I am new to this board and this site so I apologize if I'm breaking any rules or posting something that has been posted before already. I admire you all for striving to attain fitness and would like your help.
In short: As a beginner, I have done 5/3/1 jimwendler's program since 3 months. Have made some strength gains but not too much (not getting enough calories due to hectic uni).
My goal is to look like YUKIO MISHIMA (picture attached) Currently: 138lbs, 5'9'', 23yo deadlift/squat/bench/overhead = 165/125/115/75 lbs (1rep max imperial) deadlift/squat/bench/overhead = 74/56/52/34 kgs (1rep max metric)
Any specific guide on how to look like this person? I love his books but also want such excellent physique that is not overly buff but still muscular and shredded. How many years will it take? What plan should I form?
>Any specific guide on how to look like this person? Be east asian and buzz your head short
Landon Allen
1-2 years put emphasis on bench and ohp + lateral raises also for fucks sake do a few sets of abs every day
Julian Richardson
Can we see your current body?
Henry Nguyen
Just be lean and strong at 5'9" 160 lbs. As for programming - it depends on how hard you want to work and how badly you want it. Training/Eating/Rest are the three most important things to getting stronger.
Jordan Wilson
>you will never take over a police station and sudoku in response to the spiritual degradation of your country Born in the wrong timeline bro youtube.com/watch?v=K7lbn6tFyeo
Luis Jackson
1xF stomach slashes
Zachary Carter
>police station It was a military base
Angel Ramirez
Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.
I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)
I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%
When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!
I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.
Wish me luck in Japan!
Logan Anderson
We've been had, anons.
Jack Adams
I don't think mashima went to a gym but whatever. he looks like ottermode so just do SS,SL, or GS LP until you stall >ps how do i read sun and steel am brainlet
Joshua Young
You sound just like me at 23, I was the same height/weight. I'm 34 now. Pick a program and stick with it, emphasize your shoulders, and when you feel you've developed enough muscle then cut. From that point on all you have to do is maintain your current lifts and keep your bodyfat low.
Oliver Thompson
>title literally refers to lifting heavy steel in the gym
Sebastian Davis
oh well i just started the book don't judge anyway do the things i told you and you'll be good
Ryder Gomez
>5/3/1 as a beginner y tho
Evan White
OG chad sudoku
Grayson Young
r*ddit absolutely loves that piece of garbage, and shoves it down everyone's throat beginner, intermediate, and advanced, all of them
Christopher Miller
well quit it get on starting strength for 6 months like a real man it's gonna take like 5 years for you to make the same progress on 531
Elijah Evans
I'm not OP you fucking retard, do you really think I'd call it shit if I were doing it?
Ayden Foster
Isaiah Fisher
Honestly do a lot of overhead pressing, with both the bar and dumbbells, standing obviously, with good form and that type of body will be easily achieved. Throw in some pull ups too. Build your workout with those exercises as the core and you'll be there before you know it
Charles Edwards
Eat. Youre a twink dude. Stop eating like a bird, atleast your normal 3 meals, workout with weights and soon youll look simiar to him
Joseph Jones
>Sun was experiencing the outside >Steel was the weights >Book describes his experience with leaving his room to grow stronger and experience the outside world I can relate.
Ryan Cooper
this tho
5/3/1 is great but not until you absolutely need it for a beginner it's just going to be retardedly slow
Jayden Morris
Mishima went to the gym and frequently makes reference to it in sun and steel. Anyway with regards to reading his work, I think he's a very unique author in that to read him you just kinda have to let it all wash over you. When I spend an hour or two reading him I always feel kind of relaxed for the rest of the day, as though I'd been meditating or something. He's a great author to get into, highly recommend
Andrew Rogers
OP here.
oh god. is 5/3/1 really that bad? I went on a few forums and ended up on /r/gainit where they advised against starting strength and mentioned 5/3/1 as a good program so i decided to stick with it :/
I haven't made as much gains as i hoped to on it tbqh (because i hear beginners get a lot of gains at start). whats the better program? i'm conflicted now.
Gavin Young
5/3/1 is pretty good for intermediate/advanced lifters, basically when you're a beginner almost anything other than 5/3/1 will get you decent progress. Also beginners get a lot of gains in terms of strength but dont expect super fast muscle development. SS is good for beginners, as is SL, but make sure you actually do the recommended accessories and dont just fall for the >SQUATS >AND >OATS meme
Liam Young
Yes. See
Brayden Anderson
>Any specific guide on how to look like this person?
Yeah be born Japanese. Duh.
Ethan Jenkins
They were probably talking about nSuns' 5/3/1 which advocates for weekly progression as opposed to monthly.
Gabriel Adams
pretty sure i have the same shoulder to head ratio as him, i always feel i have narrow shoulder? can i be aesthetic ever? also am a chink