Plg meet up
Pic related is the location
Bring a girl or you're not invited
BYOB - Bring your own barbell
Plg meet up
Pic related is the location
Bring a girl or you're not invited
BYOB - Bring your own barbell
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Nice trips, Satan. You won't be fooling anybody. You won't be stealing anybody's gains or girl.
Made for big bencher cock
That's me. I'm a big bencher. I have a big cock. Yes, yes, that's me.
I deserve a girl like this. I deserve to fill her with my semen.
Are these insta hotties all photoshopped or something even when I went to Scandinavian countries I rarely saw girls with such top tier proportions and beauty
>tfw average bencher with average cock
Bar is off-center. About two inches to the right. Have marked the approximate midline of your back and the knurling of the bar to illustrate. It looks like you're lacking some mobility in extension in your left shoulder or retraction in your left scapula. Possible solution: release left pec major/anterior deltoid/serratus anterior.
I aint going to that muslim city of London
Big bencher is minimum comp binch of 180
i want someone to love
eyy smartass could you spot that his right shoulders is lower than his left? That makes obvious diffrent bar placement
Hi you can love me. Even if you are a guy.
I'm sure I can turn gay at this point.
How does cuddling and watching anime on the sofa before going to the gym sound?
Right shoulder. Not left.
I know you're meming/shitposting recently (probably trying to get attention a la panzer/Sean way) but you're not wrong about London.
is general is easily the most cancerous place reddit
>didnt post for 3-4 weeks
>memed for 1 day
hurr durr yoooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu attentino yyyyyyyyy uuuuuuuuuuuo oooooooooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeee annonnnnnnnymouusssssssssssssss weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Are you a vegan? What are you trying to type brain let?
>how do levers work
Who wants to have a GDE contest? Ill go first
3.5 years,. 330 wilks
i want a nice girl to love*
but anime and gym sounds nice desu and we can rent a comfy apartment together and be besties.
I'm depressed and want to die
Fucking how even with disc injury wasting 7 months on rehab 2.5 years 350 wilks did you fall for the abs meme ?
>eating for 21 years
>not 120kg yet
fight me
Oh shit totally forgot you left after people bullied you over dating a horse
Nice try op. I'm not getting mugged for your autistic meet up.
I now have cute tattooed rock girl thanks
also im happy that you got me to dump the ex one
Little bit of Photoshop, little bit of good posing, little bit of just looking good.
would you plow?
fucking finally, you deserved much better than that.
Grip is symmetric on the bar. A lower shoulder doesn't move the bar over, dumbass.
I've been with her only for 2 weeks, had sex few times and dumped. Thats my usual thing I said it before
Id probably dump new one in month too [cool]
4 years, 2 months of consistent lifting. 257 wilks.
I politely ask you do not make fun of me or I might actually kill myself thanks
>letting random fatties influence your decisions
Lmaooooo though jokes aside dating a vegan as an aspiring big guy4u is stupid.
Anyway where is mommy sernik recipe you said you'll get
Pretty much any girl that's conventionally attractive, alternatively attractive, muscular, petite, or thicc I would plow.
I'm attracted to all body types and sizes that aren't fat or skeletons.
that doesnt change a thing I wouldnt even want to fuck her.
I should say most, there's some bodies that fall into those that I'd find absolutely disgusting.
Weight , height?
I got 6gf in 2017. I just get bored of them super quick, I would need to find one with autistic sense of humor to match mines to hold on to her.
Shiet, forgot tomorrow I see momy will do
I fucked her doggystyle mostly and her ass is p nice thank u
Wtf are you me
That was the first day I walked into a gym
So 3.5 including all the breaks and injuries. Didnt have proper nutrition until a couple months ago
This is a no bully gde acceptance zone
>training (tomorrow)
4x4 skwats @90%
rdl 4x10
farmers walks 2xf
cable rows 5x10
incline curl 3x15
>tfw small bencher with big cock
I was being serious. Where do you live. I'm sick of being alone.
