>tfw girlfriend cooks for us
>tfw I jerk off in my bed while she cooks.
Why don't you have a gf, fags? Gfs are good for the gains
>tfw girlfriend cooks for us
>tfw I jerk off in my bed while she cooks.
Why don't you have a gf, fags? Gfs are good for the gains
>gf cooks for me and tracks macros in my food
>cleans up afterwards
keto so half the time she just cooks for me, pretty great
Masturbating in bed instead of fucking your gf on the kitchen table.
>jerking off already
>not thanking her for cooking afterwards
>not fucking her while she cooks
Never gonna make it
>not fucking her whilst enjoying that feeling on satiation
The only time you should be jerking off is when your gf is out the house, next time you're horny just bend her over wherever she is in the house bitches love a random fuck
because all the women i talk to are parasites and do not have anything I care about. My last gf was a top tier beauty, cooked like a fucking restaurant chef, loved pleasing me and keeping me company, was perfect stock to have kids with, had future plans, had skills, didn't want to do a stupid degree, wasn't a feminist retard, had a cool family i liked. There's nothing that can even approach that, I would be settling for anything less than that. Seriously user, people have such low standards. If she is not basically wife material its not worth it at all.
lol, why aren't you still with her
It’s all in his head user
lol my thought exactly
normal males don't want to be my friend because I can't get a girl to like me, that's how bad it is.
Holy shit this board has gotten so fucking awful during Christmas break
i don't want to, nor do I have to explain myself to anons. point being. DO NOT TAKE PERFECT WOMEN FOR GRANTED they will disappear on you and find other men who will lie to them. Trust me, do not do it. I ruined a good girl, she is not a-moral as fuck and cannot stay in a relationship and lies about drinking to her friends because she was always sober when we were younger. Do not fucking treat good women badly, do not take them for granted, do not use them for pussy, do not make them feel bad about their bodies in bed, do not compare them to other women, do not ignore them when they just want to chill and cuddle. You don't have to be a faggot pet for them, but do not treat them like a utility. I lost her, i fucked up, she was supposed to be my wife.
>Beta ass paragraph
I can see why you got dumped user
Oh also user
Unironically this. You should set an example by rewarding good women and ignoring thots.
lol typical, enjoy tinder anons
Enjoy getting cucked user
plz this is a Christian board
while you whine on laotian goat grooming forum, chad is PLOWING her in her apartment
Because she dumped me when I decided to come to get a second masters in America.