Starting strenght


Other urls found in this thread:

That’s the only GF you’ll ever get doing ss

It doesn't matter. Its role is to develop a base of strength, and you can do that with any sensible beginner routine.

It's a meme workout. Don't fall for it

it's not a meme but does fuckall for upper body, do greyskull lp instead

It's the one size fits all template for you dyels to get started on. Otherwise you would all be doing bro splits and meme curling routines. Once you get your Olympic lifts down and develop past novice strength progression, then you can move onto something else.

The time people spend debating whether or not to do a routine would be 100% better spend actually just finding a routine and sticking to it.

Ready for the biggest fitness redpill?

As long as your routine is at least 3 days a week and involves the "big four" compound lifts, you'll be ok. Stop fucking wasting your life arguing about whether or not this routine is better than some other routine. Just find one you like and do it and stop looking for validation on a shitty fitness image board.

I promise you if you pick a program and stick to it for 1 year you'll be a lot stronger than you are right now, crying to some DYEL anons.

Man up faggot, go lift.

If you want to get strong for football, it's great.


Everyone who says it's a meme didn't understand why they were doing the program in the first place and expected to be "brad pitt from fight club" in 3 months.

Don't fucking do Starting Strength. The purpose of the program is to give you a base to become as strong as possible as fast as possible, with the idea of an aesthetic physique being completely discarded. It's purely about putting big numbers on core powerlifting lifts. The dietary advice given is also hilariously awful, although it's primarily meant for people in skelly mode that need to drastically up their calories.

SS will get you extremely good at doing deadlifts & squats, and you'll look like it too. You'll get massively overdeveloped legs and quads, and hilariously under-developed everything else.

How do I know this is true? Because I fucking fell for this meme back in 2012. Based on advice from the Fitness subreddit (lol) I followed the book to the letter. I believed Rippetoe when he said "only vain assholes do direct bicep work" and I neglected upper body work in favor of the squats & deads. I ended up looking like pic related but 20lbs fatter and with somehow smaller arms.

I honestly fucking hate this board now. There used to be genuine advice mixed in with the shitposting but now it's 100% intentional garbage designed to fuck with newfags.

>muh onions onions onions
>Starting Strength is all you need to be aesthetic, trust me bro
>don't do any core or bicep isolation, compounds work those plenty and only douchebags do biceps
>GOMAD or go home, you won’t get fat I promise
>lol you count the weight of the bar, kys faggot
>you have visible abs and you're under 250 lbs? shoo shoo hungry skelly
>What, you're not 7' 6"? Fucking manlet

What if I add some upper body exercises to the SS routine.

It's not a meme. It's for absolute beginners, though.

If you wanna look as good as possible, then you need to also add in some isolation work and way more pulling movements like pullups and rowing, and learn to use the tool of lifting to failure to finish a workout whenever it's safe to do so.

No, it's not a meme, it's a real program that people actually do.

I think the main problem people have with it is they expect it to do things it wasn't designed for. The name of the program literally tells you what it's for. STARTING. STRENGTH.

It's not called "Starting Asthetics" or "Advanced Strength". So people who are really looking for programs that fit those descriptions, but do SS anyway, are disappointed by the results.

>Once you get your Olympic lifts down
starting strength does not involve any olympic lifts

the DYEL leading the DYEL as usual on Veeky Forums, i see

I'm an absolute beginner, though.
I'm following the next workout:
Squat 3x5
Military Press 3x5
Deadlift 3x5

Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Deadlift 3x5


I guess my goal for now is that, to get stronger, but I don't want a weirdly shaped body like I've seen, or simply an almost non developed body at all. What should I change in order to grow some muscle added to the strength?

>but now it's 100% intentional garbage designed to fuck with newfags
What site did you think you were on?
Literally every single board is just people posting disinformation to try and ruin as many lives as possible. Did you think this was fucking reddit?

If your goal is PURE STRENGTH, then no, it's designed specifically for that.
If you want to lose weight, look better, have bigger arms and shoulders, etc, then don't.

Here's a better resolution

SS is utter shit (and I read the book and also PPST)
Do this

Veeky Forums was completely different as recently as the Zyzz/Scooby days. I feel like oldfags are so assblasted about Reddit refugees coming here they've purposely fucked up their own boards to make Veeky Forums even more like the anti-Reddit than it already was

I meant power lifts

Try not to like that dick in your ass too much faggot

Then WHAT'S a good program in order to do that?

