Are roids required for this body? My frame is very similar

Are roids required for this body? My frame is very similar

I would say no.

You'd have to work for some time, but nah, that should be achievable, probably close to the natty limit but with a small chest.

Unironically the natty limit

That bulge, unf

No but they are highly encouraged


it would take 5+ years of strict diet and work outs to achieve that level of lean body mass natural. and yeah, he does actually have a pretty shit chest

My chest is pretty shitty too; It's scary how identical my genetics are to that dude's. Even the protruding triceps and hip things

you fucking retards with those calculations again. people differ in their appearance, this is not only determined by muscle mass and body fat%. Its absolutely pointless

You can get that in 10 years of nonstop training as a natty or 1 year as a /fraud/

no but you'd only have short intervals where you'd look like that.

Roids would allow that look 24/7?

>let me ask a bunch of 14 year olds what's achievable


Yeah ok, dude literally looked Russian before roiding.

nah, he';s just really lean. Takes more dedication to a proper diet than it would roids

You can achieve that with 5 years of calisthenics and occasionally doing a curl bro routine and, here's the most important part, being active in your day to day life.
But there's something else.
You won't be able to naturally maintain that all year around unless you're a freak.
Nor would you want too. It's a lot of work to look that shredded.

But it will cost you a few decades off of your life and you might not be able to produce test or produce as much test as you normally would have ever again.

you're a fucking idiot

looked better in the left if he grew beard desu

>But it will cost you a few decades off of your life and you might not be able to produce test or produce as much test as you normally would have ever again.
or you could produce even more test and add years to your life, different strokes for different folks

>Drinking this much kool-aid

Zyzz died because of a heart condition, right?

Not to mention their balls might literally die and rot from necrosis after long enough

Absolutely not. The biggest part of his physique is a low body fat percentage; none of his muscle groups are abnormally large.

Who is that guy?

This one is achievable natty, but that doesn't mean he didn't roid.


yes. all you need is protein powder then maybe casein, bcaa, etc. if youre not like this within 1y lifting that means your supplement stack is lacking

No if you're genetically blessed with natural test and lifted for 20+ years.

Yes if you wanna get this result in 2 years max.

Everyone who says no is a DYEL and doesn't know shit about lifting btw :)

Thats a lot of hard work and good genetics.

Before? He looks roidy in both these.
