who /slavpill/ here
>pic obviously related
Who /slavpill/ here
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tfw eating one of these badboys for calories, dont give damn how bad they are for me
start eating sunflower seeds for squat gains
forgot pic lol
is condensed milk any good actually
looks like jizz tastes like heaven
What is the slavpill? Being slavic? Squatting lot? Eating compote?
having babushka cook for you too.
everything slavic exept drinking, like doing calisfag shit and then eating dis
Fuark I used to just drink this shit
show your slav gains lad
>Eating compote
kek what a faggit
>tfw never be aesthetic slav fucking around with your buds and smashing slavettes until you eventually accidentally die doing something stupid
being aggressive and angry at everything all week
being the most polite person on earth when eating pierogies for dinner on sunday at your grandma's place
this is the slavpill
post some non meme hardbass i can workout to
>be a slav that was denied his homeland by dumb family who went inna europe
>almost no slavs here
>will probably never listen to gopnic music in some shitty car, while drunk driving into accidents
why even live
tfw living the dream
slav is the most aesthetic ethnicity
simple as
>visit babushka, even live insame city
>mom is slav so *swearing in gopnik language intensifies*
>buddy owns old white s class
>industrial shit that doesnt function anymore so go in for drinking or just for the fuck of it.
damn, my life is p comfy and i couldnt notice before
also unironically own and wear 2 track jackets from adidas, i just stopped drinking
fuck you you western fucks
>muh kompot babushka slav squat adidas kotlet i watched LifeOfBoris one time
you make this caricature of a shitty ethnic group and now pretend like you're a fucking "slav" because you spout facebook memes
fuck you
if you actually lived in a slav country you'd see how fucking retarded this all is
>tfw you realize you did these things as a slav
>feels good man
This one time we threw a molotov cocktail in an apartment complex and we nearly got busted. Fun shit.
>live in eastern yurop
its fucking comfy if u can get with it
no it fucking isn't and gopniks are braindead retards that nobody wants to spend time with
russians can't see how shit and non-comfy their lives are because they're never sober
>live in eastern europe
>cheap macros
>good easy pussy
>no leftists
What's not to like?
>shit work conditions, shit pay
>degenerate, shit-tier people
>most chicks are shallow whores
there's a reason why russia is the main exporter of depression. look at russian authors, read their stuff. it's a culture based on self-destruction and decay
it's a sinking hole of smut whose only legacy will be shit slav maymays and russian literature
Adidas tracksuit is a fucking meme.
Squating, lot of drinking and driving shitty cars, often combined, is not.
Babushka, kompot is a half meme only fitting for those living in the countryside and smaller villages.
There are lots of pros and cons in being a slav.
>You won't find more corrupted countries than the slavic ones
>You have to deal with fucking gypsies and other dirty mongrels, trying to steal from you, when they are in a group, but when you gonna fuck their shit up as a nation, the EU is gonna give you shit ton of sanctions for being slavs
>You have to choose to stay in your homeland with your bloodline and probably be poor, or go out to the world, try to work, try to find non-degenerate gf, try to stay alive while everyone is despising you, because your are slav
>Heavy drinking is a peer pressure thing. Of course when you are 14-19/20 you don't give a shit, but when there comes a point when you want to turn your life around, lift, educate yourself, you will meet a lot of hate from fuckers, for example "you think you are better than them" and "you are pussy if you won't drink 10 shots and 8 beers and eat 2 kebabs/5 slices of pizza at 5AM shitfaced somewhere on some filthy and vomit-covered Square
>We have very strong national proud
>We are usually redpilled and you won't find better refuge from western degeneracy, emasculation, feminism etc than here
>We usually talk shit for what it is
>Cons teach you how to survive
you supposed to put it in hot water for hours untill it turns into CuRmel
in soviet russian the cans were bulletproof
my uncle went to murka, bought bunch if the murkan version cans to leave in hot water for hours, they all blew up and covered whole apartment with that shit
Hard to find good seeds in murika. Walmart ones are too salty to eat in big quantities.
