Chad vs virgin parents thread

>father is a complete beta and disgusts me whenever he is near me
>is a manlet and gave me shit genes (I'm 5'10)
>has the voice of a baby and is super sulky passive aggressive emotional toxic
>not respected by anyone even by mom
>has nervous breakdowns
>earns just enough to get by, mom has to work, lower middle class and has unrespected job
>eats like a pig even chews with mouth open refuses to eat with his mouth closed when I ask nicely
This is the "man" that raised me

Anyone else have virgin parents, and anyone have chad parents? What's it like?

My dad is 6'5" and 240lb. Still plays basketball and volleyball regularly and he's nearly 60. Worked manual labour his whole life so hes pretty fucking strong.

I'm only 6'2"...

>he's bitching about 5'10

You're a beta because you're so god damn insecure.

>Anyone else have virgin parents
Are you adopted, or are you genuinely retarded?

>tfw obese dad

>not realizing chad and virgin are states of mind
spotted the NYR newfag

>>is a manlet and gave me shit genes (I'm 5'10)
my condolences friendo
my dad is beer-stomach fat but pretty strong overall
pretty cool dude

My dad looks like a Chad but is insecure resentful paranoid alcoholic.
Not sure what happened to him.
Also he's a cuck by chan standards because he raised my two older sisters who are from my mom's previous marriage lol.

god damn the liquid jew is the hardest pill to swallow

I bet your dad doesn't only speak in stale memes like a fucking retard, though.

>KEK father
I am sorry user

>banging your step daughters is cuck behavior
lmaoing at you

My dad is awesome. CTO of a big construction company. Intelligent, hard working and great with people. He is my example thru and thru but I don't think I will ever be able to match him. He's pretty submissive in his marriage tho, or my mom is just super dominant.

I hope he fucks a ton of hot prostitutes on the side.

he didn't bang them tard
turn off the porn

>he didn't bang them
that's by definition what you do with step daughters you cuck

>Tfw you will never lift with your dad and hit sick PRs together

Dad has worked construction his whole life. Basically runs the company now. 5'10, but still alpha. He's overweight, but still strong as fuck.

Only problem is my mom is also pretty alpha. Head of a really big charter school, also runs the shit. Their personalities clash all the time, so alot of fighting. But we're catholic, so no divorce.

My parents made me the person I am today, and I think i'm pretty fucking great so i'm happy that they're mine.

you are a lucky person to have a dad like that. I think it can be a chadly thing to do to for non gigachads to be submissive in order to protect a good marriage

>I hope he fucks a ton of hot prostitutes on the side.
is your mom that much of a bitch?

I know, I am grateful every day.

Wouldnotbang/10. She was pretty hen she was younger, but after 40 went downhill fast. +She's 63 now and my dad 56. When I'm his age I still want to bang hot chicks, and not old women.

My dad's a chad. Is 60 but regularly works out, does BJJ and wing chung while lifting weights. Has a number of property's he just lives off the income. Bangs some rich bimbo from London with fake tits, has had steady puss his entire life (pretty sure he cheated on my mom, they're divorced). Pretty big asshole but liked by people at the same time. Part of me hates him honestly. He's way stronger than me but he's 5'7 so manlet, atleast I have that. I know I'll never beat him in a fight but best I can do is learn from the good parts of him.

>is a chad
try again.

>marrying older women

>dad was 6'2" green beret in 'nam
>currently 74, my mother is 13 years younger
>college-educated, still runs his own local hearing aid business
>chad as fuck voice, previously in announcing
>self-taught and proficient in a number of languages
>born in australia and raised there until he was 10; naturally endowed with bantz
>president of one of his community's service clubs, previously president of another one
>... raging alcoholic with extremely low temper
>probably suffered more than his share of PTSD as a special forces aidman (basically a combat medic with combat duties as well)
>voluntarily walked out of his children's lives when we were 10 and 13

we haven't spoken or even attempted to contact one another in 13 years. he was a good man, and he could have been a great man, but the liquor and his inner demons won.

>made the unchadly mistake of not raising his children properly

>wing chung

>liquid jew takes another victim
what's a community service club btw?

