New one since I couldn't find one in the catalog.
I'm feeling the first signs of a cold, particularly in my chest. Should I rest up today and go lift when I'm feeling somewhat better?

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you guys find it annoying when you squeeze your glutes and your thighs touch? It feels so weird.

If I'm doing a full body 3x/wk mon/wed/fri is there literally any reason not to eat 500 calories below maintenance on sunday, considering protein synthesis lasts for at best 48 hours?

I've been lifting for years and never really questioned it.

Forgot to add, when bulking

Take some zinc

Are there any Veeky Forums approved podcasts? Commute 90 miles a day and have them on both ways.

you should be thinking of you diet in a week rather than a day, if you eat less one day then you would have to make up for it on another day, you dont instantly use the food the instant you eat it

try it and see if you feel sluggish on mondays


guys I was stretching my calf yesterday and it started hurting a little but then today both of my calves were hurting while squatting, I realised recently I had been neglecting stretching so as soon as I finished my workout I did a little stretch routine and now my calves dont hurt anymore,

could the pain have been from tight hamstrings or quads? to clarify the pain wasnt while squatting but while standing after doing the squats

any scientific studies on when best to stretch and when best to roll?

which anime is that from ?

What's superior for lat development: chin ups or pull ups?

I need serious help Veeky Forums I've been out of the gym for six months because of a head injury and I've just started again on Monday and I've just got to leg day and holy shit I can't squat, my legs cave in and my flat feet don't help I need serious alternatives even then my posture is fubar idk how to fix I'm finding the entire movement nearly impossible how the fuck do you do it?
Even worse I can't dead lift for shit the posture again is atrocious and idk how to fix it
>MFW I don't want chicken legs anons I fucking hate myself rn as my upper body days are going just fine but leg days are fucked because I'm a mildly deformed piece of shit

My gym is closing!!!! What the fuck do I do? I've never used another gym, my schedule lines up perfectly with off peak there, what do I do?

How do I sleep? Been 2 weeks with no good sleep.
Currently bulking

>not having a home gym
Never gonna make it.

How do you deal with shrinkdick

How bad are seated ohp? Can they compensate the real deal?

I cant do real ones because the ceiling in my little cellarhomegym is Just 2,05m.


Pull ups, but there's no reason to only pick one or the other.
start with bar, try oly shoes
Are you eating close to bedtime?

Is butter a good source of fat?
Not as a main source but for cooking.

I read that you need to eat 1800 kcal at the minimum to not lose muscle mass. I checked myself in a weight loss calculator that considers your height and weight (I'm obese) and it also recommended 1800+ kcal.

But isn't it true fat fucks have higher metabolic rate and more individual fat cells? Shouldn't I be able to lose more than 1kg a week and/or live on less than 1800 if I'm fat enough?

I've recently moved out and im living with very little money.

My diet consists mostly of the following:
-blood sausage
-Assorted veggies

with the ocassional avocado thrown in the mix.

i've been feeling like shit and my libido is at an all time low. maybe its cause im a bit stressed but could it be that im not getting enough nutrients?

oh, also im on a cut, im pretty sure my cals stay below 2000

if so, what nutrient am i missing?

im 29 yo 173 cm pic related

did my first approach in years today
asked my hairdresser for her number, i walked out first after being too scared but walked back in and she said she had just got a bf but ask in a few months, her relationships never last long.

desu as a first time and planned i wasn't as comfy around her as normal.

How is my form? im scared of snap city. streamable/u4856

my bad missed dotcom streamable.com/u4856

What's a good way to put on the calories when I'm bulking? I usually only eat 3 meals a day and I fall 800-1000 my calorie goal. It's very tempting to do just stuff myself with junk as long as it hits my goal?

What are the best high calorie foods to eat outside of my main meals?

try to pull the weight back a bit more rather than just pulling it straight up. Should help you get on your heels more and straighten the back.
Cutting is going to make you feel pretty bad (especially when the deficit is 1000+), but you could probably do with better quality meat at the very least
You could probably do it, but if it's not a sustainable diet you're very likely going to end up regressing. Better to build good long-term habits.
It's fine, although you would want an oil for searing
Eat more than 3 meals a day, and eat calorie dense foods like peanut butter and red meat.

