Every day I have less time to deliberate, yet I can't give up hope. But why should I keep lying to myself? It's for the greater good.
My mom's 5'1", my dad's 5'6" and all of my brothers and my sister are all over 6' tall. 6'2" right here and I'm the shortest. No worries dude, but maybe bagging the tall chick wouldn't hurt.
it doesn't work like that
you have to look at your family's height and then your gf's family's height
and even if every single gene in your kid's genepool is a manlet, you can still nourish him properly and ensure he gets enough sleep and he'll outgrow you easily
FUCK that's legit FUCKED.
She knew what she was doing I bet
>im done at 2 :p
>the shittiest tasting coffee possible
What the fuck was the point?
Chad you dumb fuck.
Landed myself a smart, hot gf with big tiddies baby pleeease
Do all women cheat? I kinda wanna keep this one
lol i feel like i'll never have a boyfriend. have to choose between being fat or losing gains i guess? from what fit says.
life is kinda hard but i'm mostly okay i guess.
Cuck live matters
Dinner in my hotel room. I like kfc.
>you don't have to tell me what happened but you do have to eat this
eventually, yes.
okay, i'm actually sad now.
been sick for a long time, work has been exhausting. sick days are only for rich people ofc. haven't worked out all week because i'm that sick.
it's kinda getting to me. there's lots of other stuff too idk. probably not best to dwell on it. trying to be productive. today's gonna be okay, right? :(
god i'm fat.
why the FUCK is it on the floor of your hotel room
fucking disgusting
this picture is depressing
That sucks dude, but at least you know not to pursue her anymore, move on to the next girl.
>My mom's 5'1", my dad's 5'6" and all of my brothers and my sister are all over 6' tall.
How tall's the postman?
>my family lucked out genetically so the same will definitely happen to you!
~5'1 mom, 5'11 dad, me 5'6
my life is a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme a meme
I... I cried a bit user :^)
I‘m strong guy btw
Not gonna make it
No, but seriously, if you are one of those guys who use "haha" or tongue-in-cheek emojis to soften your messages to girls, you should get your T-levels checked and consider growing a spine
Try not stuffing your face porky
I haven't had a real conversation with a female in years.
shes so cute brehs...
>tfw will never have cute gee eff
I hate the fact ive done this before. Was about 2010, still burns me to this day. Worst part was bumping into her again on the street.
>beggars can be choosers
Who knew
Take your pseudo-feels and leave roastie.
I don't think I ever had a real conversation with a female. And it's okay.
Woke up late again, exams start in 3 days and I haven't studied for shit and don't know shit.
Been skipping the gym and skipping meals for a month now, look like a sack of skin, bones and shit.
Was actually having a good day until I walked by the mirror.
of all the sites you could have chosen to post this, why this one?
why are your feels more legitimate than mine?
this is where i spend most of my time online. pretty sad i know
My family blessed me genetically but fucked me psychologically
Tits or GTFO
Laziness isn't a feel.
>B-b-but I'm depressed and I can't do anything because of that D: hehe omg I'm so depressed
Many people here were depressed for actual depressing reasons but they worked themselves out of it silently without attention whoring. If you actually have a problem the first thing you'd do is search for solutions.
And if you have asked this before you probably know that you should know that you need to organize your life and create goals
While I agree that her post was retarded, it was none more so than 90% of the shit that gets posted here every day, and pretending that shes being rightly criticized just for being an attention whore, when this is literally /attentionwhore/ the board, is equally as retarded.
what is the purpose of these threads if not to express our feelings. i don't understand why it's okay to complain about being short but not to complain about being sick and stuff. or is this just a case of different standards for female posters?
you people are weird.
No, it's just rest day today and i have nothing else to do with my life so I'm replying to attention whores and falling for baits
yup, girls are not that dumb
>or is this just a case of different standards for female posters?
yeah no shit
get a more healthy diet, you'll lose weight and won't be sick for a week straight.
also, if you have a problem with money, stop spending it on retarded tattoos
This guy gets it.
Pls user you're hurting me
you can still maintain/gain weight on a healthy diet if you eat above maintenance. i eat pretty well most of the time. and i don't really want to talk diet right now; that's been beaten to death before.
my tattoos are great fuck you.
Girls are overrated. Trust me, I've had sex
Just came home from work
Ex-girlfriend unblocked me after months and months
Feels weird seeing her profile pic, not in a bad or good way that is
Really contemplating on joining a powerlifting gym, there's one in my town and the people there look normal, no arabs, no turks no assholes and they've won some awards too
Other than that, i think i'm once again being content with being alone.
so, my problem is the oposite of 90% of you guys.
