Help. 5'8" 220 lb male

Help. 5'8" 220 lb male

I made a bet with the boss that if I could get a 6 pack by Christmas he would let me buy his daughter dinner on a date. I never lifted in my life. What's the first thing I need to do?


youre fucked man

why would you take a bet that you cant win?

sage in all fields

best hope is strategic chest hair sculpting and optimal lighting OP

Maybe by next year's Christmas

Because his daughter always says she doesn't want to lift in case she gets so muscley. It's easy to get muscles

Nigga what kind of incest-cuck are you working for?

By showing up with a 6 pack of expensive beer you fag

at 5'8'' took me eight months to lost 25lb (~10kg) with this routine:

run (monday)
tuesday (muay thai)
wed (rest)
Thur (muay thai)
friday (rest)
saturday (running + calisthenics)
sunday (rest)

not even once I felt sick or injured during this 10 months

basically went from 82kg to 72kg

tl dr: u ain't never making it

for sure my dude, get a bunch of diuretics and don't eat until christmas.

Try not to die ;^)

Fasting and core work
Fasting means don't eat food and do things like crunches and leg raises.

>He let's you buy his daughter dinner
Lmao she probably thinks you're buttersoft cunt if this is something that makes you feel privileged

Firstly, bad idea. Never shit where you eat. Don't fucking do it. If you're a fucking idiot, however,

This guy has the right idea. It still fulfills the wording of the bet, shows you have a sense of humor, and works as a decent Christmas gift.

Failing that, dehydrate yourself for a couple days before hand, look up videos on makeup contouring, draw on some abs.

But for real, fucking don't.

losing bet op. fat doesn't come off that fast.

you're too short and too fat

Why? This is prime time content

Start fasting and working out, cardio on off gym days. I suggest GSLP, although anything higher in reps is good too. Don't do SS it won't give you anything except strength. Its possible but you need to be extremely dedicated.

SS don't help aestethics? fuck, I was extreme fasting to then get all over noob gains and become ripped. What could I do for that?

SS is primarily a starter program for building strength, you won't see much change in looks for a long time. Its a starter program, there are no ab workouts in SS

I can tell you haven't lifted for more than three months. Please stop giving advice.

1000 Cal's a day
Eat nuts and nothing artificial
Drink lots of water

Your only hope

It’s not gonna happen. Maybe take DNP and fast literally until Christmas. You will probably die. Unless you have shit tons of muscle you are going to have to loose like 60 pounds in 18 days. Get liposuction or something.

t. Mark Ripptoe

You already lost, what dumb bet.

>he doesn't know that 90% of weight loss happens in the kitchen

I do literally zero cardio and lost weight at twice the rate as you

Do keto untill Christmas then on the last couple days dehydrate yourself with alcohol. Then just flex really hard

> t. DYEL

8 months to lose 25 pounds??? lmfao dude. how bout instead of doing cardio half the week just eat less. I can cut 25 pounds in less than 3 months.

The fastest way to cut in my experience is intensive cardio like e.g. wind sprints.

>its easy to get muscles
then why are you such a fatfuck?


great job showing your boss that not only are you a retard, but also a faggot loser too.

all with 1 bet, well played user.

>Mega keks
I lost 25 kilos in 4 months