>Are you eating close to bedtime?
Sometimes but more like 7-8

>Cutting is going to make you feel pretty bad (especially when the deficit is 1000+), but you could probably do with better quality meat at the very least
does this include low libido?

When you are trying to get stronger, and you are struggling with those last reps, and your form starts getting really shitty, are you supposed to stop? Or do you just squeeze out those last reps even with shit form?

First rep was a nice, other reps the bar rolls forward very slightly which results in very minimal rounding (still within acceptable neutral spine).
Last rep is shit.

Yesterday i was 173 pounds (1 pounds underweight)
This morning I was 175 pounds (1 pound overweight)
What gives? am I overweight or what?

Yes. Probably a good indication that it's not a sustainable diet.
Melatonin and just get into bed earlier
In the long term, the strength gains you get from those shitty reps are pretty marginal, and they'll instill bad form, which is much more difficult to improve.

Yes, because if you're also lifting heavy enough, you're going to start upping that cortisol and start crashing the test.

There's a reason why Sheiko dick meme exists (program that's with shitloads of volume that due to difficulty recovering guys usually get ED)

when i do OHP i hear a bunch of bizarre crunching sounds in my neck and shoulders
it sounds like sound effects from an alien movie like larvae hatching from an egg or something
is this normal?

You have to make a difference between grinders and form breakdown, sometimes you can have perfect form but it's a grinder i.e the bar takes a good 5-10 seconds to come up (squat or deadlift). Meanwhile you also have tough enough reps that your technique starts to break down.

The former is good in moderation since it teaches you to grind and builds mental strength the latter is shit since bad form usually results in injuries.

any way around it?

>Yes. Probably a good indication that it's not a sustainable diet.
what nutrients are missing from it?

>cutting for two months eating chicken every day
>down 8kg, gaining strength

>decide to have a cheat day
>eat a box of chocolates and a doner kebab
>body is so bloated the next day as if I never were on a cut

>mfw I was starting to reach my goal

I feel so fucking awful I should have thrown up the shit I ate, I swear I'm going to develop an eating disorder at this rate.

Is it normal to bloat this much over a single day??

Should you meet your protein requirements even on rest days? As in should you be consuming 3 protein shakes on days when you're not working out?

You have few things, one up your time of good quality sleep.
You can increase days between lifting e.g If you do ABXABXX, you can do something like ABXXABXX or even more depending how strong you are.
Diet is obviously a big contributor to recovery however you're cutting so I suppose you can have a refeed day once you lose a set target or you feel you can't cope.
Lastly you can reduce volume of your training, you can start off by getting rid of fluff work (i.e most things that aren't big compounds) and then you can reduce amount of sets.
I wouldn't recommend last one since that probably means you're not retaining as much muscle.

Yes but how strong/big are you that you need 3 fucking shakes?
I eat 190g protein per day and I rarely need shakes.

Assuming 1 shake = 30g of protein

Anyway i get home at around 7pm so i really can't be fucked with planning my meals like that

I think I can do better with peanut butter and honey + brown breads. That and making soup with my chicken will help, thanks.

>owever you're cutting so I suppose you can have a refeed day once you lose a set target or you feel you can't cope.
>Lastly you can reduce volume of your training, you can start off by getting rid of fluff work (i.e most things that aren't big compounds) and then you can reduce amount of sets.
>I wouldn't recommend last one since that probably means you're not retaining as much muscle.

look, probably most of those 8kg were water weight if the difference isnt super noticeable.

what i can guarantee you is that you did not put 8kg of fat in a single day

to gain 1kg pounds of fat you need a surplus of 7700 cals. do the math on how much youd have to eat to gain 1kg

I asked one of the PTs at my gym to check my deadlift form and he said my lower back was rounding a little, what can I do to remedy this? I think it may be something to do with flexibility.