>anyone else have virgin parents

Not I'm but I'd guess like Rotary or Kiwanis

please use english

*Not him but I'd guess Rotary or Kiwanis
Both are clubs for community service. Key Club is the high school level Kiwanis basically

what happens in those things then?

He still raised you.
No matter what he is, he loves you and he works for you.
He wants what is best for you.

Nobody on this board cares about you. Your father does. Not saying your dad is perfect; but count your blessings you ungrateful piece of shit.

Which one is my father?
>Diet consists of meat and alcohol
>Physically and mentally abused my mother, however she still loved him
>Physically and mentally abuses his children, which turned all of them into healthy, strong and indenpendent people
>Gets into fist fights with my uncle and grand father regularly
>Used to lift
>His life nowadays - work, alcohol and sleep

They are offshoot branches of Freemasons which are branches of the Illuminati

then tell me that at the beginning you dummy

Get off of Veeky Forums dad

Google you mong

Citation? I did Key Club and had a few presentations at Kiwanis

You have autism

my dad was 6'5 and was doing back flips over fences and shit while undergoing radiation and chemo.

I don't think I'll even come close to him lmao

>You have autism
i know m8

>had cancer
>is a Chad
what did he mean by this?

>Nobody on this board cares about you


no idea man. He was insanely popular too, there were like ~2000 people at his funeral.

>Doesn't understand how cancer works
what did he mean by this?

>went to all my basketball games in high school
>paid my college tuition
I call him to tell him I love him once per week

>he beat you senseless but he loves you
top lel
sometimes he just doesn't give a shit about you m8

>understanding Rick and Morty
you need to go back
to Veeky Forums you 180+ IQ brainlet

fuck off shill.

I care about you OP!

>tfw dad ex-paramilitary now a spec ops

Fuck was i lucky

Fun fact:
When i was i kindegrden i told my frends what my dads job is and they didnt bealive me and teased me untill the end of the day when my father came to pick me up in a jeep with uniform on made the little fucks shit themselfs

Feels good

single mom, dad (didn't talk) was a drug dealer who was banging a hot thot in my school year who dropped out of school and is now banging a thot younger than me and hotter than my ex-wife.

>almost 2018

how can you be above 18 and with a dad in spec ops
did he have you when he was 12 or are you underage?

17 dude

Lmao similar Dad to mine, what a coincidence.


>Dad dropped out at 15
>Worked hard to provide for his 5 brothers/sisters because his parents were lazy
>Worked his way up in the Military, SoF
>Transitioned to Govt. Intelligence while studying full time to get a Masters
>Dad now makes 500k/yr
>Specimen of a human, intelligent, high test, built af, insane vo2 max

Only downside is that he was never around when I was growing up, but that taught me many critical lessons on how to survive on my own without relying on others.

thanks pajeet

>virgin parents

You seem to be unclear on how this works.

my dad was a police officer for 30 years after being drafted at 18 and sent to vietnam. he grew up the second youngest of 8 boys and 1 girl. only about 5'10''-5'11''' not super fit but knows how to scuffle from military/police training.

i'm 6'2'' 210# or so. learned from a very young age how to shoot a wide range of weapons, and the only means of physical combat was him telling me "never start a fight because there's no such thing as a fair fight" so any fights i got in growing up i didn't care about going for the balls or neck and then proceeding to kick the shit out of whoever was fucking with me once they were on the ground curled up. i think it was alright i have a older brother way over me who told me not to give a shit about anything in highschool minus grades and sports so i think that was good because i went to college already knowing highschool teen culture was retarded. idk i guess it's cool i've never been in a situation where i was helpless. my mom's pretty cool she just keeps her opinions to herself unless someone really pisses her off and she hates fat people so that's cool. i'm irish/german btw

>dad is 5'9, same about me. Didn't really know anything about him until į met him when i was 12 or so. Was abusing alcohol and left mom because of the same reason.
>mom is an alcoholic. Her health isn't at good condition. She might fuck her shit up someday with this.
>talk to dad sometimes. Talk to mom on weekends when I get back from uni. Can't make her stop.
I really love my mom but i can't fix her. I cry almost every time i see her. It really fucks my shit up to see her slowly destroy her life.

does she have any friends you could talk to about it?

