Not being a noble warrior with a pure heart

>not being a noble warrior with a pure heart

never gonna make it

saiyan were mindless monkeys. If they didn't kill each other is because our Lord Freeza took them as slave soldiers.

>If they didn't kill each other is because our Lord Freeza took them as slave soldiers.
no they would have just turned into string bean pussies

>super Saiyan doubles
But Goku isn’t noble bruh, he risks the lives of others just to have sick fights

thats high test

Getting yourself deleted from existence by mouthing off to a capricous god so you can have a better fight with someone completely different is high test?

what do you think noble is?

Having high ideals or morals.
Goku is a low-class thug with dreams of being a better thug. Vegeta is a high-class thug who makes the same shit decisions (Freeza, Cell, Majin).
Piccolo may be outclassed, but at least he makes good decisions.

>At club last week
>See this ugly ass Syrian/Indian dude trying to sneak up behind some girls to get a grind
>Say "is this guy bothering you?"
>Girl tells me yes, he'd been following them for 3 hours and they had to keep moving to avoid him
>I go on and tell the dude to fuck off
>He tries to confront me, is a whole 4 inches shorter and is skinnyfat
>My friends comes to back me up, the Punjabi menace pussies out and runs away
>Girl kisses my cheek and gives me her number
>Thanks me again later over text
>"Just trying to be chivalrous"

Did I unlock Super Saiyan yet, Veeky Forums? Or at least some paladin powers?

did you really say "chivalrous" out loud?

pic related is the most noble warrior

Over text lol. Was quoting James Marsden on westworld

because he plays for basketball team "Warior"


>Not taking the world as it comes and trying to go on the most epic adventure possible.

You keklets make me laugh


This thread needs more goku fuck anyone that disagrees, you are in the wrong thread obviously.


Original Kid Goku Dragon Ball was best Dragon Ball

The fights were actually well choreographed, it was actually avout martial arts and there was some cool mysticism shit to it.


agreed, reading the manga when i was kid was a great experience

post screenshot lmao

>caring about social norms when you can destroy the planet

>Did I unlock Super Saiyan yet, Veeky Forums? Or at least some paladin powers?
Well, you're a white knight if that's any consolation.

Let us see this

Clearly OP does, or he wouldn’t have mentioned it.

>friends come to back me up

> not being der reine Tor

Never gonna make it.


You pathetic nerd. You will never be a warrior. You've probably never even been in a fight.

>not literally leaving humanity behind to become the highest class of demon
>ever making it

Is he /ourguy/?

Goku is actually a bit of a dick when you think about it

Worst character designs ever. Glad they’re gone even though they’ll be wished back

pic not related since he was literally a b(eta) class demon

>He doesn't lift so he can die smiling in some distant future.
Not gonna make it.