I came into the gym and found this skinny fuck rowing. Then pressing. Then squatting. In the rack for literally over 45 minutes. How the fuck is this allowed? Me and some of the gym regulars were laughing at him behind his back. Fucking autists taking Veeky Forums memes a bit too seriously
I came into the gym and found this skinny fuck rowing. Then pressing. Then squatting...
>Fucking autists taking Veeky Forums memes a bit too seriously
how ironic
That was me. Talk behind my back all you want but you're not going to do shit about it, so I'll continue to do SS in the rack for 45-1hr at a time
>not teaching him
>Me and some of the gym regulars were laughing at him behind his back
Sounds like you are the autist
>thinking you're owed an education
>someone inconveniences you enough to blog about it on Veeky Forums
>don't spend half the effort to teach him otherwise and remove the inconvenience from your future self
>tfw did pullups, squats, presses, rows, and bench in the same power rack yesterday
>Big crybaby wants hugs and smoochies because a silent meanie scared him at the gym.
Hush little baby don't cry, don't cry.
Your squat rack is safe, very safe.
We here for you, for you my dear.
We laugh and smile. Laugh with us.
Don't cry, don't fear, be happy.
Now go play with your imaginary friends at Veeky Forums.
Only 45 minutes for 3 compound exercises? A lot of people at our gym will hog it for at least 90 minutes for 2 compounds.
On the other hand, it's nice to be at a non-pleb gym that has many power racks and squat racks and non-autists.
Help me out here, I'm a calisthenics/garage gym fag and I want to get a gym membership in a couple of months when I run out of weights for my bench press. Is the issue that he did rows in the rack? I feel like doing squats and presses in the rack should be appropriate. What is and isn't okay to do in a rack?
>Not starting with squats
I hope you whooped this losers ass for not having his priorities straight
it takes me an hour to do my 5/3/1 5x10 squats and inclines
mfw seeing glances and stares 20 minutes in
>Hating on based full body routine
Just use another fucking rack bro
Squats are so GOAT to start with. Warms fucking everything up. If i have to do squats later on it just fucks up literally fucking everything
Why do people do this? Like if I finish something and want to use another bench/area/cage, half the time i'll ask if they have many more sets left, and the other half i'll ask them to let me know once they're donoe and just go over to the ellipcitcal
I squat, bench, pull up, ohp in the rack and dl in front of it. My gym has one rack and I'm on it 1-1.5 hours at a time. Thank god my gym is mostly seniors doing cardio.
5x5 full body compounds every other day = fastest results for beginners
why are you hating?
Fucking this.
OP's just hatin on our gains bruh
Give me one reason why it was a bad thing that I did squats then benchpress then rows at the gym last time. There was another rack open and the end result was me being at the gym and working towards a better self so literally no bad for anyone involved.
>What is and isn't okay to do in a rack?
You can do whatever you want in the rack, man. Especially if the gym has multiple racks and/or it's not during busy hours.
Don't take anything on Veeky Forums too seriously, this is clearly a troll thread. If someone really needs to, they'll ask to work in. Otherwise they can wait their turn.
Just confront them
If I'm bigger than them (100% of the time) I'll go up to them 20 minutes in and give them the address of the local """""powerlifting""""" gym. I've been a regular for years so if something goes down the other regulars got my back. 99% of the time they back down with their squats and go do 25 pound curls lmao
Don't hog shit when you're a dyel.
>it's nice to be at a non-pleb gym that has many power racks and squat racks and non-autists.
srsly my gym has 6. If you go to a gym that has 1.....go to another fucking gym.
>being rude
>tfw hogging the power rack for 50 minutes in one go
its only bad if you are taking up all/the only rack and other people want to use it.
Don't let these autismo's with no social skills tell you to do whatever the fuck you want. Its just common decency to share something you don't own.
The funny thing is, a lot of times the bigger dudes that get upset at DYEL's are the biggest fucking autists of them all.
If you get upset at someone hogging a rack, it's most likely because you're too fucking autistic to ask to work in, or you're too socially retarded to wait your turn. The big juicing dudes are mostly the latter - they lack the social awareness to wait a turn and think they're above working in. Being big isn't an excuse for being a total autismo retard.
Bigger guys should never work in with the weak because then too much weight has to be loaded and unloaded between every set. I understand this and I'm not even one of those stronger guys squatting 600 pounds. Use your head dummy. I don't blame strong guys for not working in with the weak. Its not even anything personal.
Nice, thanks for proving my point about bigger dudes lacking the social awareness to wait their turn, you fucking autist.
Because he thinks he lifts when in reality he's another fat fuck (hence being 100% of the time "bigger than everyone") wrapping up his first run off starting strength.
i do 5 sets of pullups in the squat rack then 5 sets of barbell curls onn my pull days when the gym is crowded
Show me more tits faggot
>Me and some of the gym regulars
Nobody believes you. Why are you looking at other dudes working out anyway.
OP is a confirmed faggot, bless his soul
How do I go about sharing the rack. Maybe this is a stupid question but do people just ask to work in or am I supposed to ask them? How do you even work in if you are at different weights, is it not awkward changing the weight every time? Its pretty low traffic right now at my gym but I cant imagine it being packed there
>hey, do you mind if I work in?
>uh, yeah, sure
>I'll be using different weights, but we can unrack and rerack between sets
>proceed to do that
t. do this fairly often
What's rude is using the squat rack for fucking 2 hours. Some of us have jobs and if you're going to waste our times when you look like fucking SHIT I'm going to walk up to you. Fucking faggots squatting 135 when I'm trying to front squat 315, YOURE A DYEL FUCK OFF
I spend 2 hours in the rack. Kys faggot
If your first thought is to screech at him instead of just ask to work, you should genuinely consider some kind of psychiatric treatment
Yeah I was just talking about if Im the one already using it. People here bitch about people on the rack all the time but it sounds like they never themself ask to work in. I assume its people on Veeky Forums being retarded because how can the person on the rack know you need to work in.
I just ask everyone who approaches the equipment I'm using, but that's because I'm an autist (no harm in it though). In my gym everyone just asks when they want something so it's rarely needed.
You are using 5 leg machines on a superset. You have finished your first superset when a wild DYEL appears and jumps on the quad extension machine and does 10 reps of 35+2.5lbs. He doesn't get up of the machine... Instead he turns to his 6 inch phone and starts liking stuff on instaface while resting, dangling his legs to add insult to injury.
>Excuse me, are you using this?
>He turns to you and smiles with rosey cheeks, 'Yes' and nods, then turns back liking shit on instaface.
>Excuse me, Do you mind if I work in my sets with your rests?
>''I'm OK, I don't want to work in I just need this machine for legs today, I'll not be long though, just 15 minutes or so, I've only got 5 sets left'
What do /fit?
Nothing because I'm not autistic enough to think that I'm entitled to occupying 5 machines to myself for 15 minutes.
You're probably going to glare at me all pussy but you won't do shit OP
start working out at home, as any serious lifter should.
lmao thinking you'll do something when I start deadlifting directly behind you. Did this to some fag and his smugness disappeared really quick.
Fear my weaponized autism