how can I gain weight if my stomach capacity is that of a church mouse? I get full extremely fast and feel horribly sick if I try and force myself to eat more. i've always had a fast metabolism and been tiny my whole life, i've recently started going to the gym and I want to bulk up. any ideas?
>18 y/o female
>weight fluctuates between 130-135
>little to no cardio
How can I gain weight if my stomach capacity is that of a church mouse...
sit on this dick
more kcal less volume
You can drink the calories in shakes
What’s your calorie goal?
Eat more calorie-dense food: butter, coconut oil, olive oil, tree nuts
Choose more calories dense foods. Olive oil, coconut oil, peanut butter etc
true, i've been trying out different shakes and for the most part they all taste like straight up shit. i know it's not going to taste like rainbows and sunshine but i need something i'm not going to throw back up. and honestly i'm just trying to figure it out, maybe 3000 calories a day? i'm a noob, the only fitness i was doing was years ago and it was all cardio and trying to be thinner than i was.
lift more weights, eat caloric dense food
>girl 130-135lbs
chose one
chose one? i'm 5'10 if i weighed any less i'd be a fuckin skeleton my guy. more height = more weight. if i was 5 feet i'd be fat.
make this smoothie, its delicious and macro friendly and actually healthy and good for a bulk frozen blueberries, strawberries, banana, add 200ml milk (thick) 250ml milk (more watery), 1 scoop vanilla whey, 1 tbsp of peanut butter, here there is about 50g of carbs, 33g of protein and 18g of fat
why do you want to gain weight?
also fast metabolism is a myth perpetrated by indulgent hambeasts. At most, someone who appears to have a fast metabolism could have intestinal parasites, ibs, hyperthyroidism instead, and both of those are pretty obvious
post body and caloric goal
Im a 5'10 dude and I'm only 140.
I think 3000 is good for a girl I guess, I was a skeleton and the way I expanded my stomach was once a moth I would eat 5000 calories, but I’m a man so it might be different, try 4000 once a month
because i've been thin my whole life, i'm petite and i'm pretty sure every girl wants a bigger butt/thighs. also winters are shit bcus i have barely any body fat
>i'm petite and i'm pretty sure every girl wants a bigger butt/thighs.
i'm assuming you're also lifting while wanting to eat more, just stick to caloric dense foods like peanut butter, avocados, chickpeas and beans and make sure you hit your protein goals (at your weight would be probably arround 120g of protein), squat and deadlift a lot and you'll be fine by june next year
Lol don't say that like you're proud of it m8
so you're saying one session a month of just smashing a bunch of food will help expand it?
you beat me to this comment
this is a side note. thoughts on weight gain supplements? have done little to no research on them bcus i'd rather look into the food aspect of it. but is it a bad idea?
you're making a huge mistake following what other women "want." eat right, do cardio, and you'll be attractive for the rest of your life. Get a huge stomach and sure, you'll peak for a few years... then health issues and comfort foods followed by more health issues and miserable envy of healthy bodies
literally does what is meant to do, if your diet is on point and your macros fit 100% its gold, if not you're probably gaining more fat than muscle
i took almost 45lbs of mass gainer this semester with my diet at 80% and gained some good 2lbs of muscle every month, probably 2lbs of fat too
i'm not doing it bcus other women want it lol. i want it because i like big asses and big thighs. i also enjoy not seeing my bones. you tried though
do gomad or just drink massive amounts of water to stretch your stomach a bit and when you eat just funnel that shit in, i usually watch matt stonie and try to emulate him
no way its healthy but i weigh like 135 and i can eat 2 big macs in 6 minutes so you're pretty much guaranteed to hit your macro goals this way
You should lift weights to get a bigger butt and thighs, not get fat.
As a woman (unless you take testosterone), you'll never have a low enough body fat percentage for that to look worse than a saggy fat ass.
Maybe, it’s kinda broscience but if you lift and run you should be good. I’m pretty the trap routine would be 2x as effective for women, or if you want to be a powerlifting chick and wheyfu do a regular program of SS
that's what i'm doing. not sitting around trying to be a fat lard some day.
but i'm on anti depressives, i can't be mad. silly user.
Alright, I suppose if you're dead set on it, but keep in mind that fat distribution is all genetics after a point, and for most whites that means on the stomach (esp if you got family history of diabetes or hypothyroidism). Snack on something healthy BUT only on a set schedule, like peanuts or dried fruit. Else it runs the risk of becoming "comfort food." Not letting your weight gain go wild is key while gaining weight.
i haven't really been fucking with cardio lately because thats more calories i'm burning off and that means eating more. i can't describe how easily i get sick from eating more than i should. should i do one or two days of cardio or none at all?
>lol I'm not mad
This has to be a bait thread...
i have no idea what the fuck you two are even talking about
One or two is better than none
You’re diet should be around the same guideline as pic and if you eat pasta you can make up the calories with carbs
Lurk for a day and read the sticky before posting again. A lot of what you need to know to make it is already there and being discussed daily
thanks user
>falling for the ssri jew
then you shouldnt have a problem gaining weight
6/10 if you posted this just for the pun
>"I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about"
>do this and you'll know what I'm talking about
Really thinking you just posted this for the LONDONs and the (You)s
can you afford weed?
that's basically a free ticket to binge eating.
binge eating will stretch your stomach = able to eat more food either high or sober
Use a weight gainer supplements 3000 cal per scoop