What the fuck happened to the golden one?

what the fuck happened to the golden one?

Other urls found in this thread:


He co-started an organisation for Swedish nationalists that is planning to buy up villages and keep them as their ethnostate.



He went back to reality TV hunting alligators or some shit

Is this true? Any details about what you need to be ethnically to be allowed in? Is it all northern/western euros or just Scandinavians?


>swede reserves
Just move to Norway or Denmark already

>be white
>have shit genetics
lmfao, every fucking time

Back to the jungle to play with the other monkeys, Tyrone.

I'm interested in the plausibility of this as well.


>Latsbrah going straight edge not drinking beer lel

Get the Minecraft guy to buy into this

not drinking a pint with your mates lowers ur test

alcohol is filled with estrogen

Gee I don't know user, you think Swedes buying up Swedish villages in Sweden would give you a hint

Yeah, go to denmark.

Honestly, I’m not even white or scandinavian but I support him. Let vikangs be vikangs.

Chloe looks like THAT?

The hops added to beer is what has estrogen, not the actual alcohol.

>these people are supposed to be the master race of europe

why do all nordniggers look as though they have fetal alcohol syndrome?

Do you have any idea how much alcohol people drink in the scandinavian boonies

>>these people are supposed to be the master race of europe

>why do all nordniggers look as though they have fetal alcohol syndrome?

Europeans are the most arrogant, autofellating faggots on the entire planet. Do not take them seriously

Spoken like a true kang

Spoken like a true neckbeard

>if you don't dickride europeans, you're a nigger
Fuck off back to /int/

>Europeans are the most arrogant, autofellating faggots on the entire planet.
and the entire planet thinks exactly the same about u.s.a

Fuck off we're full



Who's that fatty?

Denmark is nearly as fucked with rapefugees. Also harder on roids there.

this still amazes me

NOOOOOO! Why doesn't he want his village flooded with thousands of 30 year old Somali men!

Private Ethno-state when?

Most ethnonationalists aren't motivated by a belief that they are the "master race" they simply want to continue to exist and maintain their lands and traditions.

Any group of nationalists whatever the country will have this same look.

>inb4 some cherry picked photo op of good looking nationalists

>lifting his hand anyway


me in the middle

nobody mentions that huge gyno? wtf

Be fell for the soy jew

Nice, I genuinely hope they succeed

this is a classic strawman, it's all so tiresome

>hi i'm white, i like existing and i want my children to have a future

he is lifting his fist you untermensch

Culture and lifestyle rapidly shift. Every generation in the past 100 years has inherited a vastly different childhood, culture, tradition, and lifestyle.

You can't handle the fact that things are changing quickly, so you've regressed to the state of a child trying to remember a simpler time where you still felt special and valuable in the world. People around you were mostly white when you were a kid, so you've built this cocoon basically trying to bury your face back into your mothers lap because you've seen that you're not really special at all. You're just a guy who lives somewhere, that place is changing, and now you're throwing a tantrum insisting that you don't like the change and telling everyone to stop it and change back. Like a child you take a few events and try to use them as proof that the sky is falling, when in reality hundreds of millions of people are migrating and mingling peacefully.

You aren't changing. You haven't changed in years. You lack the ability to change yourself, and instead take pride in what nonsense you already are. But then you see the world around you changing, and you panic.

You're autistic, is what I'm getting at. The white nationalist movement is autists who can't cope with change. This isn't a white-only thing, it's just that the change is more noticeable in their neighborhoods. White skin that get easily burnt, and eyes with less pigment are more prone to UV Damage, are understandably weak (and recessive) traits that are outnumbered massively on a global scale.

So the whole thing is going to go beige, and the people in white countries are going to see the most noticeable changes first. So their autists (across the spectrum, including aspergers) are having a panic attack and forming groups to try and stop their world from changing. It's happened in Japan and plenty of other places as well.

The thing about autism is, when it gains power it becomes autocracy.

yup, that's what is pushing me further and further towards white identity politics, I think white women are the most attractive and white kids are the cutest and want to continue those populations by having a white family and existing. And then instantly get called an Alt-Right neo-nazi, neo-fascist for thinking that, I don't want to exterminate anyone, I don't think whites should "lead" humanity I just think everyone should have a future and shouldn't be discouraged from that.


>Go to University
>Forced to take a sociology class for general credit
>get told that white people need to financially support brave people of colour to use their voices
>get blamed for slavery
>told muh reperations were never paid
>get told we live in a fascist, neo-nazi white supremacist nation, even though for some reason millions of non-white live here and many more want to live here
>get told whites don;t have culture
>get told whites are the most violent people on the planet
>get told white men (I am one) need to give up their positions of power to brave people of colour (if I had a dollar for everytime my professor used the term "Brave people of colour" I would have been able to pay for that class just by taking it)
>have a day 1 discussion on whether or not you can be racist against whites, 28/32 students say no
>Have a South African guy in the class bring up the hate crimes committed by blacks to whites in South Africa where blacks hold power, get told "yeah that's like discriminatory or whatever, but it ain't racism, sorry" by some smug, condescending sassy black girl
>Have politicians in my home country talk about how great the Refugees are and how they're all highly educated doctors and engineers
>have those same politicans quickly change the narrative to "economic migrants from poor nations" when it's found out have some 110lb skelly retard on a Peruvian basket weaving forum tell me I'm autistic because of that.