Help with squat form
Pls no bully I just started squatting this week.
i live in jew york
Competition in 2 days lads. Nationals.
dump those shoes, get your weight more on the heels
It would be a good idea if we can see your fucking back.
But from what i see your heels are coming off , you're not pushing your knees out and sitting into depth, you walk too much back 3 steps is enough
I figured. My friend told me the same. Anything else or does it fuck up all my reps?
Thank you, my gym area is hard to record my back from the power rack but ill try to do it next time
You blow out a disc first day in gym wtf how?
No depth. Good ankle mobility and good position otherwise, but you have femurs a mile long, and no shin or torso to go with them. Elevate your heels. Try on plates or 2x4s or something first.
Your shoes suck, anyway. If elevating the heel helps, get lifting shoes. 0.75 inches is standard, but these have an inch of effective heel, but you might need more. A cobbler will be able to add height to the heels for a nominal fee.
>low bar
>not even parallel
I would laugh at you with mates if you were in my gym
It can be a simple case of the bar being in the wrong placement which is resulting in you going forward and fucking up everything.
this will be good start, show us squat without this shoes and trying to balance the weight on your midfoot
Stop this bullying its mean and it hurts my feelings
The true high test answer.
Oh well shit happens at least with 330 Wilks you're beyond normies how did this guy stay 250 is legit a mystery I wonder if he needs test checked
4 years lifting 331 wilks :) I was actually at 360 but this year I gained 10kg without adding a single kilo to my max. I fell for the you're a twink and need to eat more to make gains meme.
I fucked my back up from slipping and its close to being back to normal so im wearing a belt just to be safe. I want good form. My upperbody is intermediate but not any impressive numbers
Yeah I have a lot of trouble unracking and my wrist hurts after too.
Next gym day ill be back with a video with and without shoes. Ill get lifting shoes when I have a bit of extra money, right now all I have are pumas that are similar to the chucks/converses
Thank you for the responses appreciate it
Every time I post this someone tells me to get my test checked.
I have no idea how to
>gained 10 kg
>didn't put on a single kg to total in a whole year
This takes some next level retardation to pull off grats I suppose
I mean people were saying eat more so I did, I was hoping for those magic gains they promised me but they never came. I'm just gonna cut back and go back to my 360wilks no lose tbf.
Put your balls in hot water bucket if they float or stay you're low test if they sink you're high test.
Like honestly how do you think, either speak to a gp or save up for a cheap private one.
where did you guys meet gfs and how did you make them gfs
I cannot have low test on my medical records. Not going to happen.
What are my other options?
You did something stupid eating more literally works for every person at least bare minumum you should see your bench explode
>talk to her
>invite on a date
Private then, they won't be in your medical records pretty sure you can even use fake name
Chaddddd reeeeee
I became friends with her through a class we had. Eventually we met at a party, and slept together. That was 4 years ago.
What's with all the estate agent porn scenarios I'm legit confused here
do your wife know that you would agree to fuck anything that moves?
She knows I'm a horny guy but she also knows I'm loyal.
you going to be good husband unironically
my cousin is like this and his marriage is very happy
>small dick
>no friends
this but im cute
reee u have no excuse
Become a trap/twink
but have "beautiful body", high average dick and a couple friends
i am a 19 qt but kv manlet with 5 inch penor, tell me it will be alright!
It will be alright love u lots jeff
when we played war thunder my friend (other Yakob) said you are an autist
idk what that is
its pretty clear m8ty
I have pent up energy that I can't seem to release.
What do?
Currently dating a girl I've been friends with since kindergarten and we just sort of mutually were like shit, we really like each other a lot.
>Implying you can see your penis
Go for a run
Have lots of sex with someone new
80% AMRAPS for squat bench and deadlift
I never said anything about that, but I have no issues in that department.
take my finals for me
Not that kind of energy. I want something. An item. But this man won't sell me this item and he has legal possession over it.
Nice blog faggot.
Nice blog faggot
Ha ha okay dino