I miss fucking my girlfriend's asshole

I miss fucking my girlfriend's asshole.

Will getting fit help me find a new girlfriend with a tight ass?

Looks like what you need is a boyfriend


fuck outta here sodomite

Did your gf enjoy anal? Did she cum from anal? Who proposed it at first? How open to it was she?
Important questions that need answering

> not liking anal
Lol christcucks are lame as fuck

Begone sodomite, you cursed devil, you loosener of assholes and maker of incontinence, I banish you

Better keep you HOCD in check there, closet case

I’d fuck a dude in the butt, but you’re more of a faggot than I am

Serious question.
Does the smell of shit /shit on your cock not bother you?

These are vapid degenerates. Nothing means anything to them except for their own pleasure

Anal>anything else
OP is a man of taste and deserves a new nice buttbrap

You know showers exist right?

Your spiritual wank is just as sinful, deceiver

Just go gay. You dumbfucks can have all the assholes you want to fuck, and more.

But pussy and tits are great

I mean the smell /shit during sex not afterwards.

You don’t smell it during sex.

How do y'all live with shit on your dick

You sound 30% dumber with this

I find that hard to beleve, you're pumping in and out of someones asshole with shit smeared all over your dick and you don't smell anything?

>with shit smeared all over your dick
You know that most people clean themselves out beforehand, right

>shit smeared all over your dick
found the 14 year old. hint go google pornhub and search for anal. don't jizz in your socks your mom has to wash those

So not only do you have to get the girl to agree to anal, she also has to give herself an enema before you begin?

This board is 18+ kiddo

I fucked every gf and wife anal on a regular basis because they love it too and can cum like crazy if you know how to do it you virgins. It feels much better and i had shit in my dick once in ten years because it was spontaneus. And even there it wasnt bad at all just wipe it away and its no big deal. Any prude girl hating it is a total turnoff for me no matter how great she might look.

>she also has to give herself an enema before you begin
Do you keep an enema kit at home just in case you score or do most women carry one with them on dates?

I told them friendly to use it before if it was new to them. If a girl is into it she does it everytime anyways and it feels much better to go fully tonguefucking wild before.

I find your anecdotes unconvincing.

You thought millions of people literally fuck the shit out of each other's assholes. Maybe you should listen to some anecdotes

Its not like im on Tinder the whole day. I knew these girls and it was never anal at first date though i mentioned it as early as possible always.
Believe it or not, girls do have a lot of fun backdoors too if you're empathic enough and they trust you. My wife wants it at least once a week and its a perfect tradition.