>Eastern Europe is composed solely of Russia
I wouldn't say we have strong national proud
I can hear here and there that we Russians can't invent or produce anything worthy
go to russian/slav stores if you have any around big cities
they sell black package seeds with find golden chain advertisement on it, best so far
it costs literally 1 usd equivalent off the shelf, already boiled and caramel colored
i don't know if he knew back then, he was just visiting relatives
kek is this fucking real
if yes, slavs are literally walking memes
If you actually lived in Eastern Europe you would know it might as well be.
The amount of Russian influence at least in Bulgaria is insane.
im talking eastern europ buddy, no idea what kind of moloko cans they have in usausausa
>thread vec ide u kurac
>live in Romania
>pretty nice fucking place
>a big part of me enjoying it is because I am rich and don't count on income from the economy here
fuck it lads, its 0:33 and snowing, but ill walk 700-800 meters to buy sunflower seeds and make my japanese knitting enthusiats friends proud of my gopnikness
It is the same here. If it weren't for the outsourcing and us being white Indians shit would be tragic.
there being bulgaria?
do you live in eastern europe?
because i do
Lived in Serbia. Most people here are dickheads, although understandable as minimum wage is like €1 an hour. There are dirty gypsies everywhere, floods washed them away for a while.
Irish people are much nicer, everyone here is polite, except for the travellers. Although their women are fuck ugly.
cmon man at least make it believable
back then we had one version
You underastimate our barbarian mongol genes
>as i step out of house, i see drunk dude in middle of motorway
>i walk to lukoil station
>there is banquet hall next to it, but didnt exept anyone there
>there are tons of people
>dudes and few gals in gas station shop for smokes and sweets and shit etc
>as i wasnt exepting pople, im wearing all black with tan boots
>albanian isis member.jpg
>i walk in, insta weird looks, who the fuck is this.jpg
>best is yet to come
>i open my Veeky Forumsizen mounth and ask for sunflower seeds
>whole room instantly smells like testosterone boosting vegetable™
>dudes pass out from jealosy of my test lvls
>girls get wet and start to have orgasms
>one overorgasms and dies
>now whole room smells like onions and pussy
>i take seeds, turn 360 and walk home
are you retarded ? this is pure sugar
dog eat dog world china knows it slavs know it
sjw trying to make us into pussies who can't handle human nature, that we are bunch of animals
doesn't fucking matter dude
it's all pretty much the same
I'm Slovak tho
>spend whole life squatting for maximum gains for all hours of the waking day (or night)
>drink as much alcohol as you humanly can without getting fat
>not living long enough to suffer severe liver damage either
>no cliques or crews, you can literally just hop into any squat circle, whip out a smoke and make new friends
>new puss every day
>plenty of opportunities to get into drunken brawls and learn how to fight
they have it easy
man growing up a slav looks fun as fuck
legit would swap it for my childhood anyday
holy fuck this makes me mad
where is my childhood gone
daily reminder that slavs are the most powerful race on earth
Fuck you, I am slav and do everything to repay my babi who brought me up. Everything to make her last couple of years happy and comfortable. Repairing her house, buying her shit in city, helping her around. She cooks for me and will leave me her house after she dies. She's happy with the way I turned out, however she wants me to get gf and kids, to the point where she tries to hook me up with local girls.
Hate everyone who isn't her.
godspeed vladislav, u seem to be cool guy all around
i know what's it paraphrasing, but westerners unironically think that "slavs" are a race, and that's just fucking retarded
I did this stuff as a kid in the UK.
Thread song
>pushy soccermom parenting meant I spent most of my childhood doing sports I didnt enjoy and being made to study for tests I did bad in anyway
>sent to a school far away from home meant I was far away from all my friends
>never got to have fun fucking around and doing dumb shit
it fucking hurts so bad talking to friends about how they grew up and the fun shit they did, being able to just walk over to your mates was my fucking dream when I was young
same here m8
i think growing up poor made me a much better person in the end
shame it doesn't for so many
growing up poor is honestly miles better than the rich kid life
It's even harder when you're still mates with them and you want to make something of yourself.
holy fuck lad
>We have very strong national proud
well slavs are patriotic af, ill give them that for sure
this i one of most comfy shitposting threads ever on Veeky Forums
how do you save yourself from grandmas food?
do you vomit when she isnt looking?
literally just a video of teenagers doing parkour and playing on swings