This has happened a few times in the past few weeks and I m tired of it

>This has happened a few times in the past few weeks and I m tired of it

Same story, different people. Basically I'm a white guy, beard, and at 6ft3, 250lbs so yea have some fat on me

Anyway, I go to a gas station to just pick something up and as I get out of the car I noticed a car pulls in and they just sit in the car, they dont get out at all

I go in buy my shit, and come out, ONCE I am outside the business these people get out of the car and go shop as I drive away, this has happened multiple times now, do they think I am going to rob them? Do they think it is awkward to be in the store at the same time as me?

It has made me self conscious desu, It is worse with women!!! I pull over and get gas, some car behind me. I go inside to pay, this chick just sits in the car. I pay, gas up and start my car

She opens her door, and starts walking to the gas pump as I am driving away. WTF is wrong with these people? Does everyone think I am a bad guy?

No i'm not a fucking soy boy, and I dont look like one

By those looks you get profiled as a white trash about to steal shit and they are terrified because that's what TV tells them.happrns all the time

So you either don't care about it or shave up and stop.being a fatass. People judge by looks, so you have to deal with by adapting to it or.not caring at all

>White thrash

Wow, okay
I should reconsider this shit. Basically I've had women grab their purse and hide it in elevators, while going into a store, I look at their faces and they act like I'm going to do something,

Are you fucking kidding me, I have property and make over six figures, not to mention my crpyto long term investments...

How do you dress normally? Clothing can be a big part of it.

Are you black? Probably just have a mean face

I noticed since growing a beard, those annoying charity people on the street stop hassling me. And I'm a skinny dude.

Also red clothes make your appear more attractive, maybe go full red riding hood

You're too intimidating. Smile, pop your eyebrows up for an instant, tilt your head to expose the side of your neck, show your palms. That sort of thing. Basic submission gestures intended to convey friendliness and honesty. Self-deprecating humor helps, too.

You don't need to go soy boy on them and adopt a soft, high voice and downward gaze, but don't scowl like you're going to rip their head off either.

So If I'm going to work and have to stop for gas or sips I dress like pic related. Usually same clothes for work except different shirts, but pants/shoes/jacket is always the same...

I went to go pick up takeout from a burger joint near my apartment the other day. I hadn't gone outside in over a day, was really tired from lifting and was a little baked and I got no sun this summer so i'm pale. Was wearing a black hooded jacket, just normal like any college fag would wear. Walk in to get my order, flirt a little with the girl at the front whose ringing me up. The manager comes over to shoot the shit, we bantz a little. Then he personally brings me my food and as i'm walking out says, "haha make sure you don't stab anybody tonight" and I let out kind of a laugh as I walked away from the exterior part of their establishment. I don't know if he meant for me to hear it. But it really bothered me, I went home and tried my best to make normal facial expressions in the mirror and compare myself to how I wanted to come off. I don't think i'm that threatening? I don't smile at all, i actually can't, such low seratonin it looks like i'm in pain if i do. My voice is really scratchy from smoking and I have bloodshot eyes all the time. but its not like I was acting like i was on drugs and I wasn't being rude. I was being really friendly, no inappropriate remarks, didn't act aggressive with the girl. Just asked her what she was studying, she was being receptive too and only left because the manager called her away to go take care of some tables. It felt like he profiled me as a some kind of thief or crook or gang member or something. I'm a whyte hispanic, clean shaven, average height for a whyte male, healthy wavy hair, not long. My dad and his friends worked in Law Enforcement so its not like I don't know how to deal with authorities. It was so bizarre and made me feel like human trash for a whole day. This was about a week ago. I got a hair cut and am wearing warmer colors and trying to smile a little more but I feel like he was just giving me a hard time and maybe I was being sensitive? Idk it was weird

i wouldnt worry about it
always try to be positive and bascially dont worry about this
not like you have to go around smiling and shit but just do your thing and be nice to people
you might find that you stop noticing this in other people becasue you find what youre looking for

>i wouldnt worry about it

Na, this is serious. I'm not white thrash and actually successful but I don't smile (I'm from east europe/slav) I was raised to never smile and show emotions

I'm used to that but why do they act like this in front of me? This has happened multiple times now and it is bothering me, wtf I'm connected with LEO and actually live a good life

But yea, big white guy with beard and I actually look like i lift...

it can be hard but once you break that mood or perception that youre in and be more detached then youll find that youre noticing ppl who are freindly towards you and like you
I know it sounds like some crazy meta level shit but we create our own realities
try to not relate to those thoughts, dont identify with them negative thoughts and instead look for the good and positive in people

>I'm a slav that never smiles
>why are people afraid of me

Truly one of life's great mysteries

Something like that happens to me quite often.

>ripped and strong looking
>skinhead (not a nazi) just dont care for hair looks
>full beard

Everytime I get into a group of people everyone seems afraid of me. They cant even look into my eyes. I don't get it, I'm a heart warming person, I care for animals so much that I went vegan and I'm an pacifist I dont want to fight anyone even if they attack me.

its just like what those ppl were doing with you, they were judging you in a negative way and so thats what they got
judge ppl in a good way and thats what youll get
simple haha

They just want you to stop talking about veganism for 5 minutes

Why are you being such a whiny fag about this?
If you want to look harmless, dress and act harmless. If you wanna be intimidating, dress and behave accordingly.

Fucking simple, I'm Russian too and look like I lift..

No one knows I'm vegan, I just tell them I'm vegetarian and I simply order vegan meals if i go out with friends. Makes stuff easier.

