

Read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/ before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.

No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them.


previously on too many drugs bro:

You are a good person PC

I'm a terrible person, but thank you drug man.

What makes you say that fellow cattle guy?

Is there any hormone stuff to support bone healing?

Bone healing juice
Low self esteem. Why you think I got into this crazy /fraud/ business in the first place?

watch out bruh, or he'll suck ya dick

>double dnp dosage
>temperature goes up 8 C the following day

Sucking dick is heavy metal

Thats 100% of fraud, even mast falls under this.

He can if no homo.

So I'm about to be 23 and just finished 10 week test e cycle and 5 weeks nolva pct.

I measured myself and I grew over an inch in the last 6 months, after cycle primarily. I thought this shit stunted growth

I know I'm probably not going to get a response but why did you guys start roiding? I thinking of doing it but I'm not too sure if my reasons are right.

I wanted to make my progress in the gym happen quicker. I was tired of looking like a small skinny fat faggo. Now I look like a small skinny fat faggo but now I'm on steroids.

That's really it.

>unhappy with speed natty progress
>insecure about size
>shitty life circumstances so not worried about long term consequences

t. natty

>I measured myself and I grew over an inch in the last 6 months
My guess is you measured wrong.
Or maybe you would have grown an inch and a half natty.

I want to reach a level thats near impossible to obtain natty.

Just for looks? Would you say it was worth somewhat damaging your health? I currently looking to start juicing for athletic performance

I'll gladly trade some health for mental peace and happiness.

Would you ever consider doing work as a model or maybe compete in men's physique? Seems kinda pointless imo to roid for no reason, but if it makes you happy I guess that's fine.

Has any of your gear ever been seized? This is for the people who order from darknet.
I live inside the EU and intend to order a full first cycle and I'm wondering if anyone has ever been caught for ordering gear.
The reason I made this is because I lived in Norway for some time and steroids were illegal there, to the point that they threatened a jail sentence if the customs caught you importing shit, so I never did. Now that I moved, I'm wondering just what can I expect from darknet.
>t. Balt

>model or men's physique
I'm a manlet and not a pretty one at that. As nice as that would be the there is no hope.
How is it pointless to chase a goal?

Can't speak for him, but I've been asked to do modeling stuff before. And I did cam "model" for a while.

Don't have good enough facial, or muscle genetics to do it full time though.

Aren't steroids legal in alot of Euro countries? Also in the US I heard that the worst thing that could happen is that they seize your shit and send you a letter, but if you order so much of it, they'll try to arrest you since they think you're going to distribute it.

Being short doesn't impact any actual modeling aside from high fashion runway.

Yeah but you've seen what I look like.
Also dutch requirements are ridiculous. (They do care about height)

I have no idea. I've been living in Norway for the last 5 years and steroids had been made illegal since 2013 by a bunch of fanatic retards

>full head of hair
>closer to being a model than me

>masT status and go from there

That's already a bit far for my tastes size-wise, but if you want to go that way try high-cruise low-blast.

Do porn. Being a manlet makes your dick look bigger.

Except all the women here are twice as tall, so his dick will end up looking smaller.

>How is it pointless to chase a goal?
Not the dude you replied to but Isn't that what bodybuilding is all about? Chasing that goal physique that you'll never achieve (tfw body dismorphia)

Naw they use womanlets.

Only on pornlet sites

fuck im supposed to be pinning but im so fucking high and worried ill fuck it up

How do you think you will fuck up? Stoned and just pinned so AMA

my ultimate life goals a re entirely overwhelming
and unattainable, and i'm just kinda lost knowing that anything else i do is a waste of my potential so i have very few morals when applied to my own actions despite my recognition of their unscrupulous nature

pure detachment really, i've never known much else

i can barely do the fucking needle process when high mate so i think i will fuck it up and accidentally end up injecting 2 cc's of air or something or my lemonade

studies show that it takes 3ccs or above to be potentially fatal in an adult

and that's in a vein

Question from a nattygod, what age do you guys see yourself dying?

