Right is more impressive and aesthetic

Right is more impressive and aesthetic

Other urls found in this thread:


No, the gut is ridiculous

Not aesthetic, but he's def more athletic than arnie

Black > white

Arnold almost looks the same except his stomach isn't fuck up and he had smaller lats and legs. Anyways Arnold is an overrated bitch

impressive, yes
aesthetic, no

all bs aside phil has better traps lats and forearms. arnold has a bigger chest and thats it


Right looks like a chewed-up Tootsie Roll.

i agree
the black and white pic of arnie is superior than that full spectrum (white light) image of that ugly pregnant nigger

Then why is the Classic division being heralded as the return of the Golden Era and the return of actual aesthetics?

I mean the right has more mass, sure, but he's not more aesthetic.

Right is a manlet

More aesthetic because you can see his tiny junk?

Zane is still more aesthetic than both of them


>MFW Zane will never come out publically and acknowledge his drug use and talk about true aesthetics.
>MFW He'll never talk about responsible drug use and lifting for true aesthetics and longevity

This is the bad end timeline.

Why is there such a difference in physiques between bodybuilders then and now?

Genuinely curious not asking because MUH GOLDENAGE.

Insulin and GH use vs old school steroids that basically just boost your test levels.

Also pursuit of mass over aesthetics.

when did test become prominent anyways?

Back then you wanted to maximize your potential without looking like a freak and killing yourself, so roid use was limited, because they knew that shit was bad for you if you did it too much
Nowadays every manlet fuck wants to look like rich piana and just they just go overboard with steroids

the person who first started using insulin and hgh ruined bodybuilding forever

I was watching a thing where they were talking about steroid use and Lee Priest was mocking a lot of internet know-it-alls who make claims about professional cycles.

Basically, most of them didn't use all that much stuff, just enough to boost their genetics, and the claims being made (which are leading to so many people taking Piano Man style stacks for just about everyone) are basically bullshit.

Human Growth hormone
Better classes of steroids

Insulin and Growth and yes oil injections changed the game forever.

They didn't actually TRY to get as big as they are now too.

Guys like that have always been around, but the constant LIE of them being natty and attack on masculinity and scumbags like piana whoring the lifestyle with no real sense of responsibility or care has basically ruined everything.
That and the walking cutting edge chemistry pumped frankensteins called bodybuilders.

Thank Piano Man for the return of the Classic Physique with the Classic Division (which has weight limits based on heights to prevent this dumb shit).

>tfw you are almost 2 meter tall and have the Arnold chest genetics.

>that shit

I love Veeky Forums

there is not a sport on earth you could play professionally whilst looking like that

he was a saint
rip in peace wealthy musical instrument man

Rugby gets you close, but you can't be sub 10% bodyfat and expect to perform well. Same for wrestling.

On the flipside, you might do okay in a Strongman Comp with 10% or less bf

Oh really?

I'm gonna say it
Dorian Yates ruined bodybuilding when he started using hgh and slin After that the judges started rewarded mass and conditioning over proportions and symmetry when it should be a combination

also that pregnant lady stomach he had his last win
lmao what the fuck were the judges thinking
he even tore a bicep

Dorian was the last one that actually resembled a human being proportions wise. Also, his conditioning was achieved by outworking everybody, not popping more T3 or getting a more expensive 'doctor' to come up with a better dosage scheme.
His last win was bullshit though.

that's what i was saying you nigger

Let me get the link off of the IFBB site.

Annnnnnnnd here we go:

For the lazy, here's a short chunk of the weight restrictions:
>Article 3 - Categories
>3.1 There are five categories in Senior Men’s Classic Bodybuilding, currently as
>1. Up to & incl. 168 cm
>Max Weight [kg] = (Height [cm] – 100) + 0 [kg]

>2. Up to & incl. 171 cm
>Max Weight [kg] = (Height [cm] – 100) + 2 [kg]

>3. Up to & incl. 175 cm
>Max Weight [kg] = (Height [cm] -100) + 4 [kg]

>4. Up to & incl. 180 cm
>Max Weight [kg] = (Height [cm] -100) + 6 [kg]

>5. Over 180 cm:
>a) over 180 cm up to & incl. 190 cm:
>Max Weight [kg] = (Height [cm] -100) + 8 [kg]

And as you can see, the classic division has weight restrictions. There are separate restrictions for Junior Division (16-23 year old males)

It wasn't just Dorian. Guys were getting bigger through the 80s all around and the problem was only truly cemented as Dorian's fault but people were fucking around like that long before he started winning.

Thing was they didn't reward that shit before and then changed their mind and forgot about aesthetics in favor of running freakshows.

That said, the way bodybuilding is currently won it's all a popularity contest. Used to be whomever was more popular with magazines, now it's who is bigger online and in social media.

No you weren't (I'm assuming you are ). Ronnie and T3 ruined bb, Dorian was the swan song.

i'm not him you moron
his last win was bullshit and everyone knows it


So was Arnie's last win. This shit is sadly more of a popularity contest than a true sport.

drugs like tren/GH/slin becoming more commonly used, and bodybuilders now eat 3x the food of dudes back in arnolds day, also they diet down to a much lower bodyfat

>So was Arnie's last win.

And I was fucking agreeing with you too, that was an acknowledgment of his last one being bullshit even though I was defending him earlier in the post.
Sponsorship money moved from equipment to supplements industry, that's what fucked everything up. And nothing is going to change, since bodybuilding will forever stay a freak 'sport' (MMA occupies the spot of meathead-y, freakish competition that's sort of mainstream).

It looks his balls are being crushed by his own thighs lmao

i think you misunderstood me for the first dude that said that dorian a shit
this was the first time i posted


From everything I've run across basically he wasn't in his best condition for that Olympia and it seems he won on his fame rather than his actual body.

