Find a more iconic Veeky Forums related movie scene.
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Find a more iconic Veeky Forums related movie scene.
Protip: You can't
Gotta watch the classics. A Streetcar Named Desire is practically an homage to the Veeky Forums male form
brando was so fuckin hot in that movie. no homo
Dillon, You son of a bitch!
>Evans is 5'11.5 aka manlet status by Veeky Forums's standars
>fucking Captain america is a manlet
really makes you think
came here to post this, but i guess most of the 13 year olds who populate this board wouldn't know what this movie is
I remember watching this in my 10th grade english class. The girls were so thirsty for Brando. I overheard one of them talk about how they wanted to bang Brando's character even after watching him beat the chick in the film.
Stanley is a goal role of mine. Unfortunately I'm a bit too short to play him on stage and capture that physical presence he's meant to have
Uh... How tall are you? You know that Brando was only 5'9", right. If that's a bit too tall for you, I can only hope that you were born with something else that gives you worth besides your height, user.
The future is now, old man.
5'7". But Brando played the role on film where you can do unseen things with set pieces to change height appearances. Streetcar is only done on stage nowadays so even if I got the build right, they'd need a pretty short bunch of girls to match
Who the fuck doesn't know Terminator 2?
Clearly that's Kindergarten Cop.
Fuck yeah that's a top movie, "Come on Cohaagen give deez people air"
movie title?
if you're chad enough you can juggle and deepthroat whole eggs and it's not even weird
This, 100 percent Veeky Forums
>but i guess most of the 13 year olds who populate this board wouldn't know what this movie is
yes, thats why its the first post
Read the post you mong
Are you kidding me
>Find a more iconic Veeky Forums related movie scene.
Yeah literally all of pumping iron
Rocky Montage, pick your favorite
Shiet havn't listened to those albums in ages, shame Tim Lambesis went mental and tried to get his wife killed.
This whole movie.
Chris Evans is a liberal cuck and a faggot.
This was my goal for quite a few years.
well this is more Veeky Forums related than every other Image in this thread faggots.
/thread you faggots
can't help but laugh every time i see him after he whiteknighted for Moldylocks
This scene is one of the reasons I started lifting again.
I met this girl last summer, very cute and funny. We had kind of a summer fling. We both started developing some feelings. She showed me this exact scene and told me muscular guys make her horny.
Now she's long gone. Apparently, I wasn't enough.
Bay's best movie yet everyone hates it for no good reason
>Switches to a curl grip
Kind of ruined my immersion
Are you retarded?
Toxic Avenger has the best gym scenes
wait wasn't he the antagonist? Also didn't he rape his wife's sister?
Basically the entire avengers cast, after that moronic preachy video they did to try and sway the election.
The CIA got you pushing too many pencils?
This whole board is that scene in Batman Begins where a beam falls on Bruce and my cocaine goes
>whats the use of all those pushups if you can't lift a bloody log
the log can be anything you want it to be. Lift that log and you don't have to keep coming here anymore
>t. Zack Snyder
Are you swole enough to knock out an alien's outfit?
[spoiler]heebie kikeburgers don't get this[/spoiler]
Crom...I have never prayed to you before...
oh to hell with it...
thats 4 eggs and 1 onion
Brando is 5'7 retards
obviously Wiseau represents the peak male body
Spartacus was so fucking good
>he doesnt curl 1choppa
Came here to post this
IT guy
Brad poster
What's the name of the movie?
Wait, was he actually that ripped in the movie??
No it's a fucking photoshop
Pain and Gain
Good shop then
I'm unemployed
I can’t watch webm’s on my iphone, so please op keep posting gifs
same, hope you have a nice xmas user
If she was showing you guys that “make her horny” while being with you, I have some bad news for you cucko
I think he's supposed to be the antagonist, but when I was watching the movie I was on his side the whole time
>wife's sister is a nutjob hoity toity thot
>shows up in their life basically uninvited
>takes over their house and shits on their relationship
>gets her just comeuppance at the end of the movie with her breakdown
Come to think of it, that movie Blue Jasmine was basically a modern retread of Streetcar. """Upper class""" sister wrenches herself into working class sisters life and shits over everything, burns all her bridges and is sent away at the end
Stanley and Chili did nothing wrong tbqh
Rape scene is where?
Superhero movies are for children, women and faggots.
The chest touching scene is more iconic and motivational if you're lifting for what matters (looks).
Go home kids, this is now a grown-up thread
The beam is feels and nothing else
absolute garbage
Get the Chan app on the App Store desu
>Except shame and spaghetti
The thing about Williams is that his characters' roles are highly dependent on perspective. Stella could just as easily be the protagonist because she is the centerpiece of the character relationships. Stanley and Blanche can be "unlikable deuteragonists" because both are shitty people but lead the action through the whole story with motivations justified by the audience member's perspective. Blanche tends to get more sympathy though because she's mentally ill
This is the only real answer
>Marvelcucks on Veeky Forums
He's joking, yes he was that ripped
seriously look at those delts!
Is that insane genetics or did they have roids back then?
I typed in "chan" "chan app" and "Veeky Forums" and I'm not seeing anything.
I’ve had a look lad as I’m using an iPad, always have done to browse Veeky Forums.
Found an app called ‘The Chan’.. maybe this is the one that referenced?
yep this looks like the one, too bad it's not free but it does seem like you can view webms
It’s only £2, a steal desu.
I’ve just downloaded it, and it’s good so far. Reminds me of Chanu and Clover back when I used Android. I’m sure the problems with viewing webms will be fixed soon
Well I guess I'll be the one to post it since you faggots are too hipster to keep it real
what is this I dont watch movies