Also I asked the same guy if the bar was over my midfoot during setup and he had me move closer until my shins were touching the bar, and he said that was midfoot, is this correct? I've seen videos saying the bar is supposed to be ~1 inch away from your shins but now I'm not even sure.

shoulders keep popping during db lat raises. what's the fix docs?

I've run Sheiko personally, and have a few friends who have run it. Sheiko dick is a /plg/ meme. But yes, if you run yourself into the ground recovery-wise, you can end up with limp dick.
Foam roll T-spine regularly
How can anyone deduce that from the information you gave? It's probably just the effect of a big caloric deficit though.
Carb+sodium bloat can easily add 5% to your body weight.
Could be literally anything. Can't help without seeing it.
Strengthen your shoulders through various planes of motion

I know no one and have no friends, I work from home. How do I go about actually getting a social life?

I can feel my social anxiety getting worse the longer I go without talking to someone. The longest "conversation" i have with someone is a nod in the gym which is always empty.

good job dawg. was the conversation flowing well during the haircut?
>she had just got a bf but ask in a few months, her relationships never last long.
sounds like a hoe, you should smash her user

>Carb+sodium bloat can easily add 5% to your body weight

It never occurred to me that it would be that much. I'll just keep eating plain chicken for the rest of my life

iktf all too well. I used to get into that diet/binge cycle towards the end of my cut. Don't feel too shit, your body is doing its job after all, it thinks it's starving to death.

I recommend having a refeed day. This means eating in a deficit 6 days a week, and the 7th having low protein & fats and high carbs at maintenance calories. You'll wake up even leaner, with a better mood, and you'll have something to look forward to every week so you won't binge.

By the way, 90% of that is probably bloat and water weight. I do a massive cheat every Christmas and gain an extreme amount of water weight, I go from lean and athletic to looking like someone who's never picked up a weight. Goes away in a week.

The worst part isn't the weight gain, it's feeling uncomfortable, bloated and guilty.

try foam rolling your calves

might also be low Mg


She's my real estate agent, helping me find a place to stay. She's my age and she's cute af. I got her facebook, it just so happens she went to school with a friend of mine. Do I go for it?

>I recommend having a refeed day. This means eating in a deficit 6 days a week, and the 7th having low protein & fats and high carbs at maintenance calories.

I've been eating deficit daily and somewhat above maintenance on days when I workout/recover, does this have the same effect? My cheats usually have been like 100g of chocolate and/or 100g of potato chips.

>The worst part isn't the weight gain, it's feeling uncomfortable, bloated and guilty.

You described it perfectly, feels terrible. It really caught me by surprise how a kebab and chocolates could cause this much bloat.

Thanks for the encouragement user.

when i'm doing squats what kind of mental cues should i be watching for
should i be focused on just lifting straight up with my quads?
or am i supposed to stick my ass out like I'm in a rap video like Mark says

As long as you're in a deficit overall, then you'll lose weight. But in terms of feeling good, then it's worth it doing proper refeeds. Not with chocolate or potato chips, but things like oats, pasta. Look into it, there are a ton of articles on the subject.

The idea is starting with one refeed, then as your cut progresses and it becomes more difficult to lose weight, adding another in.

Good luck user, don't get into this binge/guilt cycle, it will turn into an eating disorder. Caught myself trying to vomit a few times and realized what the fuck I was doing. It almost went from cutting to bulimia

You should be squeezing you're glutes at the top. Sticking your ass out is probably gonna give you lower back pain or something.

"Andersen, J. C. (2005). Stretching Before and After Exercise: Effect on Muscle Soreness and Injury Risk. Journal of Athletic Training, 40(3), 218–220."
>Stretching produced small and statistically non-significant reductions in muscle soreness.
>Data from two studies on army recruits in military training show that muscle stretching before exercising does not produce useful reductions in injury risk (note, not tested on sports performance)

From what I can gather:
Stretching is better following a workout and even a couple days after during when your muscles are rebuilding to maintain a certain level of flexibility. Generally you want to stretch to remain flexible. If you imagine your muscles like cables then stretching them regularly ensures they remain elastic. Injuries usually occur when they get stretched outside of their normal range and tear.