>Sponsorship money moved from equipment to supplements industry, that's what fucked everything up.
Yeah, I could see that. Doesn't help that supplements are basically just in business to milk new lifters of all of their money for 3 months or so and then move onto new prey (aka customers).

With no real FDA oversight (or anyone really) to call them on their bullshit they get away with underdosed and sometimes tainted shit that can range from doing nothing due to not having enough in it, or outright kill you with something like heavy metal poisoning.

Don't get me wrong, I love the sport for showing how far a person can truly develop their body, but frankly this frankenstien bullshit that people are running isn't bodybuilding, it's just being someone's lab rat.






Phil Heath is such a bland, unikeable cunt. No charisma, boring, not even better than the other dudes on stage. Ouside of hurrr light eyes nigga nothing stands out about him. Fuck the olympia.

Ronnie was likeable even if he looks a little retarded, and most other guys had personality and charisma. Well arnold won on charisma mostly. Why do people like phil ?

Arnold won on charisma, and exposure. He worked to network himself out into pretty much every medium he could to ensure people would have a more favorable impression of him and not have to look at closely at his actual physique since they were familiar with it from magazines and the like (this keeps people from digging too deep to spot flaws since they basically look at him and go "yup, it's Arnie" instead of going "Oh number 8....his calves are weak". At least this is one of his claims in the 2nd ed Bodybulding Encyclopedia).

Do people like Phil though? I've seen him getting a lot of shit online for his gut, his divorce, beating the watermelon fucker and so on. I think his fanbase is mostly instagram morons who get impressed by a mcmansion and some leased cars.

>watching Pumping Iron
>wow these guys are all pretty cool, sure Ferigno is kind of an autist, but you can feel the energy and charisma from them all
>watching any modern BBing doc
>all of these guys have the personality of a wet jizz rag

Personal networking was more important back then. Now a days you can do all your networking from behind a computer. Of course things are different and the autists are more common.


>complaining about steroids in a sport that doesn't restrict steroid use (outside of natty divisions)
You're joking right?

because the "/fraud/" label on the steroids thread doesn't give that away, you retard?

Right is absolute shit. Bloated as fuck. It's actually disrespectful to the whole competition that he was allowed on stage looking like that.

If you want to compare, put big ramy up there. That's a real comparison between Aesthetics vs Size.

Yeah I couldn't believe he actually won looking like that.

That gut is seriously Big Lenny tier disgusting.

>tom platz of abs

u wot m8

>that bloated gut/waist
Lol no

Yes haha memes haha very funny

the one on the right looks black though

Arnold is a hack

>men who take steroids know theyre on steroids

Ohh tough guy

I'd pick a non-DYEL physique instead


lol bullshit. No way he runs as fast as the average rugby player and no way he has the stamina.

your mom is an overrated bitch

I never said he was an athlete, I was mentioning sports that have similar builds.

They found more effective drugs

>I was mentioning sports that have similar builds
what's it like to be retarded?

You didn't read a damn bit of the whole conversation did you?

The comment I originally replied to was stating that a bodybuilder's physique is not an athletic one, which I agreed to and pointed out the most similar physiques: wrestling and rugby, while fairly built, have higher levels of bodyfat.

Pic is an example of what I'm talking about. That's a pro Rugby player named James Haskell who has natty BB levels of muscle. He is, though, above BB levels of bf as mentioned before.

>rugby gets you close
So in europoor that physique and phils are close? Not in Trumps America

You know what? I'm not even mad anymore. You're clearly trolling or are retarded so whatever. Have fun making your down syndrome gains I guess.

>I am 15 and it's edgy to disrespect GOATs

Do people like this not realize how retarded they sound to others?


I don't know about that. Phil barely looks functional.

How do you know so much about OP?

>pro athlete

Ramy actually came to the show with good conditioning. The only place where Heath looked better, oddly, was his legs. While not as outright huge as ramy’s, Heath’s legs had better definition in the right places.

Otherwise, yeah, Ramy should have won that show easily. But at that level, like most professional events, sporting or otherwise, politics, charisma, showmanship, and the impression you give people is half the game.

Yates was a great champion - no real roid gut and huge size while looking really grainy
also his personality was like the anti arnold - trained like a lunatic while keeping his mouth shut and living for the sport

also he had yano legs

>comparing that pic with modern "body builders body"

I never said he was natty, just that his level of musculature was about the same as a natty bodybuilder's.

Yates was like a friggin muscle monk.

Hearing him talk about it, he was like the Pope of the Church of Iron with how he approached that stuff.

Yates, while huge, had great proportions and insane detail. His 1994 back looked like the muscle groups were airbrushed. Insane detail. And his legs were some of the best ever. Never seen a back or calves like that since.

There were bigger guys, too, but they just didn’t have it all.

Phil Heath, when not bloated, has an insane proportions and look, but he shouldn’t have one this one.

As far as which one looks better? Classic for me. The open division is like applying minimax solutions to the body. The maximum outcome achievable. It has its own merit.

i've started to alternate months of HIT with fullbody strength training and am getting far better results

the system is the real deal

Yeah, science has pretty much backed that pretty hard. If you're natty doing a PPL (or in my case LPP so I don't squat and deadlift one right after the other) twice a week (basically an eight day split like LPPxLPPx) and switching between strength and hypertrophy is the best way to go.

I'd argue it might even be the best way for /fraud/ as well, at least for putting on mass efficiently.

A natty bber would have to have some pretty great genetics to look like that unless he's a manlet.

Or be a manlet with great genetics (for examples see Lee Priest who was natty up until he went pro (according to his own claims at least) and is 5'5").