Its not a meme if you care about strength. Read the book and don't run the program for too long. Form is fucking everything and the main reason why people can't increase weight. If you think its bad do whatever the fuck you want like I did. 1.5 year of training, started less then a plate got me to

205 one rep bench
135 4 rep max ohp
255 4 rep max deads
Just started squatting again this week.
As you can see my lower body and lower back is novice for a reason.

>do whatever you want
> do ss and read the book
>do greyskull lp or 5x5

>Its not a meme if you care about strength
>without volume and hypertrophy

Yeah but I want to grow muscle, get big like 99% of you guys here, not to get giant legs and lift big numbers but look like shit or the same.

>he wants to look like a roider
>just trying to find that perfect routine

Wait how the fuck do I do SS and Greyskull at the same time?

then youre not doing SS
if you can do chin ups then do SS

>you can't be ripped and natty at the same time.
Jesus Christ dude, I didnt think Veeky Forums was this bad.

I think you guys don't get me:
I want a routine to stick with it for 3-6 months, in order to not only get stronger, but to get muscle mass and a GOOD body shape. Is that hard to find or the world is black and white and I must roid or look like shit?

What is a novice
They fucking add 2.5/5lbs like twice a week doing anything. The point is to get them to increase there cns from heavier loads on novice program. Everyone who talks about 5x5 which is more volume always struggle with it when the weight starts to get heavy. If your really focusing on form, diet, and sleep you shouldn't have to run a novice program for more then a year and a half.

Do whatever one you like. At the end of the day its the effort you put into lifting that matters the most if you are novice. Everyone has different opinions on what's best, thats why you find whats best for you. Its a journey.

Why are you deadlifitng twice? Do pendley rows instead

Other alternative: Don't be a fucking retard. Eat well/clean. And do basic exercises, in the first 3 months focus on machines, then slowly start using free weights. Programmes are memes

Dont do machines please op

You won't look that big after doing a novice program. You can add accessories as long as its not effecting your compounds. Its mostly diet if you want to look good tho. Cut out the junk food and drink only water, tea, or coffee. No sugar.

Starting Aesthetics. SS/SL are for t-rex mode wannabe 'powerlifters'. Absolute fucking trash.

Literally nobody programs novices like this, also this definition "novice is someone who can add weight every workout" is reterded and was invented by Rippetoe, you probably don't know shit

First things first, you'll still look DYEL 1 year in.
Focus on getting strong and eating properly, you'll obviously gain mass but don't expect to be fucking ripped in 1 year.

>get big like 99% of you guys here

99% of these cunts don’t even lift.

Yeah cuz they might teach you how to use your muscles, and some form. That shit is bad

SS is useless, do conditioning, learn to move properly. do lot of bodyweight and dumbbell work

Jonnie candito's strength/hypertrophy is golden, it is a bit slower strength wise than SS, but it is really a great mix of hypertrophy and strength

>beginner routine
>37 different movements
pure autism
you should stop and think about why you are shitposting on a fit board when you don't even lift

This. One of the best russian coaches Dmitry Smirnov suggests to noveces start with machines (for one to three months), move to bodyweight and dumbbell exercises and then to barbells.

Sloppy t-rex detected. Don't you have milk to drink?

Eric was right all along, the programming doesn't mean shit, it's the intensity you bring to it.

This is my point op. Fitness becomes fucking complicated because people have different opinions , thats why you gotta take what you like. We're all fucktards.

Enlightenment me then user

Don't forget to ice your balls.

It doesn't really matter. I switched to full body after hearing it was good for nattys but all the biggest leanest guys I know have done brosplits from day one and most don't squat or deadlift, just leg press, machines and lunges.

Getting to the gym consistently, training muscle groups intensely, and on point diet matters way more than routine.

>Deadlift 3x5 every workout

Shit, son. That's gonna be brutal.

>how to get inferior results by spending more time in the gym: the meme

Shit I meant 1x5. My bad.

I think I'll try this. How are your gains?

This. OP Just do SS or greyskull for 3 months, assess your gains, and add exercises that focus on muscles you want to improve. That's it, all of this min-maxing is a waste of time

how hard is it to use brain, do compounds as well as accessories, it's not one or the other retard

This one?

I know guys with great legs who have big legs but never do a "leg day" they just train legs split up over the days they're training upper body lifts. I can see why is a good idea becuase legs are boring to train so that would make more sense than to just skip the gym cause "fuk legs lol"

I'm in the same situation, only realizing it now. What to do instead of SS?

How does it make sense to stimulate (direct) muscle growth only once a week if you're a beginner and not on steroids?