Healey, K. C., Hatfield, D. L., Blanpied, P., Dorfman, L. R., & Riebe, D. (2014). The Effects of Myofascial Release With Foam Rolling on Performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(1), 61–68. doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182956569
>Postexercise fatigue after foam rolling was significantly less than after the subjects performed planking (p ≤ 0.05). The reduced feeling of fatigue may allow participants to extend acute workout time and volume, which can lead to chronic performance enhancements. However, foam rolling had no effect on performance.

So I guess foam roll before squats/leg exercises and stretch at the end of workouts.

My issue isn't how to talk to people, even though I'm awkward I'll figure it out. it's how to actually meet them so I can talk to them

Im trying to do cardio every other day but my calves can't take it, gotta rest like 3 days.

How am i gonna get fit/lose weight If i can only do cardio once/twice a week


Rowing machine, stationary bike, swimming

>The idea is starting with one refeed, then as your cut progresses and it becomes more difficult to lose weight, adding another in.

Now that you mentioned it, I haven't lost weight or bf% for a week. I do eat over maintenance on workout days/recovery days, but does that count as "refeeding"? I'm on a deficit except on training/recovery days, and have had steady progress until now.

sodium causes water retention. drink a shit load of water for the next several days, like 1.5/2 gallons a day, then after a few days, try drinking nothing by distilled water. See if it flushes it all out. The distilled water doesn't have an electrical charge so the charged water in your system binds to it and flushes everything out. Try it.

stick it in a warm onion

massage. don't jack off. i'm talking 30-45 sessions. made my boy go from 6.6 post-noticeable shrinky-dinky back to a nice even 7 in a few weeks. it's all still there, your body just needs to learn how to use it again. bathmate or anything like that might also help, i guess.

how do I strengthen them if they pop in almost every plane

is there a difference between db shoulder pressing with a neutral grip? it feels more natural to me but if it's not as beneficial i'll probably switch back to regular, palms out

Why do you think bars and clubs and the like exist?

Go anywhere public, a coffee shop, library, the mall. Start small and build competence. Walk around and look at people until you dont feel autistic anymore. Then try making eye contact. Then ask someone the time even though you have a fucking phone. Baby steps.

>I do eat over maintenance on workout days/recovery days, but does that count as "refeeding"?
No it doesn't. Refeeding isn't just eating at/over maintenance. Refeeding is eating at or just above maintenance, and very low fat, low protein, and high carb. It's important to get the macros right and not just eat anything.

It's likely that you need a larger deficit. I don't think you need refeeds yet judging by the fact that you've had progress eating at a deficit just a few days of the week. You most likely need a better diet. Stop filling your calorie allowance with junk, and keep a consistent deficit. It's much easier to keep cutting that way.

Notice how you're hungry the day after binging even after having eaten so much? I'm hungrier after eating 4k kcals of chocolate and bread than a day of eating at a large deficit. Junk makes you hungry.

Yeah, I feel like shit walking in on my own though.

I will try user. The worst part is my eyes always water and hurt for no reason when I get anxious, if i can overcome that it'll be easier

lil bro's having a couple problems. he started going to the gym about a couple months ago and has made some decent progress (went from not being able to do a single shit pushup to doing 30 rep sets of good ones, pecs and biceps are noticeably bigger), however his back and traps are shit thanks to all the time he spends sitting.

his next goal is to do his first pullup (back strength is really important to him right now, doesn't want to get injured or have back pain), but i don't know where to start, since by the time i tried my first pullup i was already strong enough that it wasn't really a challenge, but he just dangles from the bars. got any tips for quickly shaping up the back and lats on a NEETbod? besides that, his voice hasn't fully dropped (sounds pubescent, but not like a man), though he's gone through pretty much all of the other changes you could expect during puberty (noticeable facial hair, 6' height, jawline and chin almost as good as mine, broad shoulders). he's 16. is my brother just a slow-brew man or does he need help with his hormones? i haven't seen anyone his age whose voice hasn't dropped yet, so he's worried.

Thanks for the advice, I'll need to take a closer look at my tracker app and intake so I don't get negative progress at this point.

