That guy who works on his body as it's the easiest aspect of his life to improve

>that guy who works on his body as it's the easiest aspect of his life to improve

you take that back

desu if there was a such thing as a gym for improving personality and social skills I would go

Fuck man........... that hit home please delete

The bookshelf is my mental gym, bro.

They're called social interactions bro think of each conversation as a rep

>lifting a quarter ton off the ground is easier than sitting through a 45 min lecture

fuckin delete this already cunt

Then tell me what social cardio is so I can avoid it.

Going out to clubs.
It's fun user you should try it.

but I get so nervous and feel so awkward :(

>that guy who judges other people for trying to improve their lives



but it is

>that guy who asks for others' approval and then cries when he doesn't get it

Having a girlfriend, honestly. You become insular, weird, clingy, irritating and more part of a double act than a real person.

>as if

No, it actually is the easiest part to improve.
Still have personal issues, still unimpressive in the job market and can't do better than a shitty retail job, still years away from financial independence, but I lost 60 lbs and am in the best shape of my life, which granted is a low bar.

Your body is the one thing you probably have any control over.

Did all that and still didn't learn to read.

>tfw dicklet

t. never had a gf
sucks to be you virgin faggot

>tfw almost8x6
>tfw 6foot8
>tfw looks small proportionally

but it's true

even the hobos have

6 years of shit posting and I finally get quints... noice

You can leave now
You're few

Hey, I'm a brainlet, muscles grown on it's own.

It's just the first step. Having a body that I feel comfortable in is important to me. I had zero confidence before and now I can talk to people on an equal/higher level because of self respect. Otherwise I was anxious and miserable because there was no one to support me. Now I realize you don't need anyone except yourself.


this thread is now cursed

shut up op

why are u posting /REALSHIT/ ?

fuck off im comfy at home