2cc's still isnt enough to kill you especially not in a main vein

steroid users dont die nattycuck, we live forever to dominate over you

Nah you'll be fine. Most staff at hospitals are high as fuck and most people make it out with some HP left, so fuck it I guess. Use this as an opportunity to illustrate the enduring nature of the human vessel or some other esoteric garbage.

who knows man, maybe some car wreck will happen

i wish i had started lifting in my teens too bud

Hopefully soon

idk maybe stick a needle into the bone or break off the needle im rly fucking high

>Use this as an opportunity to illustrate the enduring nature of the human vessel or some other esoteric garbage.
hearty chuckle

your worry is more dangerous to the situation than the high is

I want to be the biggest, strongest guy I can possibly be and I'm willing to do what it takes to get there.

I'll be honest because im high and i will never be again.

i started at 16 because i was unhappy as shit with everything about me and with my body and wanted to get attention for it. and thought it wouldent do any damage with PCT and AI. I was also sucidial as fuck and wasnt thinking about the future at that point.

actual diagnosis and now the body dysmorphia and low self esteem got me fucked up.

I wonder if I can salt water fast for 5 days


so now you have no balls, bitch tits, and cum blood?

>No Balls
I have very large balls I assure you, I cycle fairly rarely

>Bitch Tits
Nope, I dont even take more than 0.25 Arimi E3D

just the way you mentioned it made it sound like you regretted it, due to sides

Oh No i'm completely fine. Looking sik and dont regret it a shred

the more random chinese bathtub chemicals i inject into myself i am slowly learning how resilient the human body is, i used to freak at the thought of randomly injecting shit, but now enjoy it.

I like this user and this user's post


EU(((EJEW))) should be good to go for roids bruh

>they want me to pay using bank transfer instead of mailing cash
rip integrity, it was nice knowing you

so many things i just typed and deleted cause this isn't my fucking blog but dude, do you think it's better to accept this shit or to fight it for life?

hopefully tomorrow

you guys hear Big Lenny talking about ordering 1000 dbol's and getting raided?

Is it really that bad to roid at 19? I took one pin of test p 100mg but the pharmacist tried to fuck with my head. I was about to hire a trainer and go hard. But I might bitch out even tho I spent hundreds on shit. Wut do? Might be doing a pen bit soon. Not sure if I wanna be shut down in prison or permanently on TRT. Got hcg clomid Nolvadex armidex

what a clusterfuck of a post.


He tried to say my dick won't work in 3 years if I use sterons when I was trying buying pokeys. Wouldn't sell me any I had to go to needle exchange

holy fuck boys steroids has nearly made me a millionaire, thank you jesus for btc, can't fucking believe this

When I first started lifting everyone said that you can not burnfat and build muscle at the same time unless you are new or on gear. Now that I have been on gear for a while how do I do this?

>Posts on Veeky Forums
Not Inna restaurant eating caviar and sniffing lines in the bathroom

Step it up nigga. Also if u wanna donate me a g I'd be forever grateful

ill pin you every day for a stable life

Wife picked up some cheap 5-HTP, should I buy some L-Theanine to go with it?


> 5 weeks ago suddenly become hyper as fuck in an instant
> also drinking a bottle of whiskey immediately after work every day
> drunk text all my managers, every night, but now we're all tight
> randomly doing pull ups at work, can do them endlessly at 240 lbs
> stopped taking amphetamine -- no effect
> can fuck 20 times a day -- no effect
> drunk call Chase, got my credit line increased 500%
> drunk call Xyrem, got prescribed free GHB

So much has been going on. So much. But it just keeps getting better/scarier. I don't need to sleep. I work 16 hour shifts busting ass the entire time. I don't feel pain. I wear shorts in 20 degrees. As a cherry on top, everyday I get a headline that someone on my shitlist got fucked, today it was Al Franken. Shitlist actually decreased by like 50%. Anyone have an idea of what the fuck this is? I was originally thinking hypomania; but now I'm not sure. I started going back to Church out of gratitude.