I have a loving gf that would do anything for me
>she is very pretty and with an decent body, really skinny but with a round ass, she started lifting though
>she is also broke, has depression and comes from a broken home, so she is very needy and always need to be with someone doing something different
we've been together for 3 years but i don't feel in love with her anymore as i did once, i still love her and care for her more than anyone else in this world but its starting to weight me down a lot, i want to break up with her so i can focus on growing as a man, making my career, living my life, enjoying as much as i can, but i'm not a man enough to just dump her and doesn't look behind to see if she is okay, i'm told her i want to talk to her on sunday, she is very nervous and sad already, how can i deal with her without destroying her heart?
why not grow together?
the whole " i wanna grow on my own" talk is kinda bs for me imo
forearm tattoos look like shit on women, what's that even supposed to be?
why can't you do both? does she need you 24/7 ?
Fuck kissing turns me on
Haven't kissed a grill since my sophomore year of high school
I don’t think I can continue my self improvement if I have no self preservation in mind. A guy tried to rob me and I just walked away, hoping he would stab me, but he just let me go. I hide my depression under an act so my friends don’t worry but really I just stopped caring. I don’t even go to my college classes anymore because why prepare for the future when I don’t want one.
>Im so fat :(
>I dont want to diet
Your entire dilemma in two sentences.
fuck u
simply because i want to make a career, i work for my parents for a shitty pay, i'm about to graduate college and i barelly know how to do what i chose to do, she is already thinking about moving together, marrying, having kids, having a dog and the only thing i know i want to have is a decent job that will provide me enough to pay for my shit and still enough to save, i also miss being single, doesn't having to deal with someone else, for example, if today i decided that tomorrow i'm going to another town by myself to eat a burger, she would want to go with me, if i refused it would lead to arguments and bullshit, i miss being free from responsabilities
well then, just be honest man don't cloud her brain with stuff many woman do i.e. "it's not you it's me" give her exactly those reasons you just posted
If I threw you off of a tall building right now, you would want to keep living as soon as you start falling.
I feel exactly the same, but my family keeps forcing me to do my shit and I don't want to hurt anyone by killing myself or disappoint them. Hopefully it will be better one day, or at least a truck runs me over so I don't have to stand this any longer
>why can't you do both? does she need you 24/7 ?
i work from 7 to 5, and she works from 7 to 3, as soon as i get home i go to the gym, and she goes with me now, that pisses me off because she wants me to be her personal trainer, which i can't do if i'm focusing on my workouts, then its 7pm and we're both at my place (i live with my parents though, thats how much of a failure i still am) and i cook dinner for two instead of just for me, we shower together, we watch the same shows, we talk a bit and then we sleep together, i wake up first, start to make my smoothie, gives her a cup, she takes a sip and doesn't drink the rest, i drive her to her place (where she works) and it starts all over again.
i literally don't have time for myself, i tell her that i just want to chill and play some games, read a book or do something but she is always texting me and calling me that basically leads to me, having to give her attention instead of doing my shit
Maybe, that’s just survival instinct though. People who have jumped off bridges sometimes survive only to jump again. I have 2 suicide attempts under my belt already
i know i should do this, but i'm too much of a pussy to do this, well, i'm trying to improve myself, i'm going to grow a pair and do this shit
do it
be honest
don't let her end up like 95% of guys here asking themselves "what was the real reason she broke up"
i literally would rather have her to break up with me for no reason or to hook up with someone else than me having to do this shit lol, but yeah, i'm gonna man up, i'm being a bitch, i'm gonna be a chad, thats why we're all here right?
Hopefully user, I thought if I became chad I would be happy but I’ve had sex with like 20 girls this year and still feel like shit
yes you can do it be a man
Can't you teach her to be more independent if breaking up is the alternative.
What do your parents think about that?
Just.Wow. You sound like my ex. Selfish as fuck and not a single thought about growing together
They don’t know about it
As I read that I imagine some cuck at the other end of the spectrum, with a whore who fucks around and calls him only when she needs money.
this literally made me lol. i never said i don't want to diet though.
this thread is just silly now.
wholesome Veeky Forums >
>user PAYS for DINNER while SHE thinks of ZAC's NUTSAC
You tried to kill yourself twice and they didn't notice?
>That Was it haha
jesus christ
I didn’t tell them
Agreed. What a fucking beta. Have fun with your regrets. Real alphas lead their women not run from responsibilities like a child.
> haha
This. Might add everyone who thinks that their partner is hindering them from """growing""" are just too childish to acknowledge that growing together is also part of a relationship.
>Can't you teach her to be more independent if breaking up is the alternative.
i tried, she already thinks she is 100% independent, but she doesn't realize that she is needy as fuck too, she can go to the supermarket, but she rather do if someone is with her, so she waits untill i need to go there to go with me
>Selfish as fuck and not a single thought about growing together
i thought for three years, untill i didn't grew at all because i can't deny her favours and when i do she is all sentimental about it and shit.
she also works and makes more than i do
>i thought for three years, untill i didn't grew at all because i can't deny her favours and when i do she is all sentimental about it and shit.
so you're basically a cuck