No fap december

Hows your nofap december going so far Veeky Forums

Well there’s old people in my house all day, I was kicked out of my room so they sleep in there and I sleep with my parents, and my sisters moved back in so I can’t actually find a place to jerkoff

I started on Sat, and it was ok at first but I can't stop thinking about sex and I get erections constantly.

Debating about whether to blow my money on hookers (fully legal here) or just stay celibate until I find a gf.

Minus the hookers I get laid on a biyearly basis so idk wtf to do.

I think I am feeling increased energy, but it comes at the cost of focus, since I'm thinking about sex all the time.

same boat as you but I think that the constant boners have to eventually stop

How am I supposed to make them stop, when I can't stop thinking about sex?

Does using hookers violate Nofap?

i'm on day 5 which from experience i've found is always my hardest day
only gets easier from here
fucked it up last time on a 20 day streak and felt so shitty about it

I fapped twice, but it wasn't to porn so it's all good.

honestly i think the real problem is porn so as long as its a real girl then go for it but it may be worth it to abstain just as an exercise in discipline but you do you senpai

I was thinking the same thing, which is why my initial aim was to abstain until the 16th, but now I'm thinking that if I make it this weekend I'll treat myself on monday or tuesday.

You have to understand, I've been fapping non-stop almost for 9 years or so.

A lack of fapping gives me really bad premature ejaculation though, so I'll only last a few minutes

this shit doesn't work, just control yourself like an adult and jerk off a few times a week or ONCE a day you fucking animals