Meanwhile on Bizzaro Veeky Forums

Meanwhile on Bizzaro Veeky Forums....

I'm making just as much progress in my social, professional, and romantic life as I am in the gym!

Traps aren't gay

this is a good board

>i love my body exactly how it is

This is a good thread.

I got promoted to king of the lanklet pit

WOW lifting actually cured my social anxiety

>tfw gf


My father loves me and didn't force me to pose nude so he could sell the photos to his friends

Delete this.

steady on

It actually kinda did for me

Do reps until failure bro

Kek. I keep hearing the lanklets mumble to themselves about the "day of the pole vault", whatever that's supposed to mean. They will never learn.

How do we unlock our inner Brad, Veeky Forums? I want to date a Tracy.

Also, had anyone else noticed they got way more heterosexual when they started browsing Veeky Forums?

>tfw you will never be as big as the king of /fat/

What's the point /fat/

got a gf by just being myself


I'm so happy with my current body


Man, I really think I need to eat less. All this muscle is going to slow me down when I run!

Onions make your grow tits, eat your soy


I’m glad we lift for our own well being but health exists at every size

check out this faggot i found on youtube
>roided as fuck
>larping as a chad
>pedo mustache
>oozes insecurity
>literally copies everything alex and jason do

Good fuckin morning Veeky Forums



you just had to do it huh


Take it back

You mean they will learn.

My ex called me today. She is a nice person and I wish her all the happiness in the world.

Sup brahs, new video coming out soon

I don't even feel any pain doing deadlifts.

They called deadlift for some reason user-kun

onions lower your t


Sup fit, being vegan has helped me become more powerful and I'll definitely live longer and not look like an old leather bag by age 40.

Don't read the sticky

>be me, 5'6" master race
>walking to work, cut through park to get some of that shade from trees
>watch as this 6'2" freak attempts to duck down under a low branch
>still hits his head
>mfw I pass through without needing to get lower

Manmores, when will they learn?



Making great gains doing CrossFit.

Why the fuck did Boogie have to die just as he was turning his life around, while this bloated mutant freak gets to live forever?

It's just not fair bros

Why are you posting pictures of well respected and very much alive philanthropist Pauper Harmonica?

>Meanwhile on Bizzaro Veeky Forums....

I'm a /pol/fag and do actually lift and not just shilling my dumbness on this board.

we're all gonna make it brah!

Is that supposed to be funny?

I was having some issues with my bench form (not many people in my gym do that lift) and I asked one of the manlets for help. He was super knowledgeable! Is there anything those guys don't know?

Very creative user

Im happy

Traps are gay

None of us are going to make it, and that's okay.

Not everyone makes it.

Maybe you won't make it.

Just accept it.

Not everyone will be Veeky Forums even if you put in the time and everything

were not gonna make it

Fuck onions eat more white bread.

also soy is actually great for you and you should drink your water ONLY from plastic bottles

Squat plugs were never invented

>Using squat plugs
Don't you know that shitting while squatting cleanses you way better than a toilet ever could?


fuck you zzyz . Go die in a hot tub or something. Put your fucking trip back on so we can roast you for being the most uninspiring, negative, and fatty enabler that you are. God damn.

Not gonna trick me into shitting on the floor today pajeet

>not having the manlet pit directly under the squat rack
You aren't supposed to just shit directly on the floor, dumbass

a man can dream



how are gifs like this made?

Dudes eating soy produces fucking sick gains! Onionboys btfo just like carnivore lanklets

>goal body

What's the point of getting stronger? To move filing cabinets slightly easier?

Damn it. RIP in pepperoni Pianoman. That bitch took your soul, Damn it.

I have a perfect body already but between spending time with my girlfriend, friends and my family I almost don't have time to help my friends to reach their perfect body too. I am helpless Veeky Forums what should I do?

lol it seems to be counterproductive in that respect. Probably because it's an entirely separate goal to pursue that can take a lot of time and effort and can become addictive. Plus the desire to speak with the mediocre fatties you're surrounded with (speaking for myself) completely dissipates. Lurking on 4ch doesn't help

Forget him dude. Outgrow your family, become something they will cower in the face of for your sheer scale of accomplishment and power.

/pol/ detected

If only...



I just got married to my high school sweetheart and found out that I am going to be a father soon.

Saw a girl squatting today and stared at her butt a little. It was a nice ass.

n-no straight

Fucking straight degenerate, day of the gay soon

Breeders get out

This is what Veeky Forums is now.

guys i've fapped every day for like 12 days straight when do my superpowers kick in

Fuggin stoppp

Fuckin kek highly underrated

>tfw gf

How do you get your daily soy intake? Me, I drink soy milk.

> not sticking whole edemame beans up your ass for optimal absorption
> not making it

>tfw the gym receptionist forgot to tip me