Good luck. Treat it like a workout, be consistent.

How high are we talking? Like fucking mickey mouse?

Do negatives and assisted pullups until he can do at least 6 pullups without assistance.

You're not special. Everyone who goes there is awkward and needy and lonely.

How to more or less how to read other people:


I mean when your dick shrinks so much that it actually stands on its own during exercise. Like during a farmers walk when you're pushing your limit

Thanks for the link, looks awesome will read it through

pubescent - he doesn't scream like a girl or have anything i would call a squeaker voice, but his voice lacks that kind of 'dampener' on the higher tones from almost complete expansion of his vocal cords that most teens his age have. the problem's that his voice is too high in certain places when in most senses it's actually pretty low. thanks for the tips though. i'll have him throw some bent over dumbbell rows as well for good measure.

if I'm doing a PPLPPLx and eating 3000 cals a day is that enough to recover?

Have I not been paying attention or is soy in almost every single protein powder supplement now? I just started running low on a multi-year bulk buy and everywhere I look products are including soy

i dunno man. unless it's painful and/or reduces your size, I wouldn't worry about it. whenever i push myself a lot i start to black out from my hypotension. it's just something i gotta live with unless i want to take medicine from my doc. if you think it's worth medical attention, get a diagnosis from your doc so you can show off your muscles like the big grecophilic homo you are.

tl;dr i dunno enough about biology to know whether your body stealing blood from your penis is something that should be dealt with by taking medicine or just treated as one of your body's hurdles. see a doc if you think it's a problem

one thing i could recommend is indirectly applying a weak heatpad to your penis and try it out during a light workout to see if it's tolerable. if it's even a bit uncomfortable, don't do it. remember:
Don't Fuck with The Penis.

How long rest between exercises is supposed to be?
My brother says two minutes max.

Okay, very fucking dumb question incoming. I weighed myself on Tuesday while doing IF (in am while faster) and was 194. Ate a fuckton durin Tuesday and worked out at the end of day (usually work out in the morning fasted). Weighed myself yesterday (Wednesday) evening after eating and was 204. Is it possible for weight to fluctuate that much in a two day period or is my scale broken?

>foam rolling
I'll give it another go tonight, I had a nap earlier and the pain came back

>low mg
but i eat loads of cashews

thanks bro but I go gym after work so rolling before would prove to be quite the challenge, I could roll before work I guess

generally 1-5, depends on goals and routine, if strength then just rest until your ATP has restored and heart rate is down which depending on weight will be 1-5 minutes

Are you supposed to lift heavy when cutting? I'm bulking, and from I can tell, I'll pretty much reach 1/2/3/4 by the time I'm done. Planning on doing something more hypertrophy focused for a while at that point. Is this a bad idea?

does it matter if you do skulls laying down or sitting up?

Since you guys know some stuff I'm gonna ask here.

There's this girl I like, we went out once a week ago and now text everyday (I know, lame, but I'm not even the one initiating). The thing is I wanted to go out the second time but it turns out she's busy till like January with Christams coming and some other stuff. Is it even worth getting into? I like her very much but with this approach I'll land in some kind of long-distance facebook texting thing instead of a legitimate relationship. She responds well to everything I do, I think she's interested, but I don't want to get stuck meeting her once a fortnight. Is there something I can do?



Not literally, she lives in the same city, but without meeting it would seem like a long-distance thing.

>was the conversation flowing well during the haircut?
mostly her talking about cars and good she is at writing them off. only go there maybe 2-3 times a year but she's came onto me a lot more in the past (if she remembers at all). Will go back down next year and see how it goes. Gonna aim to talk to three people tomorrow and ask for one number.
>live in small town, might try supermarkets

might be worth it if she's a FWB every once in a awhile but don't get oneitis, you need to find something closer to home in the meantime.

the texting with get tedious so go slow, pretend you're busy af

>tfw korean gf
>been living together for 2 years in Aus
>she has to wait till next Sept to get UK visa

desu long distance relationship isnt so bad, atleast you get to see each other often, if she's interested just stick with it, unless ofcourse you have a billion other options