How do Buddhist monks get so fucking ripped when all they ever do is sit around meditating all day?
How do Buddhist monks get so fucking ripped when all they ever do is sit around meditating all day?
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they get ripped from oppressing innocent and peaceful muslims
>Muzzie mad he's getting BTFO by the actual religion of peace
>when all they ever do is sit around meditating all day?
it's almost like they don't just do that
>that guy
They actually do a lot of physical activity but in terms of stressing the mental/psychological endurance more than the body, like carrying water buckets completely balanced, or standing against a wall with just their head/fingers. Martial arts too of course.
Rice and fish with some veggies
killing subhuman muslims 3x3
You think you'll have a body like that when you're 65?
That’s pretty ripped for a vegan who’s sedentary for hours a day
>Westerners thinking all monks are vegans
nope, but he doesn't look 65
it's almost like being sedentary for hours a day doesn't mean you can't work out/do hard work during other times of the day
>that being "ripped" regardless of age
Do you not understand what muscle density is? I bet you think pic related is the strongest guy on the planet.
I can guarantee the guy in OP's pic would break your arm.
they don't just sit and meditate all day. they do construction to fix their place up and other yard work. you can workout if you want to also
some of them smoke also
T. Dyel
>Do you not understand what muscle density is?
>I bet you think pic related is the strongest guy on the planet.
>I can guarantee the guy in OP's pic would break your arm.
try again please, without all the muh ad homs
My original statement is:
>The guy in OP is not ripped.
I don't know what you think of when someone says "ripped", but the guy in OP doesn't seem to have a) great hypertrophy, b) really low bf%, or c) extremely "dense" musculature.
They don't, have you ever met a buddhist monk in real life? they're tiny.
Their biology is just slightly adapted to their malnourishing diet, and they do little muscle fatigue activity which is what actually makes your muscles grow outside of steroid use and eating enough.
How do I get like this?
Experience suffering to achieve enlightenment
Can he also teleport behind me because he runs so fast my eyes can't detect him?
Keep watching your ching chong animes
>t cultured weaboo expat
fucking lol at monks sneaking away to have a cigarette
1. be an athlete
2. become a monk for a day for publicity
kill yourself
>innocent and peaceful muslims
>gainz r made in teh kitchen :DDDDDDDDDD
It's that what he actually did? Because there's no way he could maintain that physique as a monk.
5:00 am: rising from bed,
5:15–5:30: sitting qigong,
5:35–6:30: morning kung fu practice: warm-up and basic skills.
6:40–7:40: morning Buddhist lessons,
7:45–8:30: morning meal,
9:00–11:30: doing temple affairs, like working at farms, chopping wood, commercial affairs; elder and child monks attend Buddhist classes.
11:30–12:30: lunch
12:40–14:00: noon rest time,
14:00–17:00: afternoon kung fu practice: martial exercises and combat skills.
17:10–18:40: evening Buddhist lessons,
18:50–19:30: dinner,
21:00–23:00: 1 hour of night kung fu practice: reviewing and every kind of exercise.
23:10: going to bed.
Take refuge inside the three jewels.
Look at some of the shit they do
They arent "vegan" most buddist monks eat butter at least
he actually said it, lol.
this is what you call so fucking ripped? how dyel are you?
>Peacefull muslims
Lets see
>asians have lots in common with my culture and have rarely been in conflict with us
>sand niggers have nothing in common with my culture and have been in conflict with it constantly for over a millennium.
I hope they wipe you fuckers out completely
No one but complete idiots bought that rohingya propaganda
>burmese soldiers raped our women, then raped the babies that were born from the rape, then shoved the raped baby back in the original mother and raped both of them at the same time
>jesus any independent sources?
>no, all horrible stories come from rohingya only, but trust us! Muslims never lie about this sort of thing!
killing sandniggers, god bless them
>muslims dindu nuffin
Why does everyone on this board hate Muslims, it’s fucking weird
Everyone everywhere who isn't a Muslim or a virtue signaling fuck hates muslims. Hell, even other muslims hate muslims! So I guess it's just virtue signaling cucks who don't hate muslims. And even they secretly hate muslims. TLDR everyone everywhere hates muslims.
Its because muslims hate everyone, even other muslims. Just let the hate flow through you and achieve the enlightenment you are destined to.
>they do little muscle fatigue activity which is what actually makes your muscles grow
Because a lot of them recently come from war torn shitholes, beg for asylum and sympathy and once they get to places like my home country they act like bitchy little children and bored tourists wanting more and more gibsmedat also because 90+% of the assault rapes in our Capial was committed by "Immigrant non-western males" and it's not the Indian and Iranian immigrants who came here with college degrees and work, it's the Muslim asylum seekers. And then when they do get housing they don't integrate, they become sub cultures who are worse than your stereotypical Christian conservatives in the amount of things they deem "bad"
Damn they only get 6 hours of sleep a day? Sounds exhausting.
Yeah I agree, I have some chill Muslim friends but most are fucking assholes
the Rohingya deserve everything that’s happening to them.
I sleep only 5 hours a day
Not that bad, really
fuck you sith bastard
Advanced meditators can basically release dopamine at will so I wouldn't be surprised if they found some way to increase test production. Also, his cortisol levels are probably low as fuck.
They work all day doing physical labour.
About that....
I have a chill nazi friend, but his desire to abolish democracy, install a totalitarian tyranny and finish off the Jews kind of unnerves me.
Good man otherwise,
That post can't be real, right? Jesus...
its a real account but *might* be faked /nafees.razaq
he's from the uk so by law he should be punished for hate speech, sadly the police are silent and trained to be inoffensive at the cost of at least 1400 underaged girls
>A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if—
>(a) they intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or
>(b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.
You familiar with Wim Hoff? He does a breathing exercise that forces his body to burn brown fat cells to produce heat, then swims around in frozen lakes and climbs mountains shirtless and stuff. He did a study where he taught a dozen people his method, then they were all injected with an endotoxin that is supposed to give you flu symptoms for 12 hours, everyone who did the exercise had no symptoms while the whole control group got sick. He says his method lets you tap into the autonomic nervous system and basically control processes that are normally autonomic. In one interview he casually mentioned being able to produce DMT on demand. He talks a lot about controlling hormones, mentions oxytocin and serotonin, but I've never heard him mention Testosterone. I think it's possible, but I've become lazy about doing the exercise, especially since I'm bulking and it works best on an empty stomach.
Oh also check out "Stanislav Groff"
he maybe could if he's like 5 feet tall. he might only weigh like 120lbs
Some of the coolest guys I know are Muslims (both Persian and Arab). But even they hate most muslims- they come from a troubled part of the world and the troubles are partially because the people suck.
buddhism is all about self-cultivation. They eat low carb diets and do loads of physical activity and help our their local community, that would get anyone ripped
The way of the cross.
Yes, this guyis a UFC fighter, he spent like a month being a monk in thailand