second day in the gym. how weak am I?
ultimate DYEL?
Second day in the gym. how weak am I?
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2nd time in the gym with no athlethic background kind of weak
>second day in the gym
Wowie what a surprise
Which app is this?
1. What app?
2. You're weak as shit but in 6 months you wont be.
Stronglift 5x5
What app senpai
give it 6 months you'll look different but still be weak. give it a year and you might just be able to out lift the average dyel, but just barely.
every fucking thread has K fucking G. dont you faggots know this is america we use POUNDS. How the fuck can anyone help you when NO ONE knows what the fucking hell your talking about.
god im sick of this shit every fucking thread
The reason Stronglifts starts out with low weight is so you can work on form and cns before you get to higher weights.
Don't feel too bad about it; and if it's your first time lifting you'll still see gains. Just because you're anxious to see results don't add in a bunch of accessory exercises either.
Make sure you accelerate through each motion, otherwise you're not pushing your muscles hard enough and you're overworking yourself.
Did you even read the program before you started? Just start with the empty bar, dumbass. You shouldn't be failing anything for at least the first month
Not op, but im adding accesories to the workouts because if I leave with a fair amount of energy I dont feel like I've worked out my stress. The other day I did workout A and a handful of extra exercises and then ran 3 miles. I felt way more relaxed afterwords, so I hope its not negatively impacting what im supposed to get from this.
Stop doing stronglifts and start doing SS faggot.
I started with 5x5 Stronglifts two years ago with around the same weight, My current bench is 275, deadlift 385, Squat 525, OHP 225. It is a useful program to begin with, goodluck user.
the app gave me these weights dickhead
it does have the option for accesories, any downside to adding in some?
Why would you lie about something so easy to disprove? The app does not start you with those weights. It starts you with
20kg squat
20kg ohp
20kg bench press
30kg row
40kg deadlift
it asks you for your previous numbers then gives you weight based on those.
unless you're an amputee whose just gotten brand new arms, you've lifted shit in daily life before
>weight training is the same as picking things up in daily life
If you haven't done weight training before, you should be starting with the lowest weight possible.
Stronglifts is legitimately not a good program. 5x5 is harder to progress on because of how exhausting it is, just do SS, 3x5 is better. I also suggest actually reading the book Starting Strength for form advice and some good info. Starting Strength Podcast is good too. Track your workouts in a notebook, and plan your progress ahead. Don’t worry about low numbers at first. Just focus on eating enough and adding weight to the bar.
you don't up the weights after an easy set?
you literally only ever lift 20kgs because a man on thr internet told you so?
What are you talking about? Read the damn program, man. If you haven't weight trained before, don't tell the app you have. Add 5kg to your squat each workout until it gets heavy, then add 2.5kg. Add 5kg to your deadlift each workout. Add 2.5kg to your bench, ohp, and row each workout until it's too heavy, then do 1.25kg.
The best way to gain strength is progressive overload. You can't increase the weight if you go to failure all the time.
The program works extremely well. Just stick to it and you will get stronger.
get a real program mate. you need more volume per set
>dl 385
>ohp 225
Wanna know how I know you're a DYEL
I mean the strength progress should be insanely quick, so there's no need to worry about it. You could probably do a lot more if you already knew proper form.
>he's a DYEL because he follows programs properly
neck yourself
damn man you can incline bench 225 thats pretty neat.
hes dyel because he doesn't lift heavy
I started SL in June 2016 after a year of fucking around with machines; I would bench the bar, squat the bar and deadlift the bar because I had to learn the movement. I could see guys giving me weird looks because they probably had never seen a male use such little weight. Yesterday I deadlifted 4 pl8s, making me the third strongest deadlifter in my gay commercial gym. I've reached 1.225/2.45/3.075/4 and everybody has stopped giving me unsolicited advice, except for two guys who are stronger than me. Stay consistent with your training, change program when you start stalling too often (maybe something with more upper body work, as SL is almost a SS rip-off) and you will make it
It doesn't matter where you are. What matters is your plan.
>4 reps on DL
do you even read the sticky?
I can tell you didn't read the program and can't be bothered reading the program. So progressive calisthenics will be better for you because you will hurt yourself if you think deadlifts are "just pick the barbell up bro".
Pretty sure that means he failed on 5th.
it's your second day so it doesn't matter how weak you are dawg
you can do it user become the strongman i know you can
good work user, keep working at it
but I also strongly recommend you try another program. I did SL for a long time, and I'd do the exact same thing on my OHP: do the first 4 sets okay, then constantly stall on the very last rep of the 5th set. I couldn't even get to one plate on my Bench.
Then I switched to GZCLP and got there in just a few works. I've seen great progress using it, unlike the months I wasted struggling with SL. Even for a beginner, this is 100x better.
I can squat 15lbs heavier than bw for 7 reps building up through pyramids. What is my 1rm?
How is deadlift that low? I know you're new but that number really doesn't look right
have you tried ladders? a crappy example for brevity:
1 rep
2 reps
3 reps
1 rep
2 reps
3 reps
1 rep
2 rep
3 reps
Lel. My personal best is 3.0125456784 plates
LMAO doing the program WRONG
try reading the PDF, I hope you get doms you stupid pussy
>I hope you get doms
that is the nicest insult i have ever heard
No i go 7 reps each set, each set 20 lbs heavier, total 6-7 sets. Heaviest set is 15lbs more than bw. Also pre lifting i do sprints on a small bmx bike for 3 miles.
Your pounds are defined by metric weights.
>he cant convert