The Virgin Lifter vs. Calisthenics Chad

"B...but muh gains."

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yeah you wish calisthenics could give you that chad body

>looks "natural"
so he looks like a dyel, gotcha

>Chad should be 100 pounds lighter
>2 feet shorter
>And on crutches due to shoulder injuries

u w0t m8

Actual Chad here

I wish this fucking meme would die. The first was straight and right on and was fucking hilarious. The rest are just idiotic.

>posts steroid users

>so chad I have to turn my hips sideways to hide how wide they are

How bad is it, really? Could you birth a child?

>they're bigger than me so they must be on steroids


> chad doesn’t roid
Nah dude he has genetics AND roids

It's so obvious that guy is juicing.

>shoulder striations
>that vascularity
>that bf% at that level of muscle mass
Very weak bait.
Yeah, but Chad doesn't do soyboy calisthenics.

He's like 145lbs or something. He literally has the healthiest diet in the world.

>not in the video: his stack

>assblasted skelly

fucking dyels

2.5pl8 weighted pullup
335lb bench
435 squat
515 diddly
205 OHP
198 lb BW
Try again.

Post timestamped physique or kys

>3000 calories and doesn't even get his daily fat.

HCLF for life baby.

Did you get your fiber for today? Did you even get 20g?

>implying i'm seeking validation from a vegan troll

So you're a fat fuck anime virgin. Can't even speak Japanese probably. What a fucking loser lmao

Woah, you really got me there. How will I ever recover from that insult from a soygoy vegan who needs to take 8 different supplements and eat 5 kilograms of kale to even begin to compete with an omnivore.

>watches subtitled anime
>needs to wait for a translator to translate for him


I don't even watch anime anymore, I just have a huge catalog of smug anime boys.