>Boogie doesn't work hard to lose wei-


But seriously, Boogie is right. We need to keep fighting for what we want to achieve our goals. Never give up, Veeky Forums. We're all going to make it.

Other urls found in this thread:


That's actually a pretty good mindset. Maybe his wife leaving him was a wake up call.

>Implying getting surgery is hard

Boogie may have cheated like a bitch and went with surgery but if the shit he's saying on Twitter is his actual mindset then god speed. If it isn't then he's faking it till he makes it so again god speed.

She didn't leave him user. She's taking some time to find herself.
She's clearly not going through a dick carousel.

>implying that means anything else then that it's done for good

Stop deluding yourself.
It's over.

"You're a BIG inspiration" LOL

Veeky Forums btfo
youre literally not worth his time


for you



>Cuck-by-cuck, donation by donation.
>Take the money. Get the surgery.

what the fuck is this. what the fuck am I looking at?

>Do the work.


Why is Santa Steve's avatar a skinny person? This is thin appropriation

He didn't do shit! Simply made his stomach smaller by surgery.

>Herp derp guys, steroids just mean I'm more dedicated to making it!

what is the appeal of this guy honestly? he's just a fat american slob like the rest of them

the only thing ive ever watched of him was the christmas video where he gets the light sabers. I just assumed he was mentally retarded and it was sorta laugh at the handicapped who cant help himself kind of video

>She's taking some time to find herself

You mean she needs space?
All the dumb shit females say as an euphemism for 'taking strange dick'

Btw if boogie wasn't such a spineless fucking faggot he would put his millions into good use, get to a healthy weight, get the loose skin cut, and do roids and get jacked. This way he could get an actually good looking woman instead of his coalburning fucking buttergolem horsefaced whore.

He is the physical definition of a cuck. “It’s all my fault. She deserves better. I’d be dead without her. I need her here my life is falling apart.” Grow a spine boogie good lord. No wonder she’d rather ride Tyrone’s long schlong than take your sausage fingers.

Boogie's wife is discovering inches of pussy she never knew she had. She's discovering adult, carnal relationships with some guy that isn't an overweight ADD tantrum manbaby that literally needs his diapers changed. Somewhere in the post-coital moments where she lies at his side, sexually exhausted and feeling truly alive amid comfortable pillow talk, she's considering that she doesn't want to change diapers and nod approvingly at a fat youtuber's comments about plastic figurines anymore.

>“What is the most important step a man can take?”
>The next one
>Brandon Sanderson

Boogie Posting

That's a big fucking lie, he craves for attention and comes here to see if people say mean shit to him.and the .goes to his fan base to make them say good things about him.

Is like Trump, he makes his staff give him praise feedback to make him.feel good, it's pathetic.

Pic related, few days ago he admitted he browses everywhere Veeky Forums included to fish for mean comments against him

>it cetera

The fat made him retarded

Not hard but painfull

We don't need this picture as proof, he has litterally posted with a tripcode on here before.

You need to stop posting these threads, boogie


It is literally impossible for booger to recover from this.

The most correct post I've seen on Veeky Forums

Boogie, you need to stop making these threads bro. You don’t need to prove anything to us.

>taking some time to find herself
>thinking that means anything else but riding the dick carousel

Oh boy you're either naive or this is sub-prime bait

Fuck that


>is already on trt for having worryingly low t
>wife is a professional man-babysitter, he cant fuck her and was proud she couldn't cheat him because she cant leave him alone
>shits himself
>needs a mobility scooter
>/r9k/ tendies tier, his ""work"" is playing vydia and e-begging, cant be bothered to seek long distance education
decades of failure
>fans consists of equally deranged and fat spergs who clearly can not afford surgery like he did, why would they even bother to lose weight then if their mentor failed
wow what an inspiration, hes chris chan tiers of retardation

Did his skin split from being too fat? Did it rot away? please respond

it's this new thing called joking, you brainlet.

steroids do mean that you brainlet

>taking drugs allowing you to train harder, longer, force down more food and get more out of sleep
>potentially getting cancer, heart attacks, being infertile and stabbing yourself with needles constantly all just to make it
>not more dedicated

Boogie BTFO

Spots from tube inserts during/after the surgery.

Source: Mom and both sisters had the surgery and needed to be drained/tube fed for a few months.

Friendly reminder that booger just recently said his health has taken a turn for the worst but didn't elaborate further.

>be 364 landwhale
>cut my calories down to 1500 a day
>work out every other day for 1-2hours
>ride bike or walk most place now
>drop 65 lbs in 1 1/2 months
And this fucker has the audacity to act like he is "working hard" to lose his blubber. I hate him so fucking much that i can feel the blood pressure spike in my lard coated veins.

if dubs boogie is found dead in his bathroom after bursting his stomach and with 'Veeky Forums was right again' written in his own blood

rolling for this

You can cheat weight loss, boogie, but you can't cheat alimony and death.

fucking kek, what a piece of shit

He definitely still browses Veeky Forums

Veeky Forums is obsessed with his guy to an unhealthy level

>that pic
Why does it make me so angry?

So Boogie is the new Zyzz?

Makes sense. Back in 2012/2013, "weight loss" was a miniscule part of Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums should be renamed /fat/.


>Boogie doesn't work hard to lose wei-

But he literally doesn't. He just sit on his ass and is physically incapable of stuffing his face with food without throwing up and feeling like shit for hours.

Bariatric surgery is the ultimate weak will certificate.



Can you fuck off with this boogie shit?

is this real? Did she really posted that?

>She's taking some time to find herself.

Would rather lose weight traditionally than have surgery and drink my food for months. I'd say boogie isn't having as easy a time as Veeky Forums kids think.

Fuck off with your fitness shit. This is a vegan, onion boogie board.

He's a super morbidly obese 40 something with multiple serious conditions, who has just undergone MAJOR surgery. No shit his health is fucked. I'll be surprised if he survives next year. It'll be a damned miracle if he lives to 50, even if he loses ALL the excess weight. He's fucked, pure and simple.

Boogie here. Its definately over. Never got 'blacked' or anything like that but we're seperated and its for good. I'll be talking about it in a video soon.

also hi, thanks for the 4-5 threads a day for me over here. Really strokes my ego that you guys either support me or have a hate boner for me. Its way better than you just ignoring me. Glad i'm having an impact :)

Whether i motivate you for gains through hate or through inspiration, just glad you're getting gains.

>actively seeking out and looking at this fuckers own subreddit



Congrats on hitting the 200s bro

penny from my 600lb life not only overcame surgery but she managed to gain weight after it. that's called willpower.

hi boogie

How does nobody get that this is Or did he get fat because he is a retard? One of life's great unanswerable questions...

what percentage of anons hating in boogie threads are complete dyels?

im sure your ego is huge boogie, which is why youre considering suicide on a daily basis
pls go

He’s unattractive both physically and personality wise, it’s not surprising his wife is leaving him, surprising she suffered him this long. Getting a lap band on your stomach does not equate to hard work. The delusions of this train wreck are hilarious to watch.


tits or gtfo boogie, you know the drill


>Never got 'blacked' or anything like that

If you keep your delusions up you're going for a relapse, dude. Can't stand your vids but i can't kick a man while he's down.
You're gonna have to get real if you really want to make it. But do you?

well to be fair if you can't wipe your arse or clean you'd probably die from sort of infection, hence
>dead without her
might be very true!

a victim of BLOATMAXXX

>thanks for the 4-5 threads a day for me over here.
We know you're the one who's making them.

nah he's good. he can make a complete recovery no problem.