>get told whites are the most violent people on the planet
we unironically are, though

not individually, maybe, but as a group we did and still do violence on a completely different level from the other races

Culture and lifestyle rapidly shifting isn't something you have to enjoy, just because it can happen. If you enjoy the overtaking and deconstruction of any kind of white culture, by Marxist feminists and islam, then you can go ahead, but I don't see why I should let that happen. Also race is more than just skin colour.

Chinese and japanese people have history as well. Most other groups never established enough power to commit violence on the same scale, but they sure would if they could

What are Chinese civil wars that killed 1/4th of the world's population at the time
Who is Genghis Khan
What is Tribal Warfare that all people in every country took part in
Who is Mao
Who is Pol Pot
Who is Idi Amin
What is the Myanmar civil war


also add Stalin to the list, slavs aren't white


>why do all nordniggers look as though they have fetal alcohol syndrome?

>Most other groups never established enough power to commit violence on the same scale, but they sure would if they could
>well if you were as strong as me, you’d be beating everyone you didn’t like, too
Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn’t.

I’d argue most of our capacity to violence (technology) was the product of our need to apply violence, not the other way around. You don’t invent a sword before deciding someone needs to be sworded.

What we do know is that we are historically the race with most violence and aggressive expansionism at this point in time.
And there’s nothing wrong with that.
The morality we have as individuals doesn’t apply to races from a natural standpoint

Well, you see, most races on the planet have one other race that they hate. Depends on the area.

Except whites. You made everyone else hate you.

Every race and area went through a golden age where they had a massive advantage over the surrounding area and other peoples. North Europe was a complete backwater for almost all of history, until South Europe hit its golden age and eventually Rome expanded into upper Europe.

Then with the Renaissance, North Europe finally hit its own golden age.

You managed to piss of every other race, commit a nearly complete genocide of North America (albeit not completely intentional), and burn down your own continent twice.

The pace of technical progress globally speeds up drastically as time goes on. North Europe got tossed the ball right at the start of industrialisation and large scale ocean crossing. As a result, your golden age didn't just piss of your neighbours. You managed to piss of everybody.

That's why you are being treated unfairly. It's over for Northern-European centric races. Some ethnicity had golden ages which lasted centuries and spanned into a unified power. Europe fragmented into dozens of pieces, spending an equal amount of time killing eachother as killing others.

Shitty run desu. Oh well, try again next universe.

She’s dead now

>none of them unhealthy or deformed
Ok, so what's the problem here other than them not thinking in a way that you approve of?

T. Mad black boi or a pajeet

>revisionist history
Thanks nigger, now fuck off.

he got btfo by the Velveteen Dream

I have to be honest, I will enjoy watching you guys lose your minds online in the upcoming 30 years.

Ghengis khan killed so many people he reduced the carbon footprint of the human species for a generation

>Carbon footprint

White people baka

legit? awesome!

>change is good
>w-wait, don't embrace and violently enforce Islamic doctrine
Can't wait to cut your head off while some dank nasheed plays in the background, kufr pigdog. Inshallah.


There was one it was just already small and made smaller


at least i'm not a nigger

Don't like him anymore desu, a lot of the stuff he values is pretty surface level, like he isn't even a real blonde person irl (its dyed). I don't think what's he doing will make him happy in the long run.

I also don't get why he dislikes Islam (te culture) so much to the point where he denies countries like Albania being muslim countries even though it agrees with almost everything he says as an ideology. Sweden's culture has been based on self-hate for like, over 200 years now, it doesn't really represent the values of perserverance at all.

T. Alboniger who pretends his narco cartel is a real country.

Ethanol lowers testosterone.

By albonigger do you mean native american or australian aboriginal

OOOOYYYYYY VEEEEYYYYYYY, Who's gonna look after this young 19 year old somalian youth, I mean he's only 15 how can you turn him away you bigot? imgaine if you were 12 years old escaping a warzone, passing through multiple peaceful countries only to be told that Whitey won't want to take care of your 8 year old self? how many 5 year olds do you know of are able to support themselves? he's gonna die at the young age of 3 if you don't let him in!

its the upturned nose, that's just how nords look
t. nord

And yet my want grows stronger!

I wish that you could get this through the heads of most university students.

Oh I’ll have fun killing you.

>t. Proud graduate(s) of Buzzfeed University

Maybe try reading some actual books instead of getting your history lessons from Facebook.


>no u

You need to be 100% purebred Mongolian to get in

Housing discrimination is illegal


lies. just avoid copenhagen and don't live in the ghetto in bigger cities. a lot of people are on roids here

>the freedom to j o i n and leave groups freely

Denying a place of residence based on race is immoral because it is to judge on something a person cannot control.

But a group of persons not being allowed to control who they associate with is a-ok?

t. manlet trapped in the pit

good man


If a group of individuals all want to get together and not allow women into their organization, they should be free to do so. If people want to form a collective group of one race, why do you care. Why the fuck would you want to live somewhere where they don't want you?

I dont care if its immoral if its saving my life and property. Dont want yohr shit robbed, dont live near niggers. Why woukd you want them coming to you instead? Stay out of the ghetto, but dont keep the ghetto out? Lol fucking cuck.

is it immoral to not rent to a literal screaming retard because being a screaming retard is out of his control?

Sure it does, soyboy
Keep drinking your pumpkin latte


Nice projecting there.

I honestly don't see white men making it to 2100. 100% a dead race by 2200. The women will probably be sex slaves for a while

If I was Swedish I'd love to live in a Swedish only village, but I would want to live with normal Swedish people, not the type of Swedish people that hates non-swedes.


im not a big beer guy but if the lads wanna go out for a pint then THE LADS ARE GONNA GO OUT FOR A PINT