>nofap is placebo
Nofap is placebo
Congratulations on not getting a haircut.
please explain
I'm OP and I just made those two pics after discovering nofap reverses my hair thining.
>don't cut hair stupidly short
>looks like you have more hair
are you actually retarded lol? not even kidding
Hair isn't the only thing your head lost, go find your brain.
>Hair got longer after a month
Huh who would have thought?
Your hair is more grown out on the right. Jerking it has NOTHING to do with anything health wise. NoFap is a placebo and all you're doing is limiting your own pleasure.
>grows hair out
August Ames died for this shit
I cut my hair one day after taking the before picture.
Sure... you're not fooling anyone you Filipino
>n of 1
Nice study, OP
if anything nofap will increase dht and this cause more hair loss
>beating off so much your hair falls out
wew lad
Stop shitposting Patrick
No difference lmao. Masturbating once a week is healthy.
Try once a day.
you went from a norwood 2 to 3 XD
I struggle to do less than 3 a weekday and I am a busy person
40 hr job no wank weekends go gym 5 days a week
so....it's one day less than a month?
just shave it off at that point, no sense keeping it like that, fapping or not
>Deceptive shameful prostitute and pawn in the Kike's master plan to emasculate men gets whats coming to her.
Not that complicated /pol
>pornstar probably already depressed
>pornstar says she doesn't want to fuck faggots because they have aids
>twitter chimps out calls her homophobic bullies her, she probably lost some job opportunities. Pressuring her to do something sexually that she's uncomfortable with which is slimey and rapey.
>hangs herself
>the end
No fap is a meme you cum in your pants while you sleep anyway. Every study says that your testosterone actually decreases and your chances of prostate cancer increase. Unless you're a mongrel who jerks off 5 times a day thenin that case I would actually recommend no fap. No porn is legit tho.
There aren't 18 months in a year, fake and gay. Saged, reported, called the cops.
Oh man we love ya ya big goof