What are the big four?

Damn this post should have had more (You)s. Made me laugh

>He's just starting to lift and thinks those guys on youtube are natty so he wants to copy their routine

squat, bench, overhead press, and bench press

I am so goddamn tired of seeing these thread every goddamn day.
What do you mean, is it a meme? Do you mean that it doesn't work? In that regard, NO it is not a meme. Adding a little bit of weight to your lifts, alternating pulls and presses and squatting every workout is the best way to get strong as a beginner. It works
Or is it a meme in that it won't make you look "aesthetic"??? It's not fucking called Starting Aesthetics, you do it to build strength. The process of building strength means gaining in musclar hypertrophy, but it also involves gaining lean mass and creating skeletal and neuromuscular adaptations. As for the HURR DURR T-REX HURR DURR, that was a meme created by the internet that does not accurately reflect reality. Want to know how I know this? Because I have been to Starting Strength gyms, where everyone rhere has either done or is doing SS, and I can assure you, the people there are not all fat powerlifters with big, fat, unastheatic legs. The program itself actually has LESS lower body than upper body volume in the 3rd phase than lower, but idiots online will say "lol ss gives you shit upper body" because they haven't examined it. At the point when you are doing at least 5 bodyweight chinups, in one week of SS there are 45 squat reps, 5 deadlift reps, 15 power cleans, 15+ chinups, and 45 reps of pressing. That is 60+ upper body, 50 lower body, and 15 power cleans, which are a full body, power exercise. There are no curls, which anger many, but that's because the bicep is not a particularly strong muscle, and meaning a novice trainee does not need devote as much attention to it as say, the tricep, a prime mover in pressing motions. You will probably not look like a "t-rex" unless you have unfortunate genetics, but if you gain some weight and build some muscle, chances are you'll look better than you did as a skinny dyel, but don't expect to look like zyzz after 4 months of a strength program.

Like the rest of Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums is a troll board. Outside of a HAES forum, Veeky Forums is the shittiest place on the internet to get fitness information.

this fucking pasta man

Because it's the only measurable and concrete definition of a novice. Your ability to recover is what determines your development stage. Any other definition is subjective bullshit

It is now.
It's all fucking youtube personalities whoring their channel
Out of shape failure whoring their programs
Porn shilling/porn shills fighting the losing battle against nofap
Gear shills
Crossfit shills
White nationalists and psyops
etc etc
The only consistently fit threads that aren't just besotted by shills 24/7 are the fat threads, fast threads, and pushup threads.

Overall it's not a meme, it has good solid principles that really any routine should follow

>whole body worked 3x a week
>emphasis on heavy compounds
>focus on linear progression

The only things that aren't good about it for the average unspecialized lifter are minor like

>powercleans generally not very useful for unspecialized lifters
>too little emphasis on the upper body in general

Which can pretty much be solved by replacing cleans with a more useful movement (ie: rows, a deadlift accessory, etc) and adding some assistance exercises on.

how is there not an emphasis on upper body when youre doing a total of 60 reps of OHP, bench, and chins, with a total of 60 reps of squat, deadlift, power clean in a week? The upper-lower volume is the same

not sure if intentional but having bench twice there made me laugh. deadlift is the missing lift

A-are you serious bro?

Untrained people doing powerclean is retarded on every fucking level
Secondly, there is shit for upperbody in that program and everyone will tell you that.

Lastly, the program is about getting bigger numbers in DA BEEG LEEFTS and putting on weight not about getting strong in a useful functional way and looking decent.

because upper body and lower body volume should not be the same

upper body lifts are necessarily less systemically fatiguing, look at any PL routine like Sheiko and compare the NOL for bench to squat

and that's not even including back work, which should be matching or exceeding pressing in volume

bench, curl, lateral raises, pullups

>followed the book to the letter
>Didn't add in the recommended accessories
fucking brainlets
6 months of SS with added chins/arm isolations and maybe 1 other assistance movement per session will give you a solid foundation and make you significantly stronger than the average commercial gymgoer. It will not make you aesthetic. Nothing short of steroids will in that length of time. A good physique takes years to build. If you don't want to do SS, any other novice LP can work.

Late SS novice here.

I do accept that SS won't make you look AESTHETIC. However you do look "bulky" or like a heavily built man. I used to be pretty slim, not skinny, and now everyone says I look "big" and "like a strong dude". There is a girl that has a crush on me and she keep saying to me that my body is very manly.