>alcoholic single mom
truly a momlet
I'm sorry user

My mum is 4'11, passed her obesity onto me until i was a teenager and knew well enough to lose the weight, and is a pushover that taught me to put everyone else's happiness before my own.

My dad is 6'0 and genuinely autistic, told me he wanted me to die after getting married to my stepmum, then told me I am a terrible human and a failure of a son when I told him to fuck off when my stepmum died and he tried to re initiate contact with me.

I wish I had functional parents when I was a child.

Respect yo father yo ungrateful nog

You dont care about him but you're bitching about him ?

Lift, eat clean and respect your elders, you sodomite

My dad was chad. Handsome, athletic and knew his way around people. He grew up poor but rose up in spite of it all. My uncles tell me he had a new girl in his bed every week when he was my age(haha...). He met my mother in church and married her. My father worked his way up to supervisor at this car plant and life was good for me and them. He died of cancer when I was 11

too good for this world
>cucked by GOD himself

>being this dense

Pretty much tried everything I could. All of her friends understand that she's acting like a dumbass but they are lazy to do anything about it. And I'm powerless

"I lift to be the man I wanted my father to be."

Fuck, that hit me in the feels. My dad is a beta as well and I want to be the complete opposite of him

>virgin parents

My dad was a chad, but he wants me to be a virgin.
>don't smoke
>don't drink
>never did any drugs
>don't date
>don't go out to parties
>don't do anything but study, work and lift
>dad still complains about me being reckless and putting myself at risk with my "behaviors"

I'm not sure what else I could do to be safer other than killing myself.

He was a normal guy with friends and date a lot of girls, so I'm not sure why he keeps complaining and trying to make me be "safe".

These conflicts got to the point where I became violent with him when he started shouting at me. Mind you I'm taller, have lifted weights for the past 4 years and he's a frail 60 YO man, which means I felt awful about it.

*Dated. Crap.

chad father reporting in
>brown belt in judo
>goes to mma gym
>generally handy
>alpha af
>5' 10"
>full head of hair
>loving family and support system
>family property
all in all I got a pretty good roll

he wants you to be a better man than him


' 10"

why havent you made contact user? Help him with theliquor jew.

>My dad is a beta as well
I fucking hate this feel... He raised me an autistic nerd with no social skills. It's been so fucking hard overcoming this

I used to think my dad was alpha, but eventually realized he controlled my family members through intimidation and fear. When my mom finally left him, he realized those qualities wouldn't work anymore. He's a lot more passive now, but he still gets bursts of anger where he turns into a complete asshole. The difference is now when he does that, I'm not intimidated anymore, just sad for him. If I'm visiting, and he goes off like that, I simply tell him not to talk to me like that, and I leave. He's pushed a lot of us away lately because of that kind of thing. As much as it saddens me, he's going to die angry and alone.

The good thing that came out of it is that I have a pretty good temper, and won't resort to beating my kids when they get out of line. Basically he showed me what kind of man I shouldn't be.

My dad basically is everything you just described. However my grandfather of my mothers side is something else. He’s very well know powerful with a lot of connection everywhere. People literally come to him kinda like The Godfather daily and ask for favors. He is the most alpha and intelligent, and competent at everything I have ever seen. My mother is the female version of that as well. While My masculine senses were underdeveloped as fuck due to beta bitch dad, i have learned a lot from Mom and grandfather. I feel a very strong duality in my personality. I have a beta bitch depressed victim mentality that reminds people of my dad, and a strong intelligent businessman side that reminds people of my gradpa. I try everything I can to repress the beta bitch side. As long as I’m not depressed I’m doing fine. Working out has done wonders for me as a depression killer, and I generally avoid talking to him because it makes me angry and eventually depressed.
My dad is a strong proponent of determinism, saying that my fate is in my genes and all my bad behavior is genetic (same way he explains his own behavior) and it’s just this thought that he always puts in my head that fucks with me. Deep inside he knows I won’t be successful and almost doesn’t want me to be because he just knows I would never be successful.
Lifting and becoming one of strongest people in my gym through years of careful programming has shown me that determinism is bullshit and keeps me going
I feel for all of you brehs with beta bitch dads

M8, respect your family. I've got my fair share of family member that I don't understand and which seem beta to me, even if your father is a weakling, you need to tell him how you feel because we're all in the process of bettering ourselves, mentaly & physicaly.

