Does weed affect gains? Has anyone's growth slowed down when they started to smoke weed? I always end up maxing out earlier the days I smoke, but im not sure if there are long term affects? Anyone else?
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no negative effects on training for me. I'll smoke every night for like 3 weeks and still make great gains, however I recommend you cycle it. So do like a few weeks on few weeks off. It's really a mild drug compared to shit like alcohol, the depression of test,gh etc is extremely negligible, less than alc. smoke your weed and stop being a faggot straight edge bitch boy
Weed is great for sleeping resting and eating but please dont smoke it. Vaping it is delicious much stronger/efficient and healthy
You acting like a faggot makes you lose gains. Do what you want you retard
nic buzz feels like a weed hig hbut lasts for 20 mins max so i vape like the fag i am. also weed kills my motivation like shit so i dont use if im planning to exercise
The only thing it might affect is your motivation.
Unironically buy a vaporizer tho
Smoking weed, or any carcinogen, will cause a spike in estrogen. Google it. Key = "smoking"
Weed is so gay
I smoke like an eighth a day and I look like a sick kunt. Do want you want
It's classified as a performance-enhancing drug by the anti-doping organizations.
weed fucks your brain up if you're under 25 years old. why do you think that stoner meme is a thing?
I dont know but I know for sure that weed pretty much makes you a lazy fucker. You miss out on achieving greatnessand you are bored all the time if you dont smoke it.
post body
Too much weed will make you grow tits. Smoking/vaping will reduce your lung capacity which will in turn reduce your fatigue threshold.
>Animal models have demonstrated that
cannabinoid administration acutely alters multiple hormonal systems, including the suppression of the gonadal steroids, growth hormone, prolactin, and thyroid hormone and
the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Ultimately you have to decide is handicapping yourself is acceptable or not. There is no right answer. I used to be a total stoner to cope with shit, when I was it was worth it to give up peak performance to get through that rough spot. Now im in a part of my life where I need the performance.
Faggot, get a fucking life
>Weed does not affect gains if you understand how to control your diet, and it will take your time.
>Yes, testosterone will alter slightly to a non noticeable degree for 24 hours.
t. Medical user that lifts
Why do stoners always get so salty when somebody says they are compromising their fitness? Is it so inconceivable that there are going to be negative side effects?
An eighth a day? Dude isn’t that expensive, how do you manage? Like 200 bux a week I reckon
the estro stuff seems unsubstantiated STEMbro I'd like to see a little more evidence from recent studies that isn't from /pol/yps who are trying to say all weed users are schizo chemical females.
>too much weed will make you grow tits
sounds like hyperbola, i don't have gyno and i'm a daily user for years, am lean as fuck user
>lowers fatigue threshold
so does going to work, having stress, taking any kind of mind altering prescription drug, having too much sex, eating badly, not doing cardio etc etc
Seems like the only people who talk against it have an agenda. Again if you want to give me recent studies which have been replicated I'll look at them.
weed made my dick grow
smoke weed on rest days, is not good for workout
>user you are replying to
In my experience everybody I know who heavily smoked weed tends to be more emotional and have some gyno going on. Including myself. There is something going on there. And I am inclined to believe studies that say weed affects hormones. When I have quit weed cold turkey my libido, appetite, sleep, dreams and emotional state is off kilter for weeks. That indicates long term chemical changes are taking place when using the drug.
The sad state of affairs is that there is so much money and butthurt on both sides im honestly going to have a difficult time trusting research studies from either camp. At the end of the day you are playing with your chemistry and there are going to be unintended consequences that will not be uniform for all users.
>so does going to work, having stress, taking any kind of mind altering prescription drug, having too much sex, eating badly, not doing cardio etc etc
So IMO why add one more thing onto the list when you have an option to not have it there?
>Seems like the only people who talk against it have an agenda.
And it seems like most 420 BLAZE IT stoners think everybody is trying to take their crutch away or give them bad vibes. The paranoia about there being an agenda seems to be universal with stoners. I mean for fucks sake can you only live with yourself using this drug because you're convinced it is health food?
It affects REM sleep
Edibles is the final red pill for health. Also I only do it once in a while. I make a whole day out of it.
I've noticed I lost motivation and instead of hitting the gym I stayed home and ate shit , I've gone to sleep easier but in the morning I would still feel tired. That's just me tho so you do whatever you wanna do
Nah dude, its literally good for you bro, it literally cures cancer dude, smoke weed bro, nothing matters bro, it like clears your mind bro, just smoke it, bro.
Weed has literally no effect on your lifting, unless you smoke so much that it increases the estrogen production of your body. This is possible if you smoke a lot every day. But it's no big deal for occasional smokers. But at the same time it makes you more likely to skip lifts or lift lower weight.
Smoke after you handle your lifts and you should be good.
I’m 20 and 7 days sober after 3-4 years of heavy smoking, daily. I’m done. It’s not weeds fault its my shitty personalities. I do feel.. better though. Like I’m kicking something that used to have control over me. I feel emotions now too.. strongly. Am I gonna make it?
Quitting that and smoking weed was the best switch of my life. Those fedora smoke boxes gave me a permanent film in my mouth and throat, a bad dry couph too. All that shit went away after not using it for a week.
I'm 25 after 5 years of daily smoking. I have been 1 month sober except for two days apart where i smoke with a friend and I feel not much a lot of difference except that I remember my dream more vividly.
I still have trouble sleeping and no fap does affect my mood way more though I'll admit that smoking before going out made me weak and kinda anxious.
I still smoke though but i'm at 4-5 cigs a day
I don't plan on stopping smoking weed though but i'll only do it on the non reg
I'm going to stop smoking tobaco though
How does vaping nic feel? Never smoked a cig, but I wanna vape to relax.
Is it as addicting as cigarettes? all I can find is anecdotal shit saying it is or isn't.
Vaping creates popcorn lungs.
Why are you so mad finding out that it doesn't?
Smoking tobacco boost test desu
lol wtf why would you do that man hey
only if you vape E-Liquid. Us patricians vape straight wax in portable dab rabs.
Vaping weed has nothing to do with those mouthfedora nicotincringe memes.