Also, got my new lab equipment. Going to have a massive surplus of supplements in a month. I even stopped injecting, 3 cc's of my B12 a month is more than enough for me, I'm getting too big. Apparently the other sources of B12 supplements don't know basic chemistry cause my B12 feels like something else entirely at a fraction of the dose. It's fucking amazing.

Already entered mass production and made my first 2 bulk sales to supplement dealers. If any other supplement providers want to get in on this you should know how to contact me. As for competitors, I'm breaking bad -- you are so fucked.

>GHB and whiskey
no no no, one or the other bud

Kinda sounds like you're going though a manic episode but I don't think they last 5 weeks

what the fuck is this post


The whiskey is a shitty replacement until I actually get the GHB which is 50 miles away.

Also, Mossad, with love

They last about 5-6 months

just stay off the uppers if you're gonna sedate yourself


I realize you virgins are unfamiliar with the beast

I cut off all uppers, no effect. You're saying don't mix GHB with uppers, right?

Supposedly. But I was never able to see 180 degrees or do 30 pull ups with relative ease. So, not sure

don't mix uppers with downers, it destroys your CNS and your heart

and, anecdotally, will cause the worst comedowns

Thank you for the suggestion. I no longer need uppers anyway, I'm so hyper they have no effect. Do you include coffee as an 'upper'?

only in excessive amounts would caffeine generally be considered a true CNS, 200-250mg+ depending on your tolerance, absorbtion rate, and weight. under than it pretty much just blocks adenosine

and by true CNS, i actually mean to say something along the lines of "a CNS powerful enough to cause side effects"

and by CNS i obviously mean central nervous stimulant and i know the acronym is wrong but you know what i mean

i need to lay off the drugs

No, i know your blogging, but I just feel like you are super LARP-ing noo.

Wew 5-6 months? I had a amphetamine induced manic episode and ended up being involuntarily admitted to a mental ward. I felt like a god for like 5 days before I got sedatives injected in my bum till I calmed down.

Well I say amphetamine induced but I think that was just the trigger. I had been on a bunch of different anti depressants before I went manic.

amphetamine overdose induced psychosis is much different than personality based bipolar disorder, 5 months is near the maximum amount of time anybody would expect a true manic period to last. anything over 6 months is basically a personality change

dem titties

Yeah I figured because I'm pretty sure I'm not bipolar and it was just the drugs I was on.

Man, I know what you're saying, chill. But thank you for the consideration.

I'm like the resident expert/maniac but I've been banned for 2 months and I'm too lazy to to proxy. Hoping Veeky Forums wised up and got rid of that faggot mod as, unrelated of course, kind of feeling like a road trip.

I really don't like being censored. I go fucking psychotic so yeah it's probably Bipolar II. Bring it on you faggot mod.

Nah just hyper

The trigger was related to a lot of things, mainly the girlfriend getting pregnant and then recently; miscarrying.

If you want an in-depth explanation about Bpolar; extranatty @ tutanota.com

Well the last episode lasted 5 months. I think this episode started mixed then went hypomanic 5 weeks ago so I have 3 months left.

>today it was Al Franken. Shitlist actually decreased by like 50%

oy vey

I want to dick that chick

What's the consensus on Arnold around here?

Legendary accomplishments, kind of a shitty person.

Yeah I was right about the kikes. Funny thing is, as soon as I started helping them; the public suddenly turned on them. I have nothing to do with it, I assume God is upset with them.

I love Jesus and will continue to go to Church every Sunday. The first couple years were like "why am I doing this" but then you lose your first child and Jesus hooks you up.

He's a hyperactive alcoholic?

so many asses with this trip,jesus
pic unrelated