ITT: post only natty pics of yourself

ITT: post only natty pics of yourself

Do I really have to start taking steroids to quit the DYEL mode?

(The cat's name is Sanchez if anyone's interested, she will always annoy me while training).

>Do I really have to start taking steroids to quit the DYEL mode?
Have you tried proper nutrition, training and rest?

Yeh, that's me from 2 years ago. I seem to have stuck. My strengh grows of course, but visuals? Not really.

btw, I know this belongs in QTDDTOT, but I couldn't have found it. If anyone could direct me there, knowing there's an existing thread that would be much appreciated.

Can you post your hairline?

You're handsome


Excuse the autistic hat and socks. Been lifting for two years with halfway decent diet. I want to try and bulk to 215 over the winter, cut to a lean 205 for the summer. We can all make it brah, just takes longer.

>6ft2 207lbs

What's your routine OP? Cause you look pretty damn terrible for 2 years desu senpai. Are you eating your daily raw onion? Have you checked your T levels?

140 lb - 170lb
