First week of december

>first week of december
>NYR's are already here

stfu and do your workout, you dyel

>making fun of people who don't wait for an arbitrary date to start
are you one of them

new year. new FUCKOFF

As someone who has never experienced the NYR rush, I've only been lifting for about 5 months, what exactly should I expect (outside the hyperbolic SIR comics and the potential for actually having to work in)?

Expect your gym to be twice as busy as usual for about a month. It slowly goes back to normal over a couple months.

Whine somewhere else.


>minding the extra mires

Wanna know how I know you haven't made it yet?

>outside the hyperbolic SIR comics

boy are you in for a fun few weeks

NYRs spotted

i go very early so im probably missing new years rush but there was one new guy today and he was sitting on pec dec machine for 30 minutes looking around and did only one set

>decided to starting eating healthy and lifting
>has absolutely nothing to do with new years
>won't be able to start going to the gym until after the holidays when I'm back in town
I'm not some NYR fag, it's just a timing coincidence

>decided to starting eating healthy and lifting
>won't be able to start going to the gym until after the holidays

>never step a foot in the gym
>already posting on Veeky Forums
this is the state of this fucking board

>moving to new city for a job in january
>going to join a gym when i get there
>first week of jan

I p-promise I lift.....

>>never step a foot in the gym
Not true, I've done boxing

>that thicc girl in the white tank

i actually look forward to it
-plenty of new cuties to admire (boys and girls, no homo)
-gives a chance to make new bros and brahs
-MASSIVE test boost when I randomly decide to do a PR during the busiest hours in the gym for some free mirin'
-After a month, everything goes back normal and life goes on.

but then again, most people on Veeky Forums don't actually lift so they think NYR are actually a bad thing; disregarding that most of the time they're in the cardio section.

beating yout meat to 2d girls does not count as boxing

If you look like you lift then you have nothing to worry about mate :^)


Whats going through his mind?


9 years in the gym here.
majority spent in two different gyms.
Root for these people, only about 5 maybe 10% tops make it.

But, it's a very powerful thing when someone does. When they start... Obese, broken just a fucking sad cunt. Body and mind are fucked.

Then some time passes, 3 months, there they are on that fuckign treadmill sweating like a pig, 6 months. They look better, the work is starting to show.. You actually take interest and hope they make it.
A year passes, you have witnessed a person who is going to do it.

Then sometime they disappear, its tough because they have so much weight to lose, you just hope they didint give up. Because they will die.

But every now and they. Someone does it and they become a regular a person you see all time for years and years. Those people are strong.

This is legit like 3% of all the people ive seen come in go.
Life is hard.. But it can be done, you never too far gone.

goddamn, i started lifting 3 months 2 weeks almost every day... people in january are gonna mistake me as a NYR dude.


Holy shit

Honestly I've been lifting for about 16 months and already experienced a New year rush, and it wasn't THAT bad. Surely you will see many new faces, mostly old and middle aged people, but they mostly hog the machines and the treadmills.
Benches and free weights barely get any new traffic so your workout schedule should stay mostly unaffected. And by February most of the resolutionists are gone.

I avoid the gym like the plague between 3pm and 6pm and there are still rarely this many people inside. I don't live in a huge city though.

Generally if you know what you’re doing and do everything with good form it looks like you aren’t

>tfw are my gym the NYR's are all hot cardio bunnies

I don't even mind. I get some eye candy for a couple of months before they realize my gym is a disgusting cesspool

who cares you sad cunt just lift

you're right faggots, WE GONNA MAKE IT BROS.

I'm from Spain


That old man is wearing a literal clone of my daily gym outfit, from the short shorts to the tucked in tank to the fucking new balances

I'm gonna save his pic desu hes like my elderly version of me goals,

>Not going to the gym between 11pm - 6am

Even NYRs are not motivated enough to go during those hours. Feels pretty comfy senpai seeing the late night regulars.

how do I unsee this


I dont mind the NYR crowd i can almost stand the new year new me folks. I just really hate the cookie cutter, one size fits all, self help book reading, ive been doing this for three weeks why am I not a god yet assholes

If you dont like how much i sweat when i workout gtfo i wipe the shit off when im done what the problem here

>eliptical, probably running with 0 resistance
might as well sit on the couch for as much work as that is



jesus christ I've only been working out 8 weeks and that made my soul hurt

i noticed a load of new people today, it's not a bad thing at all.

Just wear a shirt with a helpful explanation

>always worry about january rush
>never gets busier than any other time of year

nyr is all in my head, I just treat it like any other day and it's fine

plus I work out at the Y so any nyrs are mostly doing cardio/machines

I go from 9-11pm its a good crowd

Fuck you I don't need these feels tonight
>t. lost 180 lbs and desire to go to the gym after living in car

>go to gym at university as it's a 2 min walk and free membership with tuition
>NYR is just slightly chubby girls walking on treadmills that i could be sprinting on as it's about 4 feet of snow outside

Could be worse

m8 if you are homeless then all the more reason to go to a place with utilities so you can shower

So fucking what? Why do you care what other people are doing?

i don't give a fuck personally, im big enough and when i ask "are you done here?" people are always done and i can use the equipement

the problem is when some nyr dyel is hogging the machine for no reason and there are 3 other dyels who know what to do but they are too scared to confront someone else when they are new at the gym


i laughed pretty hard when the change fell from the guys pocket

I'm pretty close to checking out tbth. Lifting doesn't feel good anymore, I'm tired of eating and regularly do multi-day fasts unintentionally, I feel stuck like no matter how hard I try things just won't turn out. I'm tired of struggling if all it does is put me in a worse place than before. I need to sort myself out, but the circumstances that caused this allows me to feel bad and I end up doing nothing for months. I'll feel better, but I learned to cope with food, and now that it doesn't have that same effect on me, I need to deal with shit in a healthy way. /blog

>lifted at 2PM today
>nobody there
>peace and quiet
>all you can hear is me grunting as I lift heavy ass weights on the shoulder press

felt good man. I think these fuckers quit quicker and quicker every year. NYR is a fucking joke, if you really gave a fuck about improving your body you'd start the moment you felt like complete shit about it.
Shame there are so many distractions to keep so many people from getting truly serious about it. It's kind of like talking to girls, you could form accessible, cheap boot camps in a national chain for guys who get no pussy and you'd still have a low turnout because most don't want to do the hard shit in life.

