Why bother with lifting "for strength" if even a little girl can destroy you with a kick to the balls?

Why bother with lifting "for strength" if even a little girl can destroy you with a kick to the balls?

Implying I won't destroy her with my balls first

Because your revenge on that little girl will be much sweeter if you can completely tear her apart with your incredible strength.

If one kick to the balls can take you down you're weak.

Are you forgetting that a kick to the pusi wouldn't hurt as well?


Fuck I need sleep.

Jokes on you bitch I literally get off having my balls kicked come at me.

Small children are the worst for suddenly grabbing and yanking on anything dangling. One of my sisters had her nipple piercing yanked off by her son at a nudist beach.

yes because thats going to happen. just going to walk right up stand there probly say some entitled shit then just slam her ankle right into my nuts right? someone tell me im a newfag for taking b8 ffs

> he doesn't go out in full plate mail

Sorry, I'm from Veeky Forums and lost. How good should by OHP be to wield a polearm effectively?

real life isn't anime user. Why do you think kiddos get raped by average bodied faggots?

Jokes on her, my balls have shrivelled and gone up into my body

You can't kick me in the balls if I'm sitting down 24/7

>One of my sisters had her nipple piercing yanked off by her son at a nudist beach.
So, did her nipple recover?

>nipple piercing
she deserved it for being a thot 2bh

I don't know; why have women been so passive for the past 10,000 years if all they needed to do to dominate men is kick them in the balls? Riddle me that Batman.

>not working out your balls
never gonna make it

My large penis actually protects my balls. It hangs lower than them and covers them pretty well, so if I get hit it is usually a kick in the dick and I've been through so much dick torture during masturbation, a kick doesn't phase me. This is 100% true.

if only there was some sort of game men played with one another throughout adolescence where one caught the other with a surprise nutshot until they instinctively covered their balls and developed a tolerance to getting hit there...

>Not training your cremasteric reflex every day

Never gonna make it

My thighs are getting big enough now that there's no gap for a foot to come up thru from below, so it'd have to be punch to the nuts... and I'd rip her arm off and beat her to death with it if she attempted a nut punch with my super sweet kung fu moves.

Because I'm not training to fight little girls, but to improve the things I do in my daily life (like carrying groceries, and lifting heavy shit at work)?

Seriously, if this is an actual concern of yours OP, you're probably a kiddy rapist.

>Because I'm not training to fight little girls
Never going to make it

I did karata when I was a child. I'd just judo chop her.

If I lived in Japan maybe that'd be on my list, but since I live in the US I'd rather train to fight grizzlies.

>Not wearing a cup that will damage surrounding tissue while leaving your delicate balls unharmed.

This desu.

>Not training your balls to overcome a mans greatest weakness.
Never gonna to make it

And that's why I do dips.

Dipping my balls into the gym twink's mouth while doing actual dips.