>240 fit vegan
>tries to downplay veganism
I think you might be the rarest vegan of all time.

Not sure why it is bothering me

I've had this persona/look like I'm some badass for a long time and I've out grown it. I stopped fighting, stopped training bbj, and now I'm just trying to live a normal life with a good job but other people look at me and for some reason act like I'm a problem or something, like i'm telling you people have told me before I am intimidating to some but why?

I'm trying to change because of this, but don't know how to smile often. I don't really smile at all unless something is funny

I dont downplay it, I simply dont care about explaining myself to others.

>my crpyto long term investments

people are always gonna judge you on how you look, you have 2 options
A)change your perspective and how you act
B)change how everyone else perceives you


it's literally because you're a slav

Slavs are one step below niggers in terms of never relaxing


They don't want to catch the gay you are radiating

whats so funny. I made over 50k in the last 2 months from my investments.

I think dressing the part is important. Like it or not, what you wear does affect your self-percetion and mood.
Try dressing in more lighthearted colors and more relaxed styles for a while, see if that works.
Plus, at the end of the day, who cares if someone is intimidated. You're no bully or villain, you know this, let them have their primitive presuppositions.

You're so wrong. You can relax around us.
Just because we don't tend to be emasculated self-loathing cowards, doesn't mean we're white niggers.

Yes, and I cashed out with a six-figure net gain, but long term crypto is 100% a gamble. I wouldn't do it without making sure you're putting the 23k max into your retirement accounts each year first.

I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that's how it is.

Doesn't help with all the "russia is the literal devil" shit that libtards are constantly pushing.

did the car pull up behind you? maybe they where just waiting for that pump

Because there's no distinguishing characteristics to the big cryptocurrencies beyond name recognition. They're all receipts that act as "proof of work" and don't entitle you to anything. Is a receipt for a Rolex really worth much more than a receipt for a pizza?

Once the market figures out they're not Picassos (i.e. when someone tries to spend these fucking things in any quantity rather than HODL them because they're going up), Bertrand competition is going to kick in and the price is going to equilibrate around their marginal cost, which is to say zero, since you can DIY your own cryptocurrency in about an hour these days.

No, she was in a different stall and didn't get out of the car until I started driving away

This happened a few times now and yesterday with some fucking dude who was standing in front of the door while i was inside, once i left he walked in

Literally, does he think I'm gong to rob the place? wtf

Not if the banks fail and crypto takes over or this is really just another pyramid scheme in this generation.

And yes I made a shit ton of money. And since I already cashed out, I expect to keep all of it.

No, I don't know when it will happen or I'd short. May you have better luck.

>recovering badass

I've never heard of this happening but the way you're talking about it does make sense.

just as a note, you can reap the best of both worlds if you keep that intimidating exterior normally but then switch to a friendly demeanour almost immediately when interacting.

people love the "hardened guy with a heart of gold" personality

>people love the "hardened guy with a heart of gold" personality

Yea, basically be a fucking soy boy fucking faggot

No. There's no scarcity in cryptocurrency as a whole. Nothing to prevent new competitors from entering the marketplace beyond their difficulty to use. And as soon as one really becomes easy, they all do. There's already a thousand of the damned things and BTC dropped to 40% of the market cap before the recent run.

Assuming the ecofreaks don't just ban it outright for using too much energy.

It's not a pyramid scheme. It's wildcat banking.

>being likeable automatically means you're a beta soyboy
>user can't into charisma

You want to pass some wisdom my way or just laugh at me?

You dont know how lucky you are op. I have basically the exact opposite problem, im sort of a recovering autistic nerd. Im 6’2 and just starting to look like i lift/lok tougher but still have the same beta personality in some situations and ive noticed more and more now that guys will sort of test me it seems. Like guys who are almost soyboy looking fags will posture at me and even fucking manlets will get an attitude way quicker than before. Idk if its just crabs in a bucket syndrome or what

Try smiling more often

You might be posturing, too. Or, worse, have fearful victim body language. Take a picture of yourself (set a timer on your phone or something and go stand on the other side of the room) and see if you have open or closed body language. Ask yourself, would you be the friend of a guy you stood like you do?

I'm decent size, 6'4" and 200 lbs, but people always seem friendly to me.

When I pull into a gas station I sometimes sit in my car for a few minutes just to check my phone or something. No one cares about you stop overanalyzing shit

Np user

Basically it all comes down to people liking you, this generally happens either because you make them feel good or they want to be like you and you inspire them, usually some combination of the two.

The reasons so called soyboys are mocked is because they try to go way to far with the "making people feel good" option and people then see them as a sort of "yes man" which then decreases the value of their making you feel good because you know they're doing it for an ulterior motive.

However if you stray too much into the latter category of trying to be a paragon or "badass" or whatever you can often end up pushing people away because they feel like they can't relate to you much or are threatened by you.

The reason the "badass with a heart of gold" image works so well is because it does away with the negative stereotypes around being aggressive and unapproachable and comes with a little bit of a shock factor which makes people assume any positive thing you do that makes them feel good is 100% genuine.

A good example of this is people like john cena and the rock, people can accuse them of selling out or "pandering" but ultimately that's what it's about, appealing to a broad range of people.

Another note about charisma is it hinges on self confidence(or fake self confidence at the very least) essentially, if you don't think you're cool (or chill or whatever image you're going for)why would someone else.

Really though just smiling can take you so far, I truly believe just looking cheerful will go along way to helping get those social gains(tm)

if any other anons would like to chime in I'd love to hear your thoughts too.