>born into insectophoboc western culture
feels bad man
>born into insectophoboc western culture
feels bad man
quads of truth. cricket macros are insane.
Where can I buy mealworms, and is it cheaper than protein powder per pound?
>Onion fags BTFO
Get on the cricket train lads
>most diverse class of animals by far with plenty of options and room for culinary creativity
>rich in complete proteins healthy fats, fiber-like chitin, and complex carbs
>far cheaper to raise than traditional sources of protein
The only thing stopping us from becoming satiated, big-dick bug eaters is fear-mongering normie propaganda
This board needs to meme entomophagy into Western culture NOW
taco de gusano uma delicia
I would eat like crickets, scorpions, and maybe some grubs and shit. No grasshoppers or spiders though.
Got any more comfy bug cuisine vids?
Wasn't some guy growing cockroaches?
>eat crickets like an actual insect
I havent been able to find cheep insect protein. I think its an economy of scale thing.
We eat shrimp and lobsters and crayfish. The fuck you talking about "insectophobic"?
I'd actually eat something like crickets, something crunchy, and I've tried them before. Those caterpillar things though? No fuckin way lad
>shrimp and lobsters are insects
Same phylum but differnt class m80
None of those things are insects as they have meat and mass.
I'd probably buy these over meat some of the time. I know John the baptist ate locusts in the wilderness. Seems like a really sustainable food.
>The year 2030
>Insects are a common, economical protein source
>"You eat HOW many portions of insects a day, user? What about the cholesterol?"
A bit like how normies complain nowadays about eggs.
holy shit lads
ya I KNOW! We're missing out on huge gains.
Stop eating meat
I've had them deep fried when I in Mexico 8 years ago. They are generally flavorless unless you add seasoning, but so calorie dense. I'm also Jamaican (white though) so nothing repulses me.
how do I become a Veeky Forums insectivore?
>dat multi-macro satiety
insects will eat literally anything included in your current diet
found the screencap, too lazy to edit out the fags that can't get over the ew factor