/dental health/ general

just wanted to remind everyone here:

>dentist check up twice a year

you're going to regret not doing this trust me, i fucked my teeth up a bit from brushing too hard and making some teeth sensitive and had to get 2 fillings

if you're a poor fag like me it'll cost a lot. you can minimize the cost by going to a dentistry school. it's super cheap and what the students do is checked and supervised by actual dentists.

the more you delay the worse your shit gets

how to brush properly:
>2 minute max
>better off getting a spin brush to make it easier
>brush the shit off your tongue too
>make sure to floss

Other urls found in this thread:


How do you tell if you're wisdom teeth is coming in? My lower left mollar is now weird, left jaw clicking all the fucking time, can feel a tooth under the gums. Is this my wisdom teeth? Dentist is fucking booked for a week. Please help a hypochondriac brehs

not sure if you're trolling but,
Wisdom teeth coming in are not going to kill you. Just make a fucking appointment now and hear from a professional that they are going to be cut out. It's no big deal. Mine were almost normal enough to be left in, but sometimes they fuck up and have to be cut. That leads to a lot of inflammation. But whatever, you're a big boy, aren't you user?

does anyone actually like it when they do this shit in porn?

im just worried about the jaw clicking and swelling

how long are you out from eating normally after you get them pulled

Well, I didn't eat certain food like meat, fruits, vegetables with skins for a week or so.
But that was mostly because I was lazy about making sure that i cleaned the holes left behind so decomposing food did not harm recovery.
It really isn't a serious operation, user. Just get it done if you can afford it, then you'll be golden forever.

REMINDER: watch out for (((dentists))) who want to pull your wisdom teeth when there's nothing wrong with them.

This will narrow your jaw, can create a sunken face, and overall make you look more feminine.

It's (((big business))) though. So watch out!

yeah, there is a whole subset of fat faggots and actual women and chads who like this stuff. its fucking disgusting idk why sex has to turn into murder simulator for people. just go to a fucking boxin gym and punch actual men in the face or become a cop or a soldier its so fucking gay

any reputable dentist would pull it out if it's growing wrong pic related ask for a copy of them

What about dentists that suggest pulling baby teeth that have only some sign of decay?

How much does braces cost?

I'm going to get xrays for them tomorrow morning

Costs anywhere between 2-3k depending on how fucked up your teeth are, maybe more

The bottom one unfortunately is fucked. Top one could come in fine for a teenager/early adult, especially if they have the option of palatal expansion of some form (mewing if young enough could do it).

Get multiple opinions. Hard to say since it's a baby tooth, how old are you?

DO NOT REMOVE TEETH THAT DON'T NEED TO BE REMOVED. There are many horror stories of people who actually get braces to "open up" their teeth so they can get fillers to put back teeth that have been removed. Imagine 5 years: (((dentist))) pulls teeth, puts you in braces, then 2 years later you're fucked with a narrow cuck palate and jaw due to bone resorption, then another 2 years you get the braces to re-open the spots, then you finally get the fillings then braces again to fix your smile/bite.

Meanwhile you've lost your youth.

Be very fucking careful. So much quackery in this field.

Me on the left

Got a slight overbite, teeth are normal

shouldnt be more than 3k i guess. if you've been going to the same dentist for a long time they'd probably give cut you some slack

Thanks, this is for (you)

i mean i actually have a bondage fetish and this shit turns me off. it's one thing if the people in the video are clearly enjoying being dominated or whatevs, this shit is just weird tho

The big thing too is that they can suddenly fuck up later in life too.

omg who is this

idk but she got nudes

>get braces to fix underbite before it fucks up my teeth permanently
>one tooth doesn't move because it's fused to my jawbone, not stuck that far out of place though
>ortho asks me every fucking time I see him if I want him to remove it and get an implant
Just fuck off already

are they hosted somewhere?

can u post the uncensored version

I forgot, it was somewhere on imgur

find it

I fucked up my teeth really bad when I was 15 and I haven't been able to fix them, it's been 5 years. I don't have money for a dentist, the fuck do I do?

too hard to find


Dental schools often offer discounted services. For good reason.

Maybe talk to a dentist and see if he can help you with some ideas.

user plz

Reverse image search you fuck


all it's giving is:
>guide dragon ball xenoverse icon

because of the stupid censoring thing you're using

post on b or r, you will find the girl, in the meantime here's a trap for you

motherless /GI6492BF9?page=1


I was eating normally in a few days, but I had a good recovery, no pain killers required.

First couple of days were yoghurt, smoothies and soup. Not too bad brah.

Dental schools offer better quality work than outside dentists. Dental students are not getting paid so they never suggest treatment that is not necessary. They are graded on their work so they always take their time and put in the effort, unlike normal dentists that just want to get you in and out as soon as possible. Dental schools also offer the most recent technologies and highest quality materials.

However be prepared for it to take several times longer than a normal dentist. A filling that should take 15-20 minutes will take 1-2hrs because the student needs each step checked and rechecked and will go slow to insure the most ideal dental work. So don't be surprised if you need to be in the chair all morning or all afternoon.

thanks user

>tfw day 3 nofap

I like fingers in girls mouths.

Look up Dr. Weston Price and his research, never see a dentist again. It's literally a huge scam. Virtually all tooth decay can be reversed and prevented with proper diet.

user I'm missing half of my front tooth, how the fuck do I reverse that

Had all my wisdom teeth pulled because they started to hurt like hell and started to get worried about how it would change my face, but now I’m getting Invisalign to straighten out my teeth but I have get to wear a palette expander for 3 months first. Anyone have experience with them and if they actually improve your face/jaw? Im 22 btw

My dental hygiene is fine, what's worrying me is my increasing jaw clicking and clenching, especially during night. I bought a night guard for my clenching and it seems to be working (waking up with a more relaxed jaw/no headaches) but now I'm trying to work on TMJ exercises that I can do. Does anyone have a good routine? I am also working on my resting oral posture - not clenching teeth, tongue to roof of mouth and lips closed. Anything else I can do to help? I had to get my jaw aligned through headgear when I was younger and I'm really hoping it's not just falling back into place.

I don't watch porn with dudes in it.

how can someone's masculinity be so fucking fragile?

Use tineye its better for modified images.
I found it already

its like youre 14


Thank you user keked and got the Images, YES!

i have fucking awful dental hygiene and always have. last time i went to the dentist, they joked that i should be able to pick up radio waves with all the metal in my mouth. i know a lot of the damage is irreparable without surgery at this point.

does anyone have advice for getting into the routine of regular brushing and flossing? i know it's a relatively effortless thing, i don't know why i'm so shit at it

also, i probably need at least one wisdom tooth remove because it's impacted and has come in at a bad angle. my dentist indicated when i was 17 that i would want them all removed, but i don't really buy that. will this at all change how my face looks? i'm going on 23.

I find it more emasculating to watch other men have sex with women you're attracted to, while you sit in a chair watching and jerking off to it.

You need to go back from the shit hole where you crawled from

name or scene of pic?
reverse image just brings me to 9gag

did you go get it checked out at the doctor or dentist?

i think the physios can help you but you should call ahead and ask if they know shit about jaw muscles