The man is the reasob why you are here, stop hating and lift yourself, for after all, each generation must become stronger INDIVIDUALS than the preceders

>father is a small time businessman
>steadily going with my mother but has side hoes
>mom gets pregnant they get married
>fast forward 5 years
>main side hoe wins a green card
>marries her and moves to the states
>truck driver for 10 years
>comes back and builds side hoe a house
>her entire family moves in as well
>shoves his own mother on the other side of town because she annoys him
>at side bitch's request of course
>me and my mother get a small flat near grandma
>guess he doesn't want people to talk he left his family with nothing


>hates me and thinks I'm fucking retarded for not being his ideal version of a man
>which is basically himself in his own eyes

Dumb cunt, overall. Can't wait till he's too old to walk. I know exactly how that den of snakes he boxed himself into will deal with him.

beating kids is unequivocally terrible in every way
hell even yelling is counter productive
good on you m8

does he not respect your convictions though?
if you're on here you're most likely moderately intelligent healthy and Veeky Forums
why would he not like you?

My dad is probably my biggest motivation
>56 and still in better shape than most people here
>makes 6 figures easily
>Extremely respected at his work
>Stress engineer
>Go to guy when shit needs to get done
>Most reliable man I know
>Best work ethic I've ever seen
>Large presence for his relatively small stature
>25+ year marriage with my mom
>Natural leader
It's both a blessing and a curse because I'm not like him. I know he always wanted a son he could relate to but I've never shared intrests with him or been as good of a worker. I lift because I want to be a son my father can be proud of, I already wasted my teen years playing vidya 24/7. I was blessed by being 5'10" and am actually now bigger than him but I still don't feel like I'm not still a disappointment compared to him.

found the insecure brainlets
how does it feel that a """manlet""" will always be a better man than you?

then work your ass of you cunt
getting a goal is the hard part
having one should be easy as shit to do

he's a better manlet than me
not a better "man"
i'm joking m8
he's probably a good dude it's just bants

The one year anniversary of my dad's death is in two days. He was a Chad. You are twice the virgin you think your dad is by disrespecting him and taking him for granted.

He doesn't know me and he doesn't deserve to know me. Most of my life whenever I've been with him, I've either kept quiet or talked about the most mundane shit possible. I call him once every few months and our conversations last for 10 mins at most and that's how it's going to stay.

>tfw lost father 5 years ago
>I never got to say goodbye
He had severe problems with alcohol and was the main reason for my parents to break up but God damn I still loved him.
The only real lesson I learned is how I would treat my kids and be the best father I could ever be.

I am, every day I get closer. I still remember the first time he said he was proud of me and I actually felt like I deserved it. I don't want him to worry about me

goon on ye cunt

My dad went to Angola for Cuban military, so he's decently swole even now. He doesn't lose muscle mass when not doing shit for some reason, but i inherited most of my body from my mom including the marfans that skipped a generation through her and came right at me.

Father was a waste of space that emotionally abused myself, my autistic siblings and my mother.
>He didn't work
>Lived like a NEET for 16 years
>Stole copious amounts of money

My mum however
>Came from communist shithole with alcoholic parents
>Worked her ass off to support me (and him unintentionally)
>Makes over six figures now
>Taught me how to be a man and deal with my problems rather than bitch about it
>Taught me how physical and mental strength come hand in hand
>Goes out of her way to help anyone and everyone

My mum is the greatest person and the most "chad" like personality I have witnessed. There is no one else that I respect more and I should tell her this more often but I don't for some reason.

are you my any chance a nigger?

I am finally a father. Trust me. He wants you to be a good dad who makes lots of money and takes care of his family. I promise, user. He wants for you prosperity and family and he will feel his life is complete when you get it.

>chad mom virgin dad

Not wanting your kids to outdo you is fucking disgusting desu


Nope, 100% BulgARYAN.