Only degenerate losers are awake during those hours. The ultimate redpilled sleep schedule is bed at 10 pm and wake at 7:30 am.

>going to the gym in the rush hours
shiggy diggy

Good on them. I'd say they have a slightly bigger chance of pulling through with it, because they at least had the willpower to start early instead of really waiting for the new year.

You have depression, might also be the winter blues from lack of sun vitamin d, lifting will help this. You have nothing to lose, and that makes you more powerful than anything.

already started in my local gym but i know its gonna get far worse after new year.

it always goes back to normal after 2-3 weeks.

Is this NYR thing happens only in america?

I think the worst thing about NYRers is that theyre usually there to lose weight, and they've been sold the idea that they need to kill themselves on a treadmill to do it, instead of actually just eating less.

This causes them to quit and nothing changes except they feel worse.



What a nightmare

>go to a uni gym
>proper semester isn't back on till March (not many summer sem students)
>gym is always dead
Feels great

>9.5 hrs of sleep
fuck you, lazyass bitch. 10pm-5am is for adults

>only getting 7 hours of sleep
>never gonna make it

The owner of the gym said they expect about 100 NYRfags and I bet 75 of them are going to be Brazilians. I hate Brazilians so much, brehs. They're so loud and messy and the women look like FTMs. I caof the ones that used to be thicc have lost their fat, delicious looking asses and now have disgusting, small, rock-hard glutes. Truly the worst race of people. I think I'm legitimately becoming racist towards them.

I meant to say I can't even objectify the ones that used to be thicc. Dunno what happened there.

At least get 7.5, I guarantee you'll feel more rested going through 5 full sleep cycles.

>not hunting the new dyels
>not tying to smash the new soccer milfs on the cardio machines
New year's is better than Christmas tbqhfamalam

Thank you

>have a whole month off for Christmas
>going back home to see family
>gonna be going to a new gym from mid December to mid January
>probably indistinguishable from the NYRfags

Such is life as a DYEL

The best way to keep the DYELs at bay is to do loud deadlifts above 3pl8. They fuck off real quick when they witness true testosterone. Bonus points if you wear something autistic like an anime shirt or neon pants to make sure they don't come near you at all. I've had some of them even leave when they see it because its """intimidating""".

Oh lord, my sides


De qué parte?

My gym is immune to this kind of shit. I am the only one using squat rack and it won't change anytime soon (unless they throw it away).

I haven’t noticed any.

4am-6am master race.

This. The home gym is a game changer. No waiting, ever. Just need discipline to get after it without encouragement or social reward.

Bro see a fucking counselor. I had the same issues... Turned out I had bipolar depression. Got a pill and started going to the gym again, and my life is looking up for the first time in like two decades.


pick uno

This kills the "le spanish is white" meme

What shirt would you suggest like dbz or opm?

>go to a powerlifting gym that's about to expand its facilities anyways

Nah, I'm chillin' dawg.


you have a dog guarding your gym....from who?


I work out at my university gym and the rush of new lifters at the beginning of the school year is worse than the NYR rush.

hi doggy

>be airforce
>my annual PT test is in march
>decided not to cut last year and just keep bulking while doing cardio
>barely managed to pull an 11m mile and a half
>mfw I have to start cutting now instead of spring so I can run a sub 9m mile and a half and be the best in all I do
>mfw I'm contemplating getting a sub 90 this test so I can retake it in 6months and then get 100 so I don't have to stop cutting mid-winter

What do I do guys?

This looks just like the refugees where i'm at.

Mirin them doggie gains bro, soon I'll move out of my studio and I'll have room for a rack. Till then just mirin others. Home gym master race desu

went lifting at normie times today
and boy it was fucked

>PTs all had a huge shit eating grin, the number of clients just tripled

>this one guy
>skinnyfat, sickly face
>does bodyweight box squats for a minute, grunting real hard
>rests five minutes
>does some sort of bastardized C&J with a 4 kg kettlebell for a minute, again, grunting
>rests five minutes
>repeats this garbage for about two hours

>recovering from knee injury, doing babyweight squats to get back into it
>had a half dozen people mire 1.5pl8 squats
>not even kidding

Acting like anyone could tell the difference you and them lmao.

> 6'1"
> 304lbs
> Want to lose weight, have never set foot in a gym before

Threads like this are intimidating as fuck because I am fairly confident I would be the retard walking around with no clue how to use any of the machines.

At your average gym, is it possible to get a "tour" when you sign up? Just someone to show me how all of the machines work? I don't mind if I have to essentially pay a personal trainer for a single session just to have them walk me through how each machine is used.

>tropicalfag visiting glorious America
>used to warm weather, usually bodyweight stuff and running
>Hack it for a while but eventually concede that it's getting too cold for me
>Thinking of joining a Planet Fatness next week for my last month here
What am I in for? I just want a treadmill, a stationary bike, and a chin up bar in the warm. I've never been to a gym before and have no idea how it goes.

>bootlicker flag

Nice. Is that a Belgian? Mine is a Pohranicni straze.

Ask if you can get an orientation if they don't just offer you one outright.

I was here for five years before i went to the gym newfag