Notice how I admit no one has told me I look "hot" or "sexy".
I have no abs, my arms are big but not huge, but I still love how I look, considering I'm only like five months into SS.
The one thing I wish you stupid faggots would stop saying is
>lmao trex mode
That shit does not happen. There is no such thing as trex mode.

Look at this guy's body. He does not look good, he is not aesthetic but he is far from looking like a trex. So if you guys could stop with this stupid meme it would be great.

I think you're misunderstanding the emphasis part.

As it's written, you're neglecting several muscles by not working them 3x a week.

For example, chins are the only exercise that really hit the biceps, posterior deltoids, rhomboids, and the lats, and they're done once to twice a week.

I was also skeptical of SS in the start, but listen to this bro. You will jump on some split, or other bullshit and you will see very little results, because you lack the strength. Splits are fine, as long you are strong and can really slam some weight. But if you spend 2 hours training with few pounds, you won't get much out of it. If you hop on SS or any strength programmes for beginners, you will get a lot stronger and after few months you can hop on some other program. No, you won't be shredded sikkunt doing SS, if that's what you want to know, but that will not happen on the split with very little strength base either. But with some strength base you will wreck shit up later. Otherwise you will just lose time in the gym not getting much out of it.
>t. Someone who was in your shoes and decided to try splits and aesthetic routines before giving up, rethinking strategy and hoping on strength building program
You should know, that you don't have to do the big 3 or 4 only, add some accessory lifts for fucks sake, hit dem arms, chest and delts with isolation alongside your main lifts.

**I should clarify that I do thing SS is a solid routine generally, I just recommend to add some assistance exercises and swap out cleans for rows/some deadlift accessory for the average lifter.

If you have to add things into the program to fix it, then it's not a solid routine.

It's not a routine for the average under trained and ignorant newbie.
It's a bare minimum toy strength peaking program for already athletic teen boys to do during their offseason..ONCE.

Selling it as anything else is bullshit.

Eat less+brosplit

Shut the fuck up retard. Your program makes no sense.


> If you have to add things into the program to fix it, then it's not a solid routine.

That's not true. He said for the average lifter. The average lifter's goals are not aligned with the goals of SS. The SS program is not designed for guys who want 30" waists, popping biceps, and a big V-taper. It's an introductory program for strength training and powerlifting, like you said. It's absolutely a solid routine for what it's meant to be.

obscenely underrated

It's not even good as an introduction to powerlifting bro.

They really should stop shilling it as a aesthetic program, as a program that's needed for a strength base, or that it's the greatest thing since sliced bread

I agree with all of that except the first sentence. Truth is, SS got so overrated that it became underrated.

What Veeky Forums says
>don't do starting strength you have to squat 3 times a week and u will become a trex with no upper body!
what mark says
>squat 3x a week, bench/press, and clean/deadlift. Do your accessiory exercises along with it this includes ab work and pullups/chins/dips and isolation if for some reason you didn't work everything hard enough

Its literally a BEGINNER program aimed at really skinny teenagers who want to be able to be strong enough to participate in sports along with the weightlifting training that will be included with those sports the following season which will be post novice. Everyone literally know this and its why you idiots get trolled every day of the week.

No it isn't.

The last part is bullshit he stated to cover his ass when people told him his program was a beyond basic toy program.

He's been back peddling and desperately covering his ass ever since.

SS is perfectly good. And it doesn't leave you flat out over/underdeveloped in certain areas. That will depend on your diet. SS offers little to no advice on diet. GOMAD is only for the underweight.

But your 'aesthetic' will depend on how you eat while running the program.

And don't get me wrong, the program will work at its best when you eat a surplus of calories. Especially a vast surplus.

However, I'm also of the belief that if you're just looking to get in shape and appear better naked, then a PPL routine is perfectly fine.

People like to say that SS will turn you into a t-rex and that isn't true unless you start the program as a 220 pound skinny-fat dude and you do GOMAD on top of a bodybuilder esque diet. And if you neglect upper body assistance work.


So if i go to the gym 3 days a week and do the 4 compound lifts with just the bar for 1 set of 3 reps i’ll make gains you fucking retard?

WOW this guy is SMART! What a fitness GURU he really TELLS IT like it IS!!!

It should really be the big 5 and include rows

Damn that gun was so beastly the Germans whined about it breaking war laws hahahahahaha

SS made me herniate a disk in my L5-S1 spine because I was a newbie trying to do deadlifts with no idea of how

So yes it is a meme

>Look another SS thread
Nice addition to my collection, not even humor threads get me laughing this much.