Post what you are lifting for

Post what you are lifting for

nothing at all, going out of pure habit
there's no passion left in me

Good looking tier:

Would probably still have sex with tier:
>1, 3

Nigga take that wig off, you're a dude tier:

If you dont want to have sex with all of these girls, youre a fucking homo.


i stopped months ago because i realized you cant lift away bad genetics

Is this right to left or left to right? Because based on direction, one of these would be spot on.


Is she trying to lose her lower extremeties too?

Mires from girls that aren’t my wife. She stopped caring about my body (and her own) a long time ago.

To do this to a woman

Last girl I was into didn't like me because of my weight.

Next girl won't have that excuse at least.

It's left to right, obviously, but on review #1 has a bit of dude-face going on as well

The "girl" on the far right has no tits and her face looks like a light-skin black dude who just tried to give you his mixtape with makeup and a wig.

Fuck, i want a gf like 2nd or 3rd by default, is that possible?

You gotta MAKE them like that

It was hilarious how the crippled girl offers you a footjob since she lacks arms
why be this specific

Phew, good. Great taste man. #4 definitely looks mannish but the hair is natural. Might be cuter if she was thicc. I just thought of #1 because her hair looks like it could be a wig and white guys liking light skinned girls (reverse #2).

>looking at a girl's face during sex

I guess this is the dumping ground for r/incels


I've developed a fantasy world in my head, where I'm the protagonist/hero and go on all the fulfilling adventures I can't have in real life (picture a steam punk version of war and peace).

The only thing I can do to make myself into the hero version of me is to get a really heroic build, so basically I row and lift a lot and eat as clean as possible. Meanwhile my mind wanders in most social and acedemic environments (I can't stay focused for the life of me, maybe ADD, I dunno).

Working on a tulpa girlfriend because my real life one is shit. I guess sex is abother thing to lift for but honestly a good want is better most times. Pic related is some shit from my girlfriend, desu I'd rather just be dead

I tried to create a Tulpa but couldn't decide which one of us wanted to be the imagined one

To save the white race, even tho i'm 1/2 jew

>why be this specific
I don't lift for 2d girls in general, I lift for this specific one.




For The Future
>the day will come
>top 1% will fall

for my waifus


Wouldn’t there just be a new 1%?

bacj to where you came from faggot
4 is made for queers

Yeah, hand picked by the same cabal who chose the current 1%.

i want to see how strong i can get

Yes, but the next 1% is FAR less wealthy and influential than the top 1%

And the 99% with them

Are you going to use your gains to kill yourself??

Guy with the bananas is what I work towards. I’ll never make it though :(


Have any of you considered the possibility that you're just childish faggots that need to grow the fuck up?


I lift for hi-
For her.

No, power to people bro

Who decides who "the people" are?

This is not as silly a question as it might seem at first glance, commies justified killing hundreds of millions by branding them as enemies of "the people".

Then again, cutting is easy in a communist society. No fat people. Shit, idk, maybe it would be worth it?

I'm lifting to be the most powerful untouchable cunt on earth

I'm cutting for my ex just to make her squirm at how fucking attractive I am to other women this summer and shes still just a fattish cunt, physical appearance was always very important in our relationship and I just cant wait to post that one aesthetic as fuck Instagram pic and know shes suffering as I'm getting compliments, obviously doing it for myself to feel good about going beach and copping mires too

lifes fucken good atm I truly feel like I'm making it brahs

The people is everybody you idiot. What democracy intended to be, not this sick twisted oligarchy.

>What democracy intended to be, not this sick twisted oligarchy.

Yeah but half of the people are dumber than average, you know?
I'd rather have hierarchies of competence instead of a crab bucket.



The average person is too stupid to allow them any power in the guiding of a nation.

>save white race
>Is jewish
pick one retard

You mean one person, one vote, on every policy decision for a community? I guess with the internet it’s now possible, but there are so many issues. No one would be able to do anything but vote all day on every issue due to time constraints. Plus, everyone’s just going to vote to give them, well, everything. There will be no producers.

>fucking spoilers
Rin and Lilly were the only girls I had left too

He was lying, Rin never gives you a footjob.

For a girl like this.

And that doesn't even cover the fact that Blacks have an average IQ of 85, which used to be the threshold for retardation. Latinos and Arabs are something like 89. So yeah, its even worse than half of people being retarded. The most fertile and virile people are 75%+ retarded.

/pol/ stop go somewhere else health.

not sure who to believe anymore in this cold, cruel world...

I'm a tall guy, so i lift to adjust my posture and make my shoulders stay backwards.

just play the route dummy

>even tho i'm 1/2 jew
>even tho
>i'm 1/2 jew

what are those lines below and to the side of the rectus abdominus? are those some sort of oblique muscle or are they bone?

For the white race

too busy with school, lifting, and a dull part-time job unfortunately

You need to be put up against a wall and shot.

my grandmas respect

tradthots are thots

4 shitskins?



I lift for The LORD.

To score a vapid bimbo like this whore and then parade them round in public.

Are you a faggot?

holy shit go to find out what tulpa's are, one of the top posts on r/tulpas is about a guy getting cucked by his GF's imaginary boyfriend. wtf is wrong with you people...?


You look the same anyway


Immensely useful thots. Don't turn people who are 90% allies into 100% enemies.

>commies justified killing hundreds of millions by branding them as enemies of "the people"
Lenin wasn't a communist. He was a zionist scumbag who used communism as a way to kill the ruling russian king his family then take control while claiming it was all for the people.

He then proceeded to systematically butcher and control the entire country in ways that you can't even begin to comprehend.

After he and his people were ousted they pointed their fingers towards the lower class jews and fled leaving them holding the bag..

Russia is still in fucking tatters today. They'll never come back from the abuse they suffered at their hands.

The same can be said for the Chinese. They're going to have a MASSIVE civil war and implode l

That's not representative of /pol/, that's commie bullshit

I lift for the return of the King.

What the fuck am I looking at

I need a korean boyfriend
yes homo

cause i want to believe the idiotic thought that if i look better people will actually like whats in my skull more

I want to be worthy of love from a valkyrie

I lift to save her

That's actually good

Until I'm not depressed anymore

No girl is actually like this. Damaged girls are usually resentful and volatile.

You saying you don't want to slam that?

wonder how many inches his forearms are wtf


I know this feel too.

For this guy.
I'm a bit of a narcissist.
I lift for health, to look good for myself, and make women lust after me.

I have a long way to go.


it looks like she just gained weight...

Maybe one day brother, one day
>tfw I'll never fight for the crown annihilating 3rd worlders in an aesthetic red uniform

My dad.

I know it's stupid but fuck you it's my truth. Vegeta is why I lift

Going to flight school in the summer and I want to be THE